Kate (Linux)

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Mark text one character to the left

Shift + Arrow Left

All hotkeys for Kate (Linux)

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Toggle between Insert and Overwrite mode.


29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor one character to the left

Arrow Left

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor one character to the right

Arrow Right

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor up one line

Arrow Up

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor down one line

Arrow Down

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor up one page

Page Up

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor down one page

Page Down

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Delete the character to the left of the cursor


29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor to the beginning of the line


29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor to the end of the line


29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Delete the character to the right of the cursor (or any selected text)


29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Insert newline including leading characters of the current line which are not letters or numbers.

Shift + Enter

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Mark text one character to the left

Shift + Arrow Left

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Mark text one character to the right

Shift + Arrow Right

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)


29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
What's this?

Shift + F1

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Ctrl + F

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Find Next


29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Set a Bookmark

Ctrl + B

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Copy the marked text to the clipboard

Ctrl + C

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
New document

Ctrl + N

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Ctrl + P

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Quit - close active copy of editor

Ctrl + Q

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Ctrl + R

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Save your file

Ctrl + S

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Ctrl + V

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)
Delete the marked text and copy it to the clipboard

Ctrl + X

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Ctrl + Z

29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Earth 5 (MacOS)
Rotate view clockwise / counter-clockwise
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Select or unselect one character to the left / to the right.
Work with Data Selections - Select inside cells

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Back ten frames
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift page up

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Back ten frames
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Page Up

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Decrease/increase brush size by 10 (Extract only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right with Brush Size Slider showing

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Manage Access Features - Form Controls

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
Manage Access Features - Text Boxes

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Extend a selection one character to the left.
Edit and move text and graphics: Extend a selection

Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Manage Access Features - Design View

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Google Docs (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the right / to the left
Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Google Docs (MacOS)
Extend selection one character to the right / to the left
Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Select or unselect one character to the left / to the right.
Insert and Edit Data - Select inside cells

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Media Player Classic (MPC) (Windows)
Jump to keyframe

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Back ten frames
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift page up

Sublime Text (Windows)
Extend selection one character left arrow/ right arrow
Navigation - Standard Selections

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Back ten frames
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Page Up

Sublime Text (Windows)
Extend selection one character left arrow/ right arrow
Selections - Standard Selections

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Text and Data - Form Controls

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
Working with Text and Data - Text Boxes

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right
Shortcut Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right / Arrow Down / arrow up , / Command + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Select or unselect one character to the left / to the right.
Format Data - Select inside cells

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Select one character to the left.
Work with Text and Objects

Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Text and Data - Design View

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Add previous/next photo to selection
Comparing photos in the Library module

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

CATIA V5 (Windows)
Rotate to the left / rotate to the right
38 Shortcuts for CATIA V5 (Windows)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Back ten frames
Shortcut Keys for using the Animation panel in Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Page Up

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (MacOS)
Add previous/next photo to selection
Comparing photos in the Library module

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Avid Media Composer 7 (MacOS)
Moves 10 units on a slider instead of 1 unit.
Effect Mode

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Avid Media Composer 7 (Windows)
Moves 10 units on a slider instead of 1 unit.
Effect Mode

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Select or unselect one character to the left / to the right.
Formulas and Names - Select inside cells

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Access Views - Form Controls

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Select or cancel selection one character to the left.
Work with Dialog Boxes

Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
Working with Access Views - Text Boxes

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

FL Studio (Windows)
Shift steps left
Channel Window & Step Sequencer

Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Inside a cell: Select or unselect one character to the left / to the right
Basic and Advanced Cell Selections

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Virtual DJ (Windows)
Nudge +4
All Shortcuts

Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Access Views - Design View

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Virtual DJ (Windows)
skip_beat temporary -4
All Shortcuts

Shift + Arrow Left

Comsol 5 (Linux)
Collapse a branch in the model tree
Model Tree

Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Select or unselect one character to the left / to the right.
The Rest - Select inside cells

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Select next character / previous character
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

FL Studio (Windows)
Move selection left/right
Playlist Action

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Select to next character / select previous character
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Navigate and Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Windows 10 Command Prompt (Windows)
Extend selection by on character to the left / to the right
Select Text (Expanded with Windows 10)

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

FL Studio (Windows)
Shift left/right
Piano Roll Action

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
The Rest - Form Controls

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

FL Studio (Windows)
Move selection left/right
Piano Roll Action

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
The Rest - Text Boxes

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Select to next character / select previous character
Text Shortcuts - Navigate and Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Select next character / previous character
Text Shortcuts - Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Extend the selection by a character to the left/right
Text Selection and Navigation

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Nirvana (Web Application)
Previous / Next
Filtering by Area

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
The Rest - Design View

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Access 2016 (Windows)
decrease the width
Design/Content Operation(on selected control)

Shift + Arrow Left

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Select to next character / select previous character
Database Management Shortcuts - Navigate and Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Select next character / previous character
Database Management Shortcuts - Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Extend selection one line to the right / left in vertical text

Shift +
Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Windows 10 File Explorer (Windows)
Change to parent element in tree when in sub-element
Left Navigation Pane Shortctus

Shift + Arrow Left

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Select Left/ Right

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Cloud9 (Windows)
Select Left/ Right

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Word 2016 (MacOS)
Select one character to the left
Select text and graphics

Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (MacOS)
To Select One character to the left
Selecting text

Shift + Arrow Left

Libreoffice Writer (Windows)
Move cursor with selection to the left

Shift + Arrow Left

GOM Player (Windows)
Backward 300 sec
Playback Control

Shift + Arrow Left

Kate (Windows)
Mark text one character to the left
38 Shortcuts for Kate (Windows)

Shift + Arrow Left

Kate (MacOS)
Mark text one character to the left
28 Shortcuts for Kate (MacOS)

Shift + Arrow Left

Modo (Windows)
Select previous loop add
Selection (Modelling)

Shift + Arrow Left

Modo (MacOS)
Select previous loop add
Selection (Modelling)

Shift + Arrow Left

ArtRage 4.5 5 (Windows)
Decrease Tool Size 10%

Shift + Arrow Left

ArtRage 4.5 5 (MacOS)
Decrease Tool Size 10%

Shift + Arrow Left

Soundcloud (Web Application)
Previous track
12 Shortcuts for Soundcloud (Web Application)

Shift + Arrow Left

Modo (Windows)
Go back one frame

Shift + Arrow Left

Modo (MacOS)
Go back one frame

Shift + Arrow Left

Google Earth 5 (Windows)
Rotate view clockwise / counter-clockwise
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only

shift + arrow left / shift + arrow right

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
Move cursor with selection to the left
General OpenOffice Writer Shortcuts

Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows)
Go to previous or next Window (same effect as the forward and backward button).
Windows/Vista Explorer Shortcuts

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Decrease/increase brush size by 10 (Extract only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + arrow right with Brush Size Slider showing

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Reduce the selected shape horizontally. Add ctrl for moving pixel-by-pixel.
Smart-Art Graphics: Work with shapes

Shift + Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Select several adjacent items.
Shortcuts for Timeline view (Tasks or Journal)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right
Shortcut Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right / Arrow Down / arrow up , or Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Back ten frames
Shortcut Keys for using the Animation panel in Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended)

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Page Up

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the right / to the left
Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left