Section: MIDI Editor

Activate next visible MIDI item

Alt + N

All hotkeys for REAPER

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom horizontally (MIDI relative/mousewheel)

Mouse wheel up and down

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom vertically (MIDI relative/mousewheel)

Ctrl + Mouse wheel up and down

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Scroll horizontally (MIDI relative/mousewheel)

Alt + Mouse wheel up and down

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Scroll vertically (MIDI relative/mousewheel)

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse wheel up and down

Section: Main
View: Adjust selected track heights (MIDI CC relative/mousewheel)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse wheel up and down

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left click
Deselect all notes and move edit cursor

Mouse left click

Mouse: MIDI ruler left click
Select notes or CC in time selection

↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left click
Deselect all notes and move edit cursor ignoring snap

Ctrl + Mouse left click

Mouse: MIDI note left click
Select note and move edit cursor ignoring snap

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Mouse left click

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left click
Deselect all notes

Alt + Mouse left click

Mouse: MIDI note left click
Select note and all later notes

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse left click

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left drag
Insert note, drag to extend or change pitch

Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left drag
Insert note ignoring snap, drag to extend or change pitch

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left drag
Copy selected notes

Ctrl + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI ruler left drag
Move loop points (ruler) or time selection (piano roll) ignoring snap

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left drag
Erase notes

Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left drag
Paint notes ignoring snap

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left drag
Paint a straight line of notes

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left drag
Paint notes and chords

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll double click
Insert note

Mouse double click

Mouse: MIDI piano roll double click
Insert note ignoring snap

↑   Shift + Mouse double click

Mouse: MIDI CC lane left drag
Draw/edit CC events ignoring selection

Ctrl + Mouse double click

Mouse: MIDI CC lane left drag
Erase CC events

Alt + Mouse double click

Mouse: Media item double click
Show take list

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse double click

Mouse: Media item double click
Show take comps list

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse double click

Mouse: MIDI CC lane left drag
Linear ramp CC events ignoring selection

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Mouse double click

Mouse: Automation item edge left drag
points into automation item ignoring snap

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Collect

Mouse: MIDI editor right drag
Marquee select notes/CC

Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI editor right drag
Marquee add to notes/CC selection

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI editor right drag
Marquee toggle note/CC selection

Ctrl + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI editor right drag
Marquee select notes/CC and time

Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI editor right drag
Marquee select notes/CC and time ignoring snap

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI editor right drag
Select notes touched while dragging

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI editor right drag
Hand scroll

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: Arrange view middle click
Move edit cursor ignoring snap

Mouse middle click

Mouse: Arrange view middle click
Restore previous zoom level

Ctrl + Mouse middle click

Mouse: Arrange view middle drag
Jog audio

Mouse movement

Mouse: Arrange view middle drag
Hand scroll

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Mouse: Arrange view middle drag
Scrub audio

Ctrl + Mouse movement

Mouse: Arrange view middle drag
Jog audio (looped-segment mode)

Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: Arrange view middle drag
Move edit cursor without scrub/jog

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: Arrange view middle drag
Scrub audio (looped-segment mode)

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse movement

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left click
Insert note ignoring snap

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse left click

Mouse: MIDI piano roll left click
Insert note

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Mouse left click

Section: Main
Close current project tab

Ctrl + F4

Section: Main
Create measure from time selection (detect tempo)

Alt + ↑   Shift + C

Section: Main
Docker: Activate next tab

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Copy

Ctrl + C

Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Copy events within time selection, if any (smart copy)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Cut

Ctrl + X

Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Cut events within time selection, if any (smart cut)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + X

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Edit: Redo

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Z

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Edit: Undo

Ctrl + Z

Section: Main
File: Batch file converter

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

Section: Main
File: New project

Ctrl + N

Section: Main
File: Open project

Ctrl + O

Section: Main
File: Project settings...

Alt + ⤶ Enter

Section: Main
File: Quit REAPER

Ctrl + Q

Section: Main
File: Render project to disk...

Ctrl + Alt + R

Section: Main
File: Save live output to disk (bounce)...

Ctrl + Alt + B

Section: Main
File: Save new version of project (automatically increment project name)

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + S

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
File: Save file (MIDI file mode only)

Ctrl + S

Section: Main
File: Save project as...

Ctrl + Alt + S

Section: Main
Help: About REAPER

Ctrl + F1

Section: Main
Help: Mouse modifier keys and action shortcuts

↑   Shift + F1

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Insert note at mouse cursor


Section: MIDI Editor
Navigate: Move edit cursor left by grid

Ctrl + Num 4

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes right one pixel

Alt + Num 6

Section: Main
Item edit: Move contents of items left

Num 1

Section: Main
Item edit: Move contents of items right

Num 3

Section: Main
Item edit: Move items left, preserving timing of contents

Num 7

Section: Main
Item edit: Move items right, preserving timing of contents

Num 9

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes down one semitone

Num 2

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes left one grid unit

Num 4

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes right one grid unit

Num 6

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes up one semitone

Num 8

Section: MIDI Editor
Navigate: Move edit cursor right by grid

Ctrl + Num 6

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes left one pixel

Alt + Num 4

Section: Main
Item edit: Toggle open/close nudge/set dialog


Section: Main
Item grouping: Group items


Section: Main
Item grouping: Remove items from group


Section: Main
Item grouping: Select all items in groups

Ctrl + G

Section: Main
Item navigation: Move cursor left to edge of item

Ctrl + [

Section: Main
Item navigation: Move cursor right to edge of item

Ctrl + ]

Section: Main
Item navigation: Move cursor to nearest transient in items

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Section: Main
Item navigation: Move cursor to next transient in items

⭾ Tab

Section: Main
Item navigation: Move cursor to previous transient in items

↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 03

↑   Shift + 3

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 05

↑   Shift + 5

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 04

↑   Shift + 4

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 06

↑   Shift + 6

Section: Main
Item properties: Normalize items

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Section: Main
Item properties: Normalize multiple items to common gain

↑   Shift + N

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 07

↑   Shift + 7

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 09

↑   Shift + 9

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 08

↑   Shift + 8

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 10

↑   Shift + 0

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Note properties

Ctrl + F2

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Mute events (toggle)

Alt + M

Section: Main
Item properties: Toggle show media item/take properties


Section: Main
Item: Add stretch marker at cursor

↑   Shift + W

Section: Main
Item: Copy loop of selected area of audio items

Ctrl + Alt + L

Section: Main
Item: Crossfade items within time selection


Section: Main
Item: Cut selected area of items

Ctrl + Del

Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Duplicate events

Ctrl + D

Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Duplicate events within time selection, if any (smart duplicate)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + D

Section: Main
Item: Dynamic split items...


Section: Main
Item: Glue items

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G

Section: Main
Item: Insert time on tracks and paste items

↑   Shift + V

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Close inline editor


Section: Main
Item: Open items in primary external editor

Ctrl + Alt + E

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Paste

Ctrl + V

Section: Main
Item: Remove content (trim) behind items

↑   Shift + X

Section: Main
Item: Show FX chain for item take

↑   Shift + E

Section: Main
Item: Split at previous zero crossing

Alt + Z

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Split notes


Section: Main
Item: Split items at edit or play cursor (ignoring grouping)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

Section: Main
Item: Split items at play cursor

Alt + ↑   Shift + S

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Split notes at mouse cursor

↑   Shift + S

Section: Main
Loop points: Set end point


Section: Main
Loop points: Set start point


Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 1 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 1

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 10 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 0

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 2 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 2

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 3 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 3

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 4 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 4

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 5 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 5

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 6 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 6

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 7 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 7

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 8 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 8

Section: Main
Markers: Add/move marker 9 to play/edit cursor

Ctrl + 9

Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 01


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 02


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 03


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 04


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 05


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 06


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 07


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 08


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 09


Section: Main
Markers: Go to marker 10


Section: Main
Markers: Go to next marker/project end


Section: Main
Markers: Go to previous marker/project start


Section: Main
Markers: Insert and/or edit marker at current position

↑   Shift + M

Section: Main
Markers: Insert marker at current position


Section: Main
Markers: Insert region from time selection

↑   Shift + R

Section: Main
Media explorer: Show/hide media explorer

Ctrl + Alt + X

Section: Main
Move edit cursor to next zero crossing in items


Section: Main
Move edit cursor to previous zero crossing in items

↑   Shift + Z

Section: Main
New project tab

Ctrl + Alt + N

Section: Main
Options: Cycle ripple editing mode

Alt + P

Section: Main
Options: Preferences...

Ctrl + P

Section: Main
Options: Show all takes in lanes (when room)

Ctrl + L

Section: Main
Options: Show lock settings

↑   Shift + L

Section: Main
Options: Show snap/grid settings

Alt + L

Section: Main
Options: Switch to next color theme

Ctrl + Alt + Page Down

Section: Main
Options: Switch to previous color theme

Ctrl + Alt + Page Up

Section: Main
Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on/off

Alt + X

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Toggle grid

Alt + G

Section: Main
Options: Toggle item grouping override

Alt + ↑   Shift + G

Section: Main
Options: Toggle locking


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Toggle snap to grid

Alt + S

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move pitch cursor down one semitone

↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move pitch cursor up one semitone

↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Mode: Piano Roll

Alt + 1

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Mode: Drum Map

Alt + 2

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Mode: Event List

Alt + 3

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Mode: Notation

Alt + 4

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Show events as rectangles (normal mode)

Alt + 5

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Show events as triangles (drum mode)

Alt + 6

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Show events as diamonds (drum mode)

Alt + 7

Section: Main
Regions: Go to region 08 after current region finishes playing (smooth seek)

Alt + 8

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Toggle show velocity handles on notes

Alt + 9

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Toggle show note names

Alt + 0

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Delete events


Section: Main
Screenset: Load track view #01


Section: Media Explorer
Browser: Refresh


Section: Main
Screenset: Load track view #03


Section: Main
Screenset: Load window set #01


Section: Main
Screenset: Load window set #02


Section: Main
Screenset: Load window set #03


Section: Main
Screenset: Save track view #01

↑   Shift + F4

Section: Main
Screenset: Save track view #02

↑   Shift + F5

Section: Main
Screenset: Save track view #03

↑   Shift + F6

Section: Main
Screenset: Save window set #01

↑   Shift + F7

Section: Main
Screenset: Save window set #02

↑   Shift + F8

Section: Main
Screenset: Save window set #03

↑   Shift + F9

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Select all events

Ctrl + A

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Send all notes off to all MIDI outputs/plug-ins


Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Show action list


Section: Main
Take: Activate take under mouse


Section: Main
Take: Crop to active take in items

Alt + ↑   Shift + T

Section: Main
Take: Delete active take from items (prompt to confirm)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Section: MIDI Editor
Transpose notes...


Section: Main
Take: Switch items to next take


Section: Main
Take: Switch items to previous take

↑   Shift + T

Section: Main
Take: Switch items to previous take


Section: Main
Tempo envelope: Insert tempo/time signature change marker at edit cursor...

↑   Shift + C

Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Move edit cursor left one pixel

↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Move edit cursor right one pixel

↑   Shift +

Section: Main
Time selection: Nudge left


Section: Main
Time selection: Nudge left edge left

Ctrl + ,

Section: Main
Time selection: Nudge left edge right

Ctrl + .

Section: Main
Time selection: Nudge right


Section: Main
Time selection: Nudge right edge left

Ctrl + Alt + ,

Section: Main
Time selection: Nudge right edge right

Ctrl + Alt + .

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Misc: Close window if not docked, otherwise pass to main window


Section: Main
Time selection: Shift left (by time selection length)


Section: Main
Time selection: Shift right (by time selection length)


Section: Main
Toggle fullscreen


Section: Main
Toggle show all floating windows

Ctrl + Alt + F

Section: Main
Toggle show master tempo envelope

Alt + T

Section: MIDI Editor
Filter: Show/hide filter window...


Section: Main
Track: Go to next track

Ctrl + Alt +

Section: Main
Track: Go to next track


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes down one semitone ignoring scale/key

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift +

Section: Main
Track: Go to previous track


Section: Main
Track: Go to previous track

Ctrl + Alt +

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes up one semitone ignoring scale/key

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift +

Section: Main
Track: Insert new track

Ctrl + T

Section: Main
Track: Mute/unmute tracks


Section: Main
Track: Nudge master track volume down


Section: Main
Track: Nudge master track volume up


Section: Main
Track: Nudge track volume down


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes down one semitone

Ctrl +

Section: Main
Track: Nudge track volume up


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes up one semitone

Ctrl +

Section: Main
Track: Set track grouping parameters

↑   Shift + G

Section: Main
Track: Toggle mute for master track


Section: Main
Track: Toggle record arming for current/last touched track


Section: Main
Track: Toggle track pan envelope visible


Section: Main
Track: Toggle track volume envelope visible


Section: Main
Track: View envelopes for current/last touched track


Section: Main
Transient detection sensitivity/threshold: Adjust...

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + T

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes right one grid unit

Ctrl +

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
View: Go to end of file


Section: Main
Transport: Go to end of project


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Go to start of file


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Go to start of file


Section: Main
Transport: Go to start of project


Section: Main
Transport: Pause


Section: Main
Transport: Play


Section: Main
Transport: Play (skip time selection)

Alt + Space

Section: Media Explorer
Browser: Browse selected folder, or insert selected media file

⤶ Enter

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Transport: Play/pause

Ctrl + Space

Section: Main
Transport: Play/pause


Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Transport: Play/stop


Section: Main
Transport: Record

Ctrl + R

Section: Main
Transport: Record


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes left one grid unit

Ctrl +

Section: Main
Transport: Scrub/jog (MIDI CC relative/absolute only)


Section: Main
Transport: Scrub/jog fine control (MIDI CC relative only)

Ctrl + MultiRotate

Section: Main
Transport: Stop


Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Transport: Toggle repeat


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Paste preserving position in measure

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + V

Section: Main
View: Adjust horizontal scroll (MIDI CC/OSC only - relative recommended)


Section: Main
View: Adjust horizontal zoom (MIDI CC/OSC only)

Ctrl + MultiZoom

Section: Main
View: Adjust horizontal zoom (MIDI CC/OSC only)


Section: Main
View: Adjust vertical scroll (MIDI CC/OSC only)


Section: Main
View: Expand selected track height, minimize others


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Go to edit cursor


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Go to play cursor


Section: Main
View: Jump to time window

Ctrl + J

Section: Main
View: Minimize all tracks


Section: MIDI Editor
Navigate: Move edit cursor left by grid

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes left one pixel

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Editor
Navigate: Move edit cursor right by grid

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes right one pixel

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Scroll horizontally (MIDI relative/mousewheel)


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Scroll view down

Alt +

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Scroll view left

Alt +

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Scroll view right

Alt +

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Scroll view up

Alt +

Section: Main
View: Show FX browser window

↑   Shift + F

Section: Main
View: Show big clock window

Alt + C

Section: Main
View: Show docker

Alt + D

Section: Main
View: Show navigator window

Ctrl + Alt + V

Section: Main
View: Show performance meter window

Ctrl + Alt + P

Section: Main
View: Show project bay window

Ctrl + B

Section: Main
View: Show region/marker manager window

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + R

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
File: Revert file (MIDI file mode only)

Alt + R

Section: Main
View: Show screen/track/item sets window

Ctrl + E

Section: Main
View: Show track grouping matrix window

Ctrl + Alt + G

Section: Main
View: Show track manager window

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + M

Section: Main
View: Show undo history window

Ctrl + Alt + Z

Section: Main
View: Show virtual MIDI keyboard

Alt + B

Section: Main
View: Toggle master track visible

Ctrl + Alt + M

Section: Main
View: Toggle mixer visible

Ctrl + M

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show all channels


Section: Main
View: Toggle track zoom to minimum height


Section: Main
View: Toggle transport visible

Ctrl + Alt + T

Section: Main
View: Toggle zoom to selected items


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom horizontally (MIDI relative/mousewheel)

Alt + HorizWheel

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom in horizontally


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom in horizontally

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom in horizontally


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom in horizontally

Num +

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Zoom in vertically

Page Up

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Zoom in vertically

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom out horizontally

Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom out horizontally


Section: MIDI Editor
View: Zoom out horizontally

Num -

Section: Main
View: Zoom out project

Ctrl + Page Down

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Zoom out vertically

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
View: Zoom out vertically

Page Down

Section: Main
View: Zoom time selection

Ctrl + Page Up

Section: Main
View: Zoom time selection

Ctrl + Num +

Section: Media Explorer
Browser: Go to parent folder

⬅ Backspace

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move pitch cursor up one octave

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move pitch cursor down one octave

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Move edit cursor left one pixel

Ctrl + Alt + Num 4

Section: MIDI Editor
Activate previous visible MIDI item

Alt + ↑   Shift + N

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes up one octave

Alt + Num 8

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes down one octave

Alt + Num 2

Section: MIDI Inline Editor


Section: MIDI Editor
Edit: Move edit cursor right one pixel

Ctrl + Alt + Num 6

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Edit: Adjust value for events (mousewheel/MIDI controller only)

↑   Shift + Mouse wheel up and down

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Join notes


Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Humanize notes...


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Double length of MIDI (repeating contents)

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move pitch cursor up one semitone

Ctrl + Num 8

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes up one semitone ignoring scale/key

Ctrl + Alt + Num 8

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move notes down one semitone ignoring scale/key

Ctrl + Alt + Num 2

Section: MIDI Editor
Activate next visible MIDI item

Alt + N

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Invert selection

Ctrl + I

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Insert note at edit cursor


Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Insert note at edit cursor

↑   Shift + I

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Insert note at edit cursor

Ctrl + Num 5

Section: MIDI Inline Editor
Edit: Move pitch cursor down one semitone

Ctrl + Num 2

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 02

↑   Shift + 2

Section: MIDI Editor
Channel: Show only channel 01

↑   Shift + 1

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
Edit: Move events left/right (mousewheel/MIDI relative only)

↑   Shift + HorizWheel

Section: MIDI Event List Editor
2 Edit: Move notes down one semitone

Num 1 - Num 9

Similar combinations for other applications

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next page of the wizard
Manage Access Features - Wizards

Alt + N

Tally 9.0 (Windows)
To view the report in automatic columns (Multiple Columns at all reports, Trial Balance, Cash/bank books, Group Summary & Journal Reg
General Shortcuts

Alt + N

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next page of the wizard
Working with Text and Data - Wizards

Alt + N

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Display the Connection Settings menu
Windows Help

Alt + N

iTunes (Windows)
In the Get Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the list
File and Window

Alt + N / Alt + P

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next page of the wizard
Working with Access Views - Wizards

Alt + N

Notepad2 (Windows)
Launch - New window
File Menu

Alt + N

Directory Opus (Windows)
Rename menu
Operations Toolbar

Alt + N

WinRAR (Windows)
Options menu
Menu Bar

Alt + N

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Next conflict section
Search Menu - Text Merge

Alt + N

Pro Tools (Windows)
MIDI editors - Bring to front
Window Menu

Alt + N

FL Studio (Windows)
Switch waveform helper view (when available)
Piano Roll Action

Alt + N

Sonar 2015 (Windows)
Show/hide Navigator pane
Track View

Alt + N

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next page of the wizard
The Rest - Wizards

Alt + N

Access 2016 (Windows)
Move to next page of wizard
Windows/Content Switching/Navigation

Alt + N

Clink (Windows)
BASH (GNU Readline) Line Editing

Alt + N

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Insert tab
Tab Selection

Alt + N

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Insert Tab
Access Shortcut

Alt + N

Atlassian Bamboo 6.0 (Windows)
Next Build
9 Shortcuts for Atlassian Bamboo 6.0 (Windows)

Alt + N

Clarizen (Web Application)
Opens the Navigation Panel
Genaral Shortcuts

Alt + N

SharePoint 2016 (Windows)
Create a document
List/Library Page

Alt + N

SharePoint 2016 (Windows)
Activate the Respond to this Survey button
Survey Page

Alt + N

SharePoint 2016 (Windows)
Activate the Next Page button
Survey Page

Alt + N

Microsoft Teams (Windows)
Start a New Chat
General Shortcuts

Alt + N

eSignal (Windows)
Regression Trend
49 Shortcuts for eSignal (Windows)

Alt + N

Quickbooks Desktop (Windows)
Go to previous / go to next invoice
Managing Invoices

Alt + p / Alt + n

Creo Parametric (Windows)
26 Shortcuts for Creo Parametric (Windows)

Alt + N

TalkDesk Callbar
Toggle call notes

Alt + N

Mastercam (Windows)
Edit named views
53 Shortcuts for Mastercam (Windows)

Alt + N

Sitecore CMS
Activating Content Editor Tabs

Alt + N

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
New / Select Terms
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Alt + N

Gmsh 4.1.4
Hide/show all post-processing view annotations

Alt + N

Options menu
Menu bar

Alt + N

SuperMemo (Windows)
Add New Note
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Alt + N

Google Chrome
Move focus to a notification
Webpage shortcuts

Alt + N

QuickBooks Desktop
Save transaction and go to the next transaction

Alt + N

Novelty Visual Novel Maker
Toggle navigator windows

Alt + N

Gravit Designer
New design

Alt + N

Move to next step
Windows / Linux

Alt + N

Activate the Next Page button
Survey page

Alt + N

Bluebeam Revu
Links tab
Show tabs

Alt + N

Microsoft Word 2016
To insert tables, pictures and shapes, headers, or text boxes, open Insert tab
Ribbon: Access keys

Alt + N

Create StickyNote
Node graph

Alt + N

Microsoft PowerPoint (Creating presentations)
Open the Insert tab
Frequently used shortcuts

Alt + N

Google Sheets
(in Google Chrome) Add-ons menu
Open a menu

Alt + N

Microsoft Excel 2016
Open the Insert tab and insert PivotTables, charts, add-ins, Sparklines, pictures, shapes, headers, or text boxes
Ribbon: Access keys for tabs

Alt + N

Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
then <keybs>A</keybs>, <keybs>F</keybs> Insert file
Frequently used shortcuts

Alt + N

Microsoft Access 2016
Move to the next page of the wizard
Using wizards

Alt + N

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Move focus to the Notification bar
Notification bar

Alt + N

Search the history forwards non-incremental
Alt key bound

Alt + N

iTunes 11 for Windows
In the Get Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the list
File and window

Alt + N

Microsoft OneNote
Open the Insert tab

Alt + N

Open document in new window

Alt + N

No conversion from DOS/Mac format enable/disable
Enable / Disable settings

Alt + N