JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)

Compile and Run

Run Context editor from Editor

Ctrl + Shift + R / Ctrl + Shift + D

All hotkeys for JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)

General Shortcuts
Open Corresponding Tool Window

Option + 0..9

General Shortcuts
Save All

Command + S

General Shortcuts
Toggle Maximize Editor

Command + Shift + F12

General Shortcuts
Find Action

Command + Shift + A

General Shortcuts
Switch Editor Tabs and IDE Tool Windows

Ctrl + Tab

General Shortcuts
Open Setting Dialog

Command + ,

General Shortcuts
Toggle Full Screen Mode

Command + Option + F11

General Shortcuts
Add to Favourites

Option + Shift + F

General Shortcuts
Search Everywhere

Double Shift

General Shortcuts
Inspect Current file with Current file

Option + Shift + I

Step Out

Shift + F8

Step Over


Step Into


Evaluate Expression

Option + F8

Toggle Breakpoint

Command + F8

Resume Program

Command + Option + F9

Find and Replace

Command + F

Find and Replace

Command + R

Find and Replace
Find Next

Command + G

Find and Replace
Find Previous

Command + Shift + G

Find and Replace
Find in Path

Command + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Replace in Path

Command + Shift + R

Basic Code Completion

Ctrl + Spacebar

Class name Completion

Command + Option + Spacebar

Quick Documentation Lookup

Ctrl + J

Brief Info

Command + Mouse Over

Complete Statement

Command + Shift + Return

Parameter Information

Command + P

Override Methods

Ctrl + O

Generate Code

Command + N / Ctrl + N

Move Line(Selection) Up/Down

Command + Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

Surround With..(Begin..End etc.)

Command + Option + T

Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment

Command + /

Comment/Uncomment with Block Comment

Command + Shift + /

Implements Method

Ctrl + I

Show Intention Actions and Quick Fixes

Option + Return

Reformat Code

Command + Option + L

Duplicate Current Line

Command + D

Cut/Copy/Paste Current line to Clipboard

Command + X / Command + C / Command + V

Paste from History

Command + Shift + V

AutoIndent Lines

Ctrl + Option + I

Delete line at caret

Command + Backspace

Start New line

Shift + Return

Close Active editor tab

Command + W

Show Intention Actions/Quick-Fixes

Option + Return

Decrease Current Selection to Previous State

Option + Down Arrow

Select Successively Incresing Code blocks

Option + Up Arrow

Expand/Collapse Code block

Command + NumPad + / Command + NumPad -

Delete to end word

Command + Del

Delete to word start

Command + Backspace

Select till code block end

Command + Shift + Option + ]

Select till code block start

Command + Shift + Option + [

Switch case for Word at Caret or Selected block

Command + Shift + U

Smart Line Join(HTML and JS only)

Ctrl + Shift + J

Smart Line Split(HTML and JS only)

Command + Return





Safe Delete

Command + Del


Shift + F6

Inline Variable

Command + Option + N

Refactor This(Show All Available Refactoring)

Ctrl + T

Extract Method

Command + Option + M

Introduce Field

Command + Option + F

Introduce Constant

Command + Option + C

Introduce Variable

Command + Option + V

Go to Class

Command + O

Go to File

Command + Shift + O

Go to Symbol

Command + Option + O

Next highlighted Error


Previous highlighted Error

Shift + F2

Go to Line

Command + G

Go to Editor


Recent files Popup

Command + E

Select current file/Symbol in any View

Option + F1

Go to Next/Previous Tab

Option + Left Arrow / Option + Right Arrow

Go to Declaration

Command + B

Go to Implementation

Command + Option + B

Go to Type Declaration

Command + Ctrl + B

Navigate back/forward

Command + Option + Left Arrow / Command + Option + Right Arrow

Go to last edit location

Command + Shift + Backspace

Go to super method/super class

Command + U

Edit Source


View Source

Command + Down Arrow

Move to code block end/start

Command + ] / Command + [

Go to Previous/Next Method

Option + Up Arrow / Option + Down Arrow

Open Quick Definition Lookup

Command + Y

Compile and Run
Run Command Line

Command + Shift + X

Compile and Run

Ctrl + F10

Compile and Run

Ctrl + F9

Compile and Run
Run Context editor from Editor

Ctrl + Shift + R / Ctrl + Shift + D

Usage Search
Find Usage in File

Command + F7

Usage Search
Find Usage

Option + F7

Usage Search
Highlight Usage in File

Command + Shift + F7

Usage Search
Show Usage

Command + Option + F7

VCS/Local History
Commit Project to VCS

Command + K

VCS/Local History
Update Project from VCS

Command + T

VCS/Local History
View Recent Changes

Option + Shift + C

VCS/Local History
VCS Operations Popup

Ctrl + V

Live Template/Snippets
Insert Live Template

Command + J

Live Template/Snippets
echo' Statement


Live Template/Snippets
foreach(iterable_expr as $value){…}


Live Template/Snippets
foreach(iterable_expr as $key=>$value){…}


Live Template/Snippets
"include"/"include_once" statement


Live Template/Snippets
private function


Live Template/Snippets
protected function


Live Template/Snippets
public function


Live Template/Snippets
"require"/"require_once" statement


Similar combinations for other applications

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Open Resource (file, folder or project)
Manage Files and Projects

Ctrl + Shift + R

Thunderbird (Windows)
Reply to all in Message
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + Shift + R

Thunderbird (Linux)
Reply to all in Message
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + Shift + R

Google Mail (Windows)
Right align
Format Text in Messages

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Show or hide rule lines on the current page.
Managing Pages, Notebooks and Sections

ctrl + shift + r

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Reply All to meeting request with message
Messages in Main View - Create and Manage Appointments

Ctrl + Shift + R

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Delete from cursor to end of line
Standard Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Firefox (Linux)
Bookmark all tabs. In the "create in" menu, use alt+down to choose bookmark destination

Ctrl + Shift + D

Firefox (Windows)
Bookmark all tabs. In the "create in" menu, use alt+down to choose bookmark destination

Ctrl + Shift + D

Google Chrome (Windows)
Saves all open pages as bookmarks in a new folder
Bookmarks Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Google Docs (Windows)
Right alignment
Format Text

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Reply All to meeting request with message
Messages in Compose View - Create and Manage Appointments

Ctrl + Shift + R

Google Chrome (Linux)
Saves all open pages as bookmarks in a new folder
Bookmarks Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)
Rendering > Wireframe

Ctrl + Shift + R

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Double-underline text.
Character and paragraph formatting Apply character formats

Ctrl + Shift + D

Sublime Text (Windows)
Show Function List without changing cursor position
Navigation - Fancy Navigation

Ctrl + Shift + R

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Duplicate the Line
Code Editor

Ctrl + Shift + D

Sublime Text (Windows)
Show Function List without changing cursor position
Selections - Fancy Navigation

Ctrl + Shift + R

Sublime Text (Windows)
Duplicate line or selection
Cool Text Manipulation

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Reply All to meeting request with message
Calendar Shortcuts - Create and Manage Appointments

Ctrl + Shift + R

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Select only active photo
Comparing photos in the Library module

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Dial new call
Contacts Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Show Clipboard History
General Keyboard Shortcts

Ctrl + Shift + D

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Rectangular Selection (Toggle)
Coding in Java

Ctrl + Shift + R

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + D

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
"Math" menu

Ctrl + Shift + D

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Reset all settings
Develop Module

Ctrl + Shift + R

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
Right delimiter command
"Math" menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

IntelliJ (Linux)
Replace in path

Ctrl + Shift + R

IntelliJ (Windows)
Replace in path

Ctrl + Shift + R

FL Studio (Windows)
Export MP3 file
File Operations

Ctrl + Shift + R

Directory Opus (Windows)
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + D

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Deselect all on tracks
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + D

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Synchronize - Mirror to right...
Actions Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Duplicates active slide


Beyond Compare (Windows)
Copy line to right
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Take right line
Edit Menu - Text Merge

Ctrl + Shift + R

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
Export - Photoshop with transparency (PSD)...
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Ungroup objects
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Flash Professional (Windows)
Export to .swf/.spl/.gif/, etc...

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Apply/remove double-underline
Format Text and Paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + D

Autodesk Maya 2015 (Windows)
Edit - Duplicate Special
Edit Operation

Ctrl + Shift + D

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + D

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Duplicate line
Editing Lines

Ctrl + Shift + d

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a relationship
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + R

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Duplicate line
Editing Lines

Ctrl + Shift + D

Qt Creator (Windows)
Rename symbol under cursor

Ctrl + Shift + R

Amazon Music Player (Windows)
Computer / Desktop Library
13 Shortcuts for Amazon Music Player (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + D

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Rename symbol under cursor

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Delete pages

Ctrl + Shift + D

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Ungroup objects
Text Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Ctrl + Shift + R

uTorrent (Windows)
Reload flags.bmp / flags.conf
21 Shortcuts for uTorrent (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

uTorrent (Linux)
Reload flags.bmp / flags.conf
21 Shortcuts for uTorrent (Linux)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Camtasia 8 (Windows)
Recorder Hotkeys

Ctrl + Shift + D

Prezi (Web Application)
Duplicates and flips your content, creating a mirrored version of your content (works for images and arrows but not text).

Ctrl + Shift + D

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Start to record /Stop recording the macro
Macro menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Camtasia 8 (Windows)
Enable ScreenDraw
Screen Draw Hotkeys

Ctrl + Shift + D

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Display the Dial pad
Call Control

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Show or hide Ruler lines on current page
OneNote Window

Ctrl + Shift + R

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a relationship
Text Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + R

Autodesk Maya 2017 (Windows)
Edit - Duplicate Special
Edit Operation

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows)
Toggle reading view (on/off)
View / Print

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)
Align text right
Format text

Ctrl + Shift + R

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Select only active photo
Comparing Photos in the Library Module

Ctrl + Shift + D

Google Slides (Windows)
Text Editing

Ctrl + Shift + R

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Ungroup objects
Database Management Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Ctrl + Shift + R

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
The Rest - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Reply all to a message

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)
Turn on/off double underline
Format text

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Delete and Ignore a Conversation

Ctrl + Shift + D

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Split selected Layers (If no Layers are selected, split all Layers.)

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Reply All to a meeting request with a message

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Audio transition
Clipping Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Reset all settings
Develop Module

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Dial a new call

Ctrl + Shift + D

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Right align
Marker Operation

Ctrl + Shift + R

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a relationship
Database Management Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + R

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Open Rotation dialog box for Layers
Modify Layer Properties

Ctrl + Shift + R

InDesign CC (Windows)
Flush Right
Formatting Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + R

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Open the Manage Database dialog box
General keyboard shortcuts (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + D

InDesign CC (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + D

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Align horizontal text Right align

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Align vertical text Bottom

Ctrl + Shift + R

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Refresh a window
Browse-Mode Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + R

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Drag a copy
Edit Menu Commands

Ctrl + Shift + D

3D Coat (Windows)
Duplicate Layer
Layers Operations

Ctrl + Shift + D

Hexagon 2 (Windows)
Unclone Selection
Pan Selection and editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Display Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Duplicate render item with same output filename as original
Saving, Exporting, and Rendering

Ctrl + Shift + D

CINEMA 4D (Windows)
Render to Picture Viewer (IR)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Wondershare Editor (Windows)
Find target
Media/ Resource library

Ctrl + Shift + R

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
Show dimensions

Ctrl + Shift + D

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
View list

Ctrl + Shift + R

Autodesk Inventor 2017 (Windows)
Rectangular pattern
Placed Features

Ctrl + Shift + R

Ace Projects (Windows)
Duplicate selection
Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Act! CRM (Windows)
Reschedule Activity
Activity Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Sublime Text (Linux)
Duplicate Lines
General Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Replace in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + R

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
Replace in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + R

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Replace in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Export to .swf/.gif etc..

Ctrl + Shift + R

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Hide/Show Page Rulers
Score Editor

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)
Open file by Name Search
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Delete line (s)
Coding Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Cloud9 (Windows)
Duplicate Selection
Code Manipulation

Ctrl + Shift + D

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Audio File Editor

Ctrl + Shift + R

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Run Context Configuration from Editor
Compile and Run

Ctrl + Shift + R

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Debug Context Configuration from Editor
Compile and Run

Ctrl + Shift + D

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Replace in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + R

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Replace in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe RoboHelp (Windows)
Format Paragraph Menu
Text Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + D

DAZ Studio (Windows)
Render settings
Render Commands

Ctrl + Shift + R

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Application - Model

Ctrl + Shift + R

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Double Underline
Text Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + D

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Word 2016 (MacOS)
Insert a DATE field
Work with fields

Ctrl + Shift + D

Opera (Windows)
Save as new bookmark in active bookmark folder
Access Loading

Ctrl + Shift + D

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Spline Modeler - Model

Ctrl + Shift + R

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Apply drop cap
Text Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + D

Opera (Windows)
Save selected link as new bookmark

Ctrl + Shift + D

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (Windows)
Convert Selection to Layer
Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Vertex Modeler - Model

Ctrl + Shift + R

Brackets (Windows)
Delete Line
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + D

Flock (Windows)
Star and tag

Ctrl + Shift + D

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Duplicate with Symmetry
3D View

Ctrl + Shift + D

InCopy CC (Windows)
Display Links panel
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Chief Architect (Windows)
General Plan/Layout Defaults
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + R

Brackets (Windows)
Reload in browser
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

vSphere Client (Windows)
Switch to Datastore
vCenter Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

vSphere Client (Windows)
vCenter Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + R

MediaMonkey (Windows)
Rip Audio CD
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + R

MediaMonkey (Windows)
Burn Audio CD
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

VideoPad Video Editor (Windows)
Record audio

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
View slide properties
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Replace in path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Insert a rollover caption
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + R

VideoPad Video Editor (Windows)
Record audio

Ctrl + Shift + R

Scottrade (Windows)
Open Market Depth Window
32 Shortcuts for Scottrade (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + D

XYplorer (Windows)
Copy Here with Suffix Date Modified
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Soundforge (Windows)
Show the Set Selection dialog
Data Selection

Ctrl + Shift + D

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Macro-Start Record
Tools Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Initiate search and replace in the specified scope

Ctrl + Shift + R

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Application Menu

Ctrl + Shift + D

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Start/stop Recording editor macro
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Enable multicamera editing
General Editing

Ctrl + Shift + D

Synfig (Windows)
Deselect all layers
73 Shortcuts for Synfig (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + D

Pencil2D (Windows)
Import Image
57 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Render All

Ctrl + Shift + R

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Trading Chart DOM On
Trade Menu

Ctrl + Shift + D

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Show Debug

Ctrl + Shift + D

Soundforge (Windows)
Compile script
Script Editor

Ctrl + Shift + R

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Enable multicamera editing
Playback,Recording and Preview

Ctrl + Shift + D

RStudio (Windows)
Insert code section

Ctrl + Shift + R

RStudio (Windows)
Document package

Ctrl + Shift + D

TurboCAD (Windows)
Set point of interest to the drawing center
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + D

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Replace in files

Ctrl + Shift + R

TurboCAD (Windows)
Relocate the Block Reference Point
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Geany (Linux)
Find Document Usage
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + Shift + D

Geany (Windows)
Find Document Usage
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + Shift + D

CuteFTP (Windows)
Change item queue order (move down one)

Ctrl + Shift + D

IRONCAD (Windows)
Toggle Fluent Ribbon Bar On/Off
UI Function Keys

Ctrl + Shift + R

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Prints image into multiple sheets of paper that can be joined together to create a poster
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Geany (Linux)
Reload symbol list
Build,Make and Compile

Ctrl + Shift + R

Geany (Windows)
Reload symbol list
Build,Make and Compile

Ctrl + Shift + R

SAP Web IDE (Windows)
Open Resource
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Displays or hides Grid
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Vectorworks (Windows)
Rendering–Dashed Hidden Line
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + D

SpaceClaim (Windows)
Toggle Quick Rendering mode
71 Shortcuts for SpaceClaim (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Vectorworks (Windows)
Rotate Right 90
Modify Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Export Audio/Video
Working with Sets and the Program

Ctrl + Shift + R

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Allocate to departments
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Ctrl + Shift + D

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Edit Operations

Ctrl + Shift + D

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Remove this quote, order, or time slip
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Ctrl + Shift + R

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Open Region List
Bookmarks and Regions

Ctrl + Shift + R

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Export All Snapshots to PNG
Working with Mockup Files

Ctrl + Shift + R

Brave Browser (Windows)
Clean Reload
Page Navigation and Display

Ctrl + Shift + R

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)
Reverse Path Direction

Ctrl + Shift + D

Solidwork Composer (Windows)
Right/left camera view
35 Shortcuts for Solidwork Composer (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + R

SolveSpace (Windows)
Step Dimension …

Ctrl + Shift + D

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)
Justify Right
Text Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe Fireworks MX (Windows)
Export File
Working With Fireworks Files using Shortcuts

ctrl + shift + r

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply/remove double-underline
Navigate within Documents - Format Text

Ctrl + Shift + D

Winamp Media Player (Windows)
Randomize playlist
Manage Playlists

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Reply all to a message.
Shortcuts for Managing E-Mail

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Reply All to a meeting request with a message.
Shortcuts for Managing Calendar

Ctrl + Shift + R

IrfanView 4.42 (Windows)
Lossless JPG rotation - right (Plugin required)

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Dial a new call.
Shortcuts for Contacts

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply/remove double-underline
Edit Documents - Format Text

Ctrl + Shift + D

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Split selected layers (If no layers are selected, split all layers.)

Ctrl + Shift + D

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Open Rotation dialog box for selected layers
Modifying Layer Properties

Ctrl + Shift + R

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Align selected horizontal or vertical text right

Ctrl + Shift + R

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply/remove double-underline
Formats - Format Text

Ctrl + Shift + D

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Duplicate render item with same output filename as original
Saving, Exporting, and Rendering

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply/remove double-underline
Manage Word View - Format Text

Ctrl + Shift + D

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply/remove double-underline
Tables - Format Text

Ctrl + Shift + D