Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)

View Menu

Displays or hides Guidelines

Ctrl + Shift + G

All hotkeys for Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)

File Menu
Creates a new image file.

Ctrl + N

File Menu
Opens a folder where an image file was last saved.

Ctrl + O

File Menu
Creates a new Web page

Shift + A

File Menu
Opens the Visual Open dialog box

Shift + O

File Menu
Closes the current image file. A message box prompts to save file

Ctrl + W

File Menu
Saves the current image file

Ctrl + S

File Menu
Saves the file in another filename, format and location

Ctrl + Shift + S

File Menu
Saves the image as an HTML file

Ctrl + Alt + S

File Menu
Previews the image in a Web browser

Ctrl + Alt + (0~9)

File Menu
Launches the Acquire scanner process without post processing


File Menu
Launches the Acquire digital camera process without post processing


File Menu
Opens the Capture Setup dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + E

File Menu
Minimizes your PhotoImpact program and automatically switches to Capture mode

Ctrl + Shift + C

File Menu
Opens the Print Preview window

Ctrl + Alt + P

File Menu
Prints multiple copies of a single image, or prints multiple images on the same page

Ctrl + Shift + P

File Menu
Prints image into multiple sheets of paper that can be joined together to create a poster

Ctrl + Shift + R

File Menu
Prints the current image file

Ctrl + P

File Menu
Captures selected source. This is the default setting. It can be changed


File Menu
Displays the Preferences dialog box


File Menu
Closes PhotoImpact. If you have any image files open that have not been saved, you are prompted to do so

Ctrl + Q

Edit Menu
Undoes the last menu command

Ctrl + Z

Edit Menu
Redoes the last menu command

Ctrl + Y

Edit Menu
Repeats the last menu command

Ctrl + T

Edit Menu
Cuts the current selection

Ctrl + X

Edit Menu
Copies the data to the clipboard

Ctrl + C

Edit Menu
Pastes data from the clipboard as an object

Ctrl + V

Edit Menu
Pastes the image data from the clipboard as a new image in a separate window

Ctrl + Shift + V

Edit Menu
Deletes the current selection


Edit Menu
Crops the image to the current selection

Ctrl + R

Edit Menu
Duplicates the base image and any objects, creating a new image file

Ctrl + D

Edit Menu
Opens the Fill dialog box, where you can select to fill the selection with a solid color, gradient or texture

Ctrl + F

Edit Menu
Opens the Fadeout dialog box

Ctrl + H

Edit Menu
Enables/Disables Object Painting Mode, which allows you to see through overlapping objects

Shift + Z

Edit Menu
Enables/Disables Mask mode by placing a tinted mask over your image except where a selection exists

Ctrl + K

View Menu
Creates another copy of the image file

Ctrl + I

View Menu
Displays the image at its actual size

Ctrl + 0

View Menu
Maximizes the window and displays the image at 1:1 ratio

Ctrl + M

View Menu
Zoom in


View Menu
Zoom out


View Menu
Resize the current image

Ctrl + Shift + 0

View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding all toolbars and panels to display the image at full screen

Ctrl + U

View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding the EasyPalette


View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding the Quick Command Panel

Ctrl + F2

View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding the AccessPanel


View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding the Text / Path Panel

Ctrl + F3

View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding the base image and the Web background

Ctrl + F5

View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding the marquee

Ctrl + F8

View Menu
Toggles between showing or hiding the bounding box around objects

Ctrl + F7

View Menu
Displays the Photo Properties dialog box

Alt + Enter

View Menu
Magnifies or reduces the image view in different sizes

Ctrl + Number

View Menu
Displays or hides Ruler

Shift + V

View Menu
Displays or hides Slice Lines

Shift + F7

View Menu
Displays or hides Image Maps

Shift + F8

View Menu
Displays or hides Guidelines

Ctrl + Shift + G

View Menu
Snaps to Guidelines

Ctrl + Shift + L

View Menu
Displays or hides Grid

Ctrl + Shift + R

View Menu
Snaps to Grid

Ctrl + Shift + N

Format Menu
Opens the Post Processing Wizard dialog Box


Format Menu
Opens the Post Processing Wizard dialog Box

Shift + C

Format Menu
Starts up the Auto-enhancing process

Ctrl + F9

Format Menu
Opens the Brightness & Contrast dialog box

Ctrl + B

Format Menu
Opens the Color Balance dialog box

Ctrl + V

Format Menu
Opens the Hue & Saturation dialog box

Ctrl + E

Format Menu
Opens the Focus dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + F

Format Menu
Opens the Tone Map dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + T

Format Menu
Opens the Highlight Midtone Shadow dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + H

Format Menu
Opens the Expand Canvas dialog box

Shift + N

Format Menu
Opens the Frame & Shadow dialog box

Shift + F

Format Menu
Opens the Image Size dialog box, where you can adjust the size of the image

Ctrl + G

Selection Menu
Toggles between showing and hiding the active selection


Selection Menu
Selects the entire contents of the image

Ctrl + A

Selection Menu
Preserve Base Image


Selection Menu
Converts the selection into an object

Ctrl + Shift + O

Selection Menu
Copy Selection to Object Library

Ctrl + Shift + E

Selection Menu
Select None

Shift + G

Object Menu
Duplicates selected object

Shift + D

Object Menu
Selects all objects in an image

Ctrl + Shift + A

Object Menu
Edit the selected type of object

Shift + E

Object Menu
Shows the Wrap/Bend properties dialog box of the selected object

Shift + W

Object Menu
Merges the selected object to the base image

Shift + M

Object Menu
Merges all the objects into the base image

Ctrl + Shift + M

Object Menu
Groups the selected objects into one object

Ctrl + Alt + G

Object Menu
Ungroups the selected object into separate objects

Ctrl + Alt + U

Object Menu
Opens the Shadow dialog box

Shift + S

Object Menu
Bring the selected object forward

Alt + Up

Object Menu
Send the selected object backward

Alt + Down

Object Menu
Moves the object to the highest level

Ctrl + Alt +Up

Object Menu
Moves the object to the lowest level

Ctrl + Alt +Down

Object Menu
Opens the Object Properties dialog box when there is an active object

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Object Menu
Deletes the active object


Web Menu
Opens the HTML Text Entry Box

Shift + T

Web Menu
Link an object from file to the current image

Shift + L

Web Menu
Opens the Rollover dialog box

Shift + R

Web Menu
Opens the Component Designer dialog box


Web Menu
Opens the Background Designer dialog box

Shift + B

Web Menu
Opens the HTML Text Entry Box

Shift + T

Web Menu
Opens the Web Properties dialog box

Shift + Enter

Web Menu
Deletes the excess borders of the selected object (Trim Object)

Shift + Q

Web Menu
Opens the Image Optimizer dialog box


Web Menu
Applies the Paint on Edges effect

Shift + P

Window Menu
Arranges all open windows diagonally in the workspace from left to right and top to bottom

Shift + F5

Window Menu
Evenly distributes all open windows vertically in the workspace

Shift + F4

Window Menu
Evenly distributes all open windows vertically in the workspace

Shift + F6

Help Menu
Opens the Ulead PhotoImpact online help


Help Menu
Activates the Context Sensitive Help

Shift + F1

Toggles between moving the selection and copying the selection

Ctrl + Shift + K

Show Global Viewer


Find next - EasyPalette

Shift + F9

Play - Quick Command Panel

Alt + P

Show/Hide Toolbars and Panels


Scroll image vertically

Page Up / Page Down

Scroll image horizontally

Home / End

Show/Hide EasyPalette


Show/Hide Quick Command Panel

Ctrl + F2

Show/Hide Brush Panel/Text/Path/Slice/Image Map Panel

Ctrl + F3

Deletes the selected thumbnail from the EasyPalette

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Moves the object up/down one pixel or to the left/right

Arrow Keys

Opens the Document Manager


Show EasyPalette Pop-up

Ctrl + F1

Selects all texts in the text box

Ctrl + A

Visual Open
Refresh the visual open window


Visual Open
Select all thumbnails

Ctrl + A

Tool panel
Display tools submenu


Tool panel
Pick tool


Tool panel
Z-Merge Tool


Tool panel
Goes through all the various Selection tools


Tool panel
Adds to the current selection area


Tool panel
Subtracts from the current selection area


Tool panel
Text Tool


Tool panel
Goes through all the various Paint tools


Tool panel
Toggles between the Object Paint Eraser Tool and the Object Magic Eraser Tool


Tool panel
Crop tool


Tool panel
Transform tool


Tool panel
Eyedropper tool


Tool panel
Measure tool


Tool panel
Zoom tool


Tool panel
Goes through all the various Retouch tools


Tool panel
Goes through all the various Path tools


Tool panel
Goes through all the various Clone tools


Tool panel
Stand tool


Tool panel
Goes through all the various Clone tools


Tool panel
Slice tool


Tool panel
Image map tool


Tool panel
Switches to the Eyedropper tool temporarily by holding down this key


Tool panel
Switches to the Pick Tool temporarily by holding down this key


Tool panel
Switches the Foreground and Background color


Tool panel
Switches to the Zoom tool temporarily by holding down this key


Tool panel
Toggles between Painting and Erase mode when using the Painting Tool


Tool panel
Tiles an object over another image

L + Dragging

Tool panel
Uses an object as a mask

M + Dragging

Tool panel
Goes through all the different tools of the selected tool

Alt + Click tool

Tool panel
Goes through all the different tools of the selected tool

Ctrl + Click tool

Tool panel
Constrains the selection to a circle or square and draws a straight line in increments of 45 degrees


Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Open the Word Count dialog box.
Common tasks

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Add Custom Flag to message
Messages in Main View - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Put focus on the current section tab.
Managing Pages, Notebooks and Sections

ctrl + shift + g

Thunderbird (Windows)
Find text again previous in Current Message
Find Messages

Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Ungroup layers
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Layers Panel

Ctrl + Shift + G

Thunderbird (Linux)
Find text again previous in Current Message
Find Messages

Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3

Firefox (Linux)
Find previous occurrence of search term.

Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3

Firefox (Windows)
Find previous occurrence of search term.

Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
GUID insert
Coding Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Add Custom Flag to message
Messages in Compose View - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Shift + G

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Add Custom Flag to message
Calendar Shortcuts - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Shift + G

Opera (Linux)
Find previous instance of text

Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Ungroup layers
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Layers Panel

Ctrl + Shift + G

Evernote (Windows)
Find Previous (or Shift+Enter)
Note Editor

Ctrl + Shift + g

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Comparing photos in the Library module

Ctrl + Shift + G

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Dissolve group
Track Menu

Ctrl + Shift + G

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
Export - CompuServe GIF (optimized for the Web)...
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + G

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Reverse the current direction of a Find Again operation
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + G

Amazon Music Player (Windows)
Grid View
13 Shortcuts for Amazon Music Player (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Move to previous search result and highlight it in the document

Shift + F3 / Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Open the Word Counting dialog box.
Review Documents

Ctrl + Shift + G

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Reverse the current direction of a Find Again operation
Text Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + G

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Group/ungroup all cards in a Card Selection
Text and Content Formatting

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Group/ungroup all cards in a Card selection
Card Interaction

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Move focus to Section area (typically on the top); continue with Arrow Left/Arrow Right to select section. Press Escape to cancel
Manage Pages, Notebooks and Sections

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Flag for follow-up
Common Commands: Common To Most Views

Ctrl + Shift + G

Google Slides (Windows)
Find previous
General Slides Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Open the Flag for Follow Up dialog box to assign a flag
Common Commands: Flags

Ctrl + Shift + G

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Ungroup stack
Comparing Photos in the Library Module

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Display the Flag for Follow Up dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Ungroup layers
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Layers Panel

Ctrl + Shift + G

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Reverse the current direction of a Find Again operation
Database Management Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Clipping Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Group Shape
Shapes and Various Drawing Objects Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

InDesign CC (Windows)
Object Menu shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Group / ungroup selected Shapes
Shape Layers

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Ungroup layers
Manage Panels - Layers Panel

Ctrl + Shift + G

Hexagon 2 (Windows)
Ungroup Selection
Pan Selection and editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Silhouette Studio (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Guides Snap to Elements
Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
Move Frame

Ctrl + Shift + G

Opera (Windows)
Find previous instance of text

Ctrl + Shift + G

Chief Architect (Windows)
Floor/Reference Tools - Change Floor/Reference
Floor Tools

Ctrl + Shift + G

Flock (Windows)
Find previous

Ctrl + Shift + G

Kingsoft Writer 2016 (Windows)
Pops Word Count dialog

Ctrl + Shift + G

MOTU Digital Performer 9 (Windows)
Toggle group

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Edit gradient
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Execute Debug Grip
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + G

Scottrade (Windows)
Open Gain/Loss Tax Center Link
32 Shortcuts for Scottrade (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

XYplorer (Windows)
Go to from Here...
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Set end of time selection
Cursor Placement,Loop Region and Time Selection

Ctrl + Shift + G

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Insert a new GUID at the cursor position
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Grab Texture from Document
Canvas and 2.5D

Ctrl + Shift + G

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
Find Previous

Ctrl + Shift + G

Sierra Chart (Windows)
General Trade Settings
Trade Menu

Ctrl + Shift + G

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Show Git

Ctrl + Shift + G

Rhino (Windows)
Default Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

TurboCAD (Windows)
Finish to edit the group content
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Ansys Mechanical (Windows)
Ungroup Tree Objects
Tree Outline

Ctrl + Shift + G

Geany (Windows)
Find Previous
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + Shift + G

Geany (Linux)
Find Previous
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + Shift + G

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Ungroup Tracks
Ctrls for Tracks

Ctrl + Shift + G

Vectorworks (Windows)
Rendering Open GL
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + G

gEDA (Linux)
Decrement grid by configured metric increment
Other Important Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Arduino (Linux)
Find Previous
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Linux)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Arduino (Windows)
Find Previous
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Ungroup the selected groups

Ctrl + Shift + G

Brave Browser (Windows)
Active tab Find Previous
Page Navigation and Display

Ctrl + Shift + G

Tinkercad (Windows)
26 Shortcuts for Tinkercad (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + G

Figma (Web Application)
Ungroup Selection

Ctrl + Shift + G

gedit 2.3 (Linux)
Find previous instance
Search and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + G

Google Earth 5 (Linux)
Find previous instance
Search and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + G

Google Earth 5 (Windows)
Create new Polygon
Create Items on Map

ctrl + shift + g

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Flag for follow-up.
Shortcuts for all Outlook 2007 Items

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Display the Flag for Follow Up dialog box.
Shortcuts for Managing E-Mail

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Open the Flag for Follow Up dialog box to assign a flag.
Other Outlook 2007 Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Ungroup selected shapes
Shape Layers

Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Ungroup layers
Shortcut Keys for using the Layers panel

Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Open the Word Count dialog box.
Review Documents

Ctrl + Shift + G