Kindle for PC

From Library

Sort by Author

Ctrl + Alt + U

All hotkeys for Kindle for PC

Anywhere in the application
Go to Home

Ctrl + Alt + L

Anywhere in the application
Exit the Application

Ctrl + Q

Anywhere in the application


Anywhere in the application


Anywhere in the application
Move focus to next enabled control

⭾ Tab

From Library
Move the focus to the book above the current selection

While Reading a Book
Next Page

While Reading a Book
Previous Page

From Library
Move the focus of the book below the current selection

While Reading a Book
Previous Page

Page Up

While Reading a Book
Next Page

Page Down

From Library
Open selected book to last (go to last page read)

⤶ Enter

From Library
Open selected book to last (go to last page read)

Ctrl + O

From Library
Sort by Most Recent

Ctrl + Alt + R

From Library
Sort by Title

Ctrl + Alt + T

From Library
Sort by Author

Ctrl + Alt + U

While Reading a Book

⬅ Backspace

While Reading a Book
Increase Font Size (doesn't work on comics or content for children)

Ctrl + +

While Reading a Book
Decrease Font Size (doesn't work on comics or content for children)

Ctrl + -

While Reading a Book

Ctrl + D

While Reading a Book
Close Notes and Marks (if opened)

Ctrl + B

While Reading a Book
Go to Location

Ctrl + G

While Reading a Book
Close Book

Ctrl + W

While Reading a Book

Ctrl + F

While Reading a Book
Toggle Full-Screen Mode


While Reading a Book
Exit Full-Screen Mode


While Reading a Book
Single Column

Alt + 1

While Reading a Book

Alt + 2

While Reading a Book

Alt + 3

While Reading a Book
Open Flashcard Side Panel

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

While Reading a Book
Open and close X-Ray for Textbooks (only works on eligible Textbooks)

Ctrl + Y

While Reading a Book
Flip Flashcards (only works when in the Flashcards deck)

Ctrl + Space

While Reading a Book
Export to Flashcards from Notebook (when using the Notebook)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

While Reading a Book
Export notes from Notebook (when using the Notebook)

Ctrl + Alt + E

Using Text-to-Speech
Toggle Text-to-Speech

Ctrl + T

Using Text-to-Speech
Pause or resume reading (while in a book)


Using Text-to-Speech
Read the previous sentence

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Using Text-to-Speech
Skip forward one sentence

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Enter first cell

↑   Shift + +

Using Text-to-Speech
Decrease speech rate

↑   Shift + -

Using Text-to-Speech
Toggle continuous reading

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Go to the next table


Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Go to the previous table

↑   Shift + T

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Cell to right

Ctrl + Alt +

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Cell to left

Ctrl + Alt +

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Cell above

Ctrl + Alt +

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Cell below

Ctrl + Alt +

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Next / Previous link


Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Next / Previous link

↑   Shift + K

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Next / Previous image


Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Next / Previous image

↑   Shift + G

Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)
Exit table


Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Fast-forward the current audio or video recording by a few seconds.
Various Other OneNote Shortcuts - Manage Audio and Video in OneNote

ctrl + alt + u

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Clear Mark for Download
Messages in Main View - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Alt + U

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + U

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Clear Mark for Download
Messages in Compose View - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Alt + U

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Show Units / modules

Ctrl + Alt + U

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Clear Mark for Download
Calendar Shortcuts - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Alt + U

Pro Tools (Windows)
Clip Menu

Ctrl + Alt + U

Clink (Windows)
Change directory (automatic “cd ..”)
Clink Commands

Ctrl + Alt + U

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Open View Options dialog box for active Composition Panel

Ctrl + Alt + U

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Clear Mark for Download

Ctrl + Alt + U

Amazon Kindle (Windows)
Sort by Author

Ctrl + Alt + U

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + U

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Break Apart Compound
Application - Arrange

Ctrl + Alt + U

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Break Apart Compound
Spline Modeler - Arrange

Ctrl + Alt + U

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Break Apart Compound
Vertex Modeler - Arrange

Ctrl + Alt + U

IBM Maximo (Windows)
Interrupt Assignment
Application Specific Toolbar

Ctrl + Alt + U

SPSS Modeler (Windows)
Create User Input Node

Ctrl + Alt + U

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Library usage
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + U

Asus GPU Tweak II
Core clock up

Ctrl + Alt + U

RStudio (Windows)
Find usages for symbol at cursor (C++)
Editing (Console and Source)

Ctrl + Alt + U

Geany (Linux)
Toggle case of selection

Ctrl + Alt + U

Geany (Windows)
Toggle case of selection

Ctrl + Alt + U

PSPad (Windows)
To Upper Case - Change chars to upper case

Ctrl + Alt + U

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Ungroups the selected object into separate objects
Object Menu

Ctrl + Alt + U

Vectorworks (Windows)
Tapered Extrude
Model Menu

Ctrl + Alt + U

Find usages for symbol at cursor (C++)
Editing (Console and Source)

Ctrl + Alt + U

Brave Browser (Windows)
View Source

Ctrl + Alt + U

Claws Mail
Update summary
Main window

Ctrl + Alt + U

Adobe XD (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + U

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)

Ctrl + Alt + U

To Upper Case

Ctrl + Alt + U

Underscript (1)
2D Math

Ctrl + Alt + U

User Preferences window

Ctrl + Alt + U

Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + U

Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
Check Mark for download status

Ctrl + Alt + U

Microsoft OneNote
Fast-forward the current audio recording by 10 seconds
Select notes and objects

Ctrl + Alt + U

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Clear Mark for Download.
Shortcuts for Managing E-Mail

Ctrl + Alt + U

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Open View Options dialog box for active Composition panel

Ctrl + Alt + U