All hotkeys for Gmail
Compose and chatPrevious message in an open conversation |
P |
Compose and chatNext message in an open conversation |
N |
Compose and chatFocus main window |
↑ Shift + Esc |
Compose and chatFocus latest chat or compose |
Esc |
Compose and chatAdvance to the next chat or compose |
Ctrl + . |
Compose and chatAdvance to previous chat or compose |
Ctrl + , |
Compose and chatSend |
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter |
Compose and chatAdd cc recipients |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + C |
Compose and chatAdd bcc recipients |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + B |
Compose and chatAccess custom from |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + F |
Compose and chatInsert a link |
Ctrl + K |
Compose and chatGo to next misspelled word (Mac only) |
⌘ Cmd + ; |
Compose and chatOpen spelling suggestions |
Ctrl + M |
Formatting textPrevious font |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 5 |
Formatting textNext font |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 6 |
Formatting textDecrease text size |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + - |
Formatting textIncrease text size |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + + |
Formatting textBold |
Ctrl + B |
Formatting textItalics |
Ctrl + I |
Formatting textUnderline |
Ctrl + U |
Formatting textNumbered list |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 7 |
Formatting textBulleted list |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 8 |
Formatting textQuote |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 9 |
Formatting textIndent less |
Ctrl + [ |
Formatting textIndent more |
Ctrl + ] |
Formatting textAlign left |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + L |
Formatting textAlign center |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + E |
Formatting textAlign right |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + R |
Formatting textRemove formatting |
Ctrl + \ |
ActionsMove focus to toolbar |
, |
ActionsSelect conversation |
X |
ActionsToggle star/rotate among superstars |
S |
ActionsArchive |
E |
ActionsMute conversation |
M |
ActionsReport as spam |
! |
ActionsDelete |
# |
ActionsReply |
R |
ActionsReply in a new window |
↑ Shift + R |
ActionsReply all |
A |
ActionsReply all in a new window |
↑ Shift + A |
ActionsForward |
F |
ActionsForward in a new window |
↑ Shift + F |
ActionsUpdate conversation |
↑ Shift + N |
ActionsArchive conversation and go previous |
] |
ActionsArchive conversation and go next |
[ |
ActionsUndo last action |
Z |
ActionsMark as read |
↑ Shift + I |
ActionsMark as unread |
↑ Shift + U |
ActionsMark unread from the selected message |
_ |
ActionsMark as important |
+ |
ActionsMark as important |
= |
ActionsMark as not important |
- |
ActionsExpand entire conversation |
; |
ActionsCollapse entire conversation |
: |
ActionsAdd conversation to Tasks |
↑ Shift + T |
HangoutsShow menu |
H + M |
HangoutsShow archived hangouts |
H + A |
HangoutsShow Hangout requests |
H + I |
HangoutsFocus on the conversation list |
H + C |
HangoutsOpen phone |
G + P |
HangoutsOpen phone |
H + P |
JumpingGo to Inbox |
G + I |
JumpingGo to Starred conversations |
G + S |
JumpingGo to Sent messages |
G + T |
JumpingGo to Drafts |
G + D |
JumpingGo to All mail |
G + A |
JumpingGo to Contacts |
G + C |
JumpingGo to Tasks |
G + K |
JumpingGo to label |
G + L |
Threadlist selectionSelect all conversations |
* + A |
Threadlist selectionDeselect all conversations |
* + N |
Threadlist selectionSelect read conversations |
* + R |
Threadlist selectionSelect unread conversations |
* + U |
Threadlist selectionSelect starred conversations |
* + S |
Threadlist selectionSelect unstarred conversations |
* + T |
NavigationBack to threadlist |
U |
NavigationNew conversation |
K |
NavigationOlder conversation |
J |
NavigationOpen conversation |
O |
NavigationOpen conversation |
⤶ Enter |
NavigationGo to next Inbox section |
` |
NavigationGo to previous Inbox section |
~ |
ApplicationCompose |
C |
ApplicationCompose in a new tab |
D |
ApplicationSearch mail |
/ |
ApplicationSearch chat contacts |
G |
ApplicationOpen "more actions" menu |
. |
ApplicationOpen "move to" menu |
V |
ApplicationOpen "label as" menu |
L |
ApplicationOpen keyboard shortcut help |
? |