Apple iBooks

Create cell references in formulas

(From a selected cell) Move one cell in a given direction

← ↑ → ↓

All hotkeys for Apple iBooks

Move around within a document
Move one character to the left

Move around within a document
Move one character to the right

Move around within a document
Move to the line above

Move around within a document
Move to the line below

Work with tables
Add a column to the left of the selected cells

⌥ Option +

Work with tables
Add a column to the right of the selected cells

⌥ Option +

Move around within a document
Arrow  Move to the beginning of the current line

⌘ Cmd +

Move around within a document
Arrow Move to the end of the current line

⌘ Cmd +

Work with tables
Add a row above the selected cells

⌥ Option +

Work with tables
Add a row below the selected cells

⌥ Option +

Move around within a document
Find the selected item in the book

⌘ Cmd + E then ⌘ Cmd + G

Move around within a document
Jump to a selection in a book when it’s scrolled out of view

⌘ Cmd + J

Move around within a document
Arrow  Move to the beginning of the document

⌘ Cmd +

Create cell references in formulas
Move to the last nonblank cell at the end of the row


Move around within a document
Arrow  Move to the end of the document

⌘ Cmd +

Work with editable shapes
(Double-click the corner point) Change a curve point of an editable shape into a corner point

Mouse double click

Selecting text
(in the paragraph) Select a paragraph

Mouse triple click

Work with tables
Select all table borders or cell content, depending on the initial selection

⌘ Cmd + A

Selecting text
Deselect all inline objects and text

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + A

Selecting text
Arrow Extend the selection one character to the right

↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow  Extend the selection one character to the left

↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow  Extend the selection to the end of the current word

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow Extend the selection to the beginning of the current word

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow Extend the selection to the end of the current line

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd +

Selecting text
Arrow  Extend the selection to the beginning of the current line

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd +

Selecting text
Arrow  Extend the selection to the line above

↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow  Extend the selection to the line below

↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow Extend the selection to the beginning of the current paragraph

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow Extend the selection to the end of the current paragraph

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift +

Selecting text
Arrow  Extend the selection to the beginning of the text

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd +

Selecting text
Arrow  Extend the selection to the end of the text

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd +

Create cell references in formulas
Extend the selection to the end of the row

↑   Shift + End

Format text
Show the Fonts window

⌘ Cmd + T

Format text
Show the Styles drawer

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + T

Format text
Create a glossary term from the selection

⌘ Cmd + Y

Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
(if you’ve assigned them in the Styles drawer) Apply a paragraph, character, or list style


Format text
Apply boldface to selected text

⌘ Cmd + B

Format text
Apply italic to selected text

⌘ Cmd + I

Format text
Apply underline to selected text

⌘ Cmd + U

Work with tables
Delete the selected table, border, or border segment, or the contents of selected cells


Format text
(not available on all keyboards) Delete the next character or selection


Format text
Make the font size bigger

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + +

Format text
Make the font size smaller

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + -

Format text
Make the text superscript

Control + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + +

Format text
Make the text subscript

Control + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + -

Format text
Align the text flush left

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + {

Format text
Center the text

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + |

Format text
Align the text flush right

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + }

Format text
Align the text flush left and flush right (justify)

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + |

Format text
Decrease the list indent level

⌘ Cmd + [

Format text
Increase the list indent level

⌘ Cmd + ]

Create cell references in formulas
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the right

⭾ Tab

Create cell references in formulas
(From a selected cell) Move one cell in a given direction

← ↑ → ↓

Format text
Cut the selection

⌘ Cmd + X

Format text
Copy the selection

⌘ Cmd + C

Manipulate objects
Copy the graphic style

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + C

Format text
Copy the character style

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + C

Format text
Paste the selection

⌘ Cmd + V

Manipulate objects
Paste the graphic style

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + V

Format text
Paste and match the style of the destination text

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + V

Format text
Add a range to (or remove it from) the selection

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Format text
Add a range to (or remove it from) the selection

⌘ Cmd + Mouse movement

Format text
Insert a nonbreaking space

⌥ Option + Space

Create cell references in formulas
Complete a cell entry and move the selection up

↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Create cell references in formulas
Complete a cell entry and select the cell

⤶ Enter

Work with tables
(click Table in the toolbar, then drag to size) Create a table by dragging

⌥ Option + Mouse movement

Manipulate objects
one floating object and press Shift-Command-A  (Select one floating object and press Shift + Command + A) Deselect all floating objects


Work with tables
(Click the selected cell) Stop editing the cell and select the table

⌘ Cmd + Mouse left click

Work with tables
(Click the border segment) Add a border segment to (or remove it from) the selection

↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Create cell references in formulas
Extend the selection by one cell

↑   Shift then ← ↑ → ↓

Manipulate objects
Turn off alignment guides

⌘ Cmd + Mouse movement

Manipulate objects
Send the selected object to the back

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + B

Manipulate objects
Send the selected object one layer back

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + B

Manipulate objects
Bring the selected object to the front

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + F

Manipulate objects
Bring the selected object one layer forward

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + F

Manipulate objects
Group selected objects

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + G

Manipulate objects
Ungroup selected objects

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + G

Manipulate objects
Lock selected objects

⌘ Cmd + L

Manipulate objects
Unlock selected objects

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + L

Manipulate objects
Duplicate the object

⌘ Cmd + D

Work with tables
(Drag the table) Constrain the movement of the table and snap to guides

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Work with tables
(Drag the border or border segment) Move a border or border segment to a new position

Mouse movement

Manipulate objects
(Drag a selection handle) Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing the object from the center

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Manipulate objects
(Drag a selection handle) Rotate the object 45°

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + Mouse movement

Manipulate objects
(Drag a selection handle) Rotate the object around the opposite handle (instead of the center)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + Mouse movement

Manipulate objects
(Drag a selection handle) Rotate the object 45° around the opposite handle (instead of the center)

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + Mouse movement

Manipulate objects
Mask or unmask the object

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + M

Work with tables
Stop editing the cell and select the cell

⌘ Cmd + ⤶ Enter

Work with tables
(Click the table) Open the table formatting menu for a selected table or cells

Control + Mouse left click

Manipulate objects
Choose an object to insert

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + V

Manipulate objects
Insert a mathematical equation or expression

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + E

Manipulate objects
Define the text as a placeholder

Control + ⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + T

Manipulate objects
Define the object as a media placeholder

Control + ⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + I

Work with tables
Stop editing the cell and select the table

⌘ Cmd + ⤶ Enter then ⤶ Enter

Work with tables
Click the border segment (double-click if the table isn’t selected): Select a border segment

Mouse left click

Create cell references in formulas
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the left

↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Create cell references in formulas
Insert a tab

⌥ Option + ⭾ Tab

Work with tables
Insert a line break (soft return) when editing text in a cell

Control + ⤶ Enter

Create cell references in formulas
Insert a line break

⌥ Option + ⤶ Enter

Work with tables
Open the Formula Editor for the cell containing the formula or formatted number


Work with tables
In the Formula Editor, discard changes


Create cell references in formulas
Navigate to and select a single cell

⌥ Option then ← ↑ → ↓

Create cell references in formulas
Extend or shrink a selected cell reference

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift then ← ↑ → ↓

Create cell references in formulas
Navigate to the first or last nonheader cell in a row or column

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd then ← ↑ → ↓

Create cell references in formulas
(or press Option + Shift and an arrow key to select cells) Refer to another table below or above the current table

Option + Command + Page Down then Option + ArrowKeys

Create cell references in formulas
(or press Option + Shift and an arrow key to select cells) Refer to another table below or above the current table

Option + Command + Page Up then Option + ArrowKeys

Create cell references in formulas
Specify absolute and relative attributes of selected cell references

⌘ Cmd + K

Create cell references in formulas
Specify absolute and relative attributes of selected cell references

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + K

Create cell references in formulas
Specify absolute and relative attributes of the first and last cells of selected cell references

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + K

Create cell references in formulas
Edit chart data

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + K

Create cell references in formulas
Show or hide the Chart Data Editor

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + D

Work with editable shapes
(Click the shape, then click again) Make a custom shape editable

Mouse left click

Work with editable shapes
Draw a custom shape with the Pen tool

⌥ Option + ↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + P

Work with editable shapes
(Click on a point, then press delete) Delete a point of an editable shape

Mouse left click then Del

Work with editable shapes
(Click the shape border where you want to add a point) Add a point to an editable shape

⌥ Option + Mouse left click

Open a new book

⌘ Cmd + N

Open a new book from the Template Chooser

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + N

Open an existing book

⌘ Cmd + O

Preview a selection of a book or the entire book (depending on the setting in General preferences)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + P

Publish a book

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + P

Save a book

⌘ Cmd + S

Print a book

⌘ Cmd + P

Open iBooks Author Help

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + ?


⌘ Cmd + F

Find next

⌘ Cmd + G

Find previous

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + G

Check spelling

⌘ Cmd + ;

Show the Spelling window

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + :

Close a window

⌘ Cmd + W

Minimize a window

⌘ Cmd + M

Enter full-screen view

Control + ⌘ Cmd + F

Zoom in

⌘ Cmd + >

Zoom out

⌘ Cmd + <

Show the Preferences window

⌘ Cmd + ,

Show the Inspector window

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + I

Show the document rulers

⌘ Cmd + R

Show or hide layout boundaries

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + L

Choose scrolling view (landscape template only)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Show formatting characters (invisibles)

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + I

Show the Colors window

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + C

Hide or show the toolbar

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + T

Hide or show the format bar

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + R

Hide or show the glossary toolbar

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + E

Hide iBooks Author

⌘ Cmd + H

Hide other windows

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + H

Undo the last action

⌘ Cmd + Z

Redo the last action

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + Z

Quit iBooks Author

⌘ Cmd + Q

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Data Studio
Move elements
General (Windows)

← ↑ → ↓


← ↑ → ↓

Affinity Photo
Move selection in 1-pixel increments
Pixel selection/Mask

← ↑ → ↓

ChessBase 13
Play moves forwards and backwards
Board window

← ↑ → ↓

App Maker
Nudge the selected widgets one pixel in the direction of the arrow key
Page editor shortcuts - Mac

← ↑ → ↓

Move object, fine

← ↑ → ↓

Control the direction and angle of the camera

← ↑ → ↓

All common navigation keys just like Explorer
Other Shortcuts

← ↑ → ↓

Elex (PC)

← ↑ → ↓

The Secret of Monkey Island
Arrow keys
Cursor controls

← ↑ → ↓

Europa Universalis IV
Navigate the Ledger

← ↑ → ↓

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

← ↑ → ↓

CoSpaces Edu
Walking camera mode

← ↑ → ↓

Battlezone 98 Redux
External camera controls (Edit mode)
Camera views

← ↑ → ↓

Arrow buttons
General controls

← ↑ → ↓

Ableton Live 10
Select Neighboring Clip/Slot
Session View commands

← ↑ → ↓

Ableton Live 10 (Mac)
Select Neighboring Clip/Slot
Session View commands

← ↑ → ↓

Madden NFL 19
Player movement
Player locked receiver

← ↑ → ↓

Amazon Fire TV
Menu navigation

← ↑ → ↓

Samsung TV
Navigate the on-screen menu

← ↑ → ↓

Tableau (Mac)
Move floating dashboard object 1 pixel at a time
Web authoring (Tableau Online or Tableau Server)

← ↑ → ↓

Adobe Illustrator
Move selection in user-defined increments
Work with selections

← ↑ → ↓

Adobe Illustrator (Mac)
Move selection in user-defined increments
Work with selections

← ↑ → ↓

Move floating dashboard object 1 pixel at a time
Web authoring (Tableau Online or Tableau Server)

← ↑ → ↓

Nudge position by 1px
Moving and resizing layers

← ↑ → ↓

Move cursor a character or line in the direction of the arrow
Letter Editor

← ↑ → ↓

Navigate cards

← ↑ → ↓

Walk (not diagonally)
Game Window

← ↑ → ↓

Adobe Photoshop Elements (Mac)
(move tool) Move selection 1 pixel
Selecting and moving objects

← ↑ → ↓

Kerbal Space Program
Turn view L/R/U/D
System/UI Commands

← ↑ → ↓

Roll / pitch

← ↑ → ↓

Move up, down, left or right
Scroll and pan the canvas

← ↑ → ↓

AI War Classic
Pan the view

← ↑ → ↓

Move to cell above, below, left, or right
Table layer

← ↑ → ↓

Move caret one character or line.
Moving the caret

← ↑ → ↓

Black Desert Online
Move camera
Screenshot mode

← ↑ → ↓

Scroll Automap

← ↑ → ↓

Pan map

← ↑ → ↓

(numpad) Navigate around the node tree in the direction specified. For example, pressing the left arrow key (4) selects the next node to the left of the current node in the tree.
Node graph

← ↑ → ↓

Microsoft Word 2016
Move around the preview page when zoomed in
Print and preview documents

← ↑ → ↓

Move selected token one grid unit in the specified direction
Moving, rotation an resizing

← ↑ → ↓


← ↑ → ↓

Waze Map Editor
pan the map in all four directions
Display and layers

← ↑ → ↓

Navigate between topics

← ↑ → ↓

Microsoft FrontPage
Move between options in an open drop-down list, or between options in a group of options.
Access and use dialog boxes

← ↑ → ↓

move cursor by one character
Text tool

← ↑ → ↓

Autodesk SketchBook (Windows)
Arrow key to move pixel

← ↑ → ↓

Navigate in the phrase tree

← ↑ → ↓

Adobe Photoshop CC
Nudge selection when viewing the original
Result (Pattern Maker only)

← ↑ → ↓

Clipboard Master
Move area by 1 pixel

← ↑ → ↓

Warcraft III
Scroll the game view
Game commands

← ↑ → ↓

Corel Painter
Nudge 1 pixel
Other commands

← ↑ → ↓

Corel Painter (Mac)
Nudge 1 pixel
Other commands

← ↑ → ↓

Adobe XD (Windows)
Design specs

← ↑ → ↓

Adobe XD (Mac)
Design specs

← ↑ → ↓

Microsoft PowerPoint (Creating presentations)
Move down, up, left, or right, respectively, among the items on the ribbon
Ribbon: Change focus by using the keyboard

← ↑ → ↓

LibreOffice Draw
Moves the selected object in the direction of the arrow key
Shortcut keys specific to drawings

← ↑ → ↓

LibreOffice Base
Moves the selected control in steps of 1 mm in the respective direction. In point edit mode, it changes the size of the selected control
Creating Basic dialogs

← ↑ → ↓

BBC iPlayer
Increase / decrease volume, fast forward and rewind

← ↑ → ↓

Move the selected point (the snap-to-grid functions are temporarily disabled, but end points still snap to each other)
Drawing objects

← ↑ → ↓

LibreOffice Impress
Moves the selected object or the page view in the direction of the arrow

← ↑ → ↓

Tekla Structures 20

← ↑ → ↓

Grand Theft Auto V
Navigate timeline

← ↑ → ↓

Navigate between topics

← ↑ → ↓

Apple Pages
(on a selected cell) Select the next cell to the left, right, up, or down
Working with tables

← ↑ → ↓

Move the cursor one square at a time
General (Vista and later)

← ↑ → ↓

Move the selection around the relationships graph, individually selecting tables, notes, or relationships
Table and relationship selection and arrangement

← ↑ → ↓

Apple Calendar
Select the next or previous event
Event shortcuts

← ↑ → ↓

WPS Office
Move one cell up, down, left, or right in a worksheet.

← ↑ → ↓

Select the adjacent item
Select and clear items

← ↑ → ↓

Microsoft Access 2016
Move among cells
Working with panes: Using grid pane

← ↑ → ↓

Nudge selection on workplane, x and y axis

← ↑ → ↓

League of Legends
Scroll camera in the corresponding direction

← ↑ → ↓

Microsoft Excel 2016
In a dialog box, arrow keys move between options in an open drop-down list, or between options in a group of options
Other useful shortcut keys

← ↑ → ↓

Scroll image (when zoomed)
View and zoom

← ↑ → ↓

Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
Move around within the Folder pane
Basic navigation

← ↑ → ↓

NVDA Screen Reader
Toggle between radio buttons, "select" tag list items, tabs (ARIA widget), menu items (ARIA widget), tree view items (ARIA widget)
Basics: Navigate

← ↑ → ↓

Move Shape by 1px
Shape tool

← ↑ → ↓

Google Maps
Pan to desired direction

← ↑ → ↓

Scroll up, down, left, or right

← ↑ → ↓

GOM Player
Wave volume up/down
Volume control

← ↑ → ↓

Microsoft Photos App
Move within the photo on a zoomed photo

← ↑ → ↓

SnagIt 13
Move crosshairs 1 pixel
Capture hotkeys

← ↑ → ↓

Windows 10 Maps
Pan the map in any direction

← ↑ → ↓

Pinnacle Studio 22

← ↑ → ↓

Move workspace
Additional shortcut keys

← ↑ → ↓