JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)

Find and Replace

Find in Path

Ctrl + Shift + F

All hotkeys for JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)

General Shortcuts
Open Corresponding Tool Window

Alt + 0..9

General Shortcuts
Save All

Ctrl + S

General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + Y

General Shortcuts
Toggle Maximize Editor

Ctrl + Shift + F12

General Shortcuts
Find Action

Ctrl + Shift + A

General Shortcuts
Go to Editor


General Shortcuts
Switch Editor Tabs and IDE Tool Windows

Ctrl + Tab

General Shortcuts
Open Setting Dialog

Ctrl + Alt + S

General Shortcuts
Quick Switch Current Scheme

Ctrl + `

General Shortcuts
Add to Favourites

Alt + Shift + F

General Shortcuts
Inspect Current file with Current file

Alt + Shift + I

Find and Replace

Ctrl + F

Find and Replace

Ctrl + R

Find and Replace
Find Next


Find and Replace
Find Previous

Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Find in Path

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Replace in Path

Ctrl + Shift + R

Run to Cursor

Alt + F9

Step Out

Shift + F8

Step Over


Step Into


Quick Evaluate Expression

Ctrl + Alt + F8

Evaluate Expression

Alt + F8

Toggle Breakpoint

Ctrl + F8

View Breakpoints

Ctrl + Shift + F8

Resume Program


Compile and Run
Open Run Configuration

Alt + Shift + F10

Compile and Run
Open Debug Configuration

Alt + Shift + F9

Compile and Run

Shift + F10

Compile and Run

Shift + F9

Compile and Run
Run Context editor from Editor

Ctrl + Shift + F10

Go to Class

Ctrl + N

Go to File

Ctrl + Shift + N

Go to Symbol

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N

Next highlighted Error


Previous highlighted Error

Shift + F2

Go to Top of Page

Ctrl + PgUp

Go to Bottom of Page

Ctrl + PgDn

Go to Line

Ctrl + G

Recent files Popup

Ctrl + E

Select current file/Symbol in any View

Alt + F1

Go to Next/Previous Tab

Alt + Left Arrow / Alt + Right Arrow

Go to Declaration

Ctrl + B

Go to Type Declaration

Ctrl + Shift + B

Navigate back/forward

Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow

Go to last edit location

Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Go to super method/super class

Ctrl + U

Type Hierarchy

Ctrl + H

Method Hierarchy

Ctrl + Shift + H

Call Hierarchy

Ctrl + Alt + H

File Structure Popup

Ctrl + F12

Go back to Previous Tool Window


Toggle Bookmark


Toggle Bookmark with Mnemonic

Ctrl + F11

Show Bookmarks

Shift + F11

Go to Numbered Bookmark

Ctrl + 0..9

Show Navigation bar

Alt + Home

Edit Source


Show Diagram

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + U

Move to code block end/start

Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [

Go to Previous/Next Method

Alt + Up Arrow / Alt + Down Arrow

Open Quick Definition Lookup

Ctrl + Shift + I

Basic Code Completion

Ctrl + Spacebar

Complete Current Statement

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Class name Completion

Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar

Quick Documentation Lookup

Ctrl + Q

Brief Info

Ctrl + Mouse Over

Complete Statement

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Parameter Information

Ctrl + P

Override Methods

Ctrl + O

Generate Code

Alt + Insert

Move Line(Selection) Up/Down

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

Surround With..(Begin..End etc.)

Ctrl + Alt + T

Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment

Ctrl + /

Comment/Uncomment with Block Comment

Ctrl + Shift + /

Show Description of Error or Warning at Caret

Ctrl + F1

Indent Selected Lines


Unindent Selected Lines

Shift + Tab

Show Intention Actions and Quick Fixes

Alt + Enter

Reformat Code

Ctrl + Alt + L

Duplicate Current Line

Ctrl + D

Cut/Copy/Paste Current line to Clipboard

Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V

Paste from Buffer

Ctrl + Shift + V

AutoIndent Lines

Ctrl + Alt + I

Delete line at caret

Ctrl + Y

Start New line

Shift + Enter

Close Active editor tab

Ctrl + F4

Show Intention Actions/Quick-Fixes

Alt + Enter

Decrease Current Selection to Previous State

Ctrl + Shift + W

Select Successively Incresing Code blocks

Ctrl + W

Expand All

Ctrl + Shift + NumPad +

Collapse All

Ctrl + Shift + NumPad -

Expand/Collapse Code block

Ctrl + NumPad + / Ctrl + NumPad -

Delete to end word

Ctrl + Del

Delete to word start

Ctrl + Backspace

Select till code block end

Ctrl + Shift + ]

Select till code block start

Ctrl + Shift + [

Toggle Carnel/Snake Case

Shift + Alt + U

Switch case for Word at Caret or Selected block

Ctrl + Shift + U





Safe Delete

Alt + Del


Shift + F6


Ctrl + Alt + N

Change Signature

Ctrl + F6

Extract Method

Ctrl + Alt + M

Introduce Field

Ctrl + Alt + F

Introduce parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

Introduce Constant

Ctrl + Alt + C

Introduce Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

Usage Search
Find Usage in File

Ctrl + F7

Usage Search
Find Usage

Alt + F7

Usage Search
Highlight Usage in File

Ctrl + Shift + F7

Usage Search
Show Usage

Ctrl + Alt + F7

Live Templates
Insert Live Template

Ctrl + J

Live Templates
Surround with Live Template

Ctrl + Alt + J

VCS/Local History
Commit Project to VCS

Ctrl + K

VCS/Local History
Update Project from VCS

Ctrl + T

VCS/Local History
View Recent Changes

Ctrl + Shift + E

VCS/Local History
VCS Operations Popup

Alt + `

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Chrome (Windows)
Search Text across sources
Manage Chrome DevTools - Accessing DevTools and DevTools Basics

Ctrl + Shift + F

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Find in files
Code Editor - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + Shift + F

Google Mail (Windows)
Change From address
Compose Messages

Ctrl + Shift + F

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Autoformat all code in Editor using code formatter
Indentions and Comments

Ctrl + Shift + F

Google Chrome (Linux)
Search Text across sources
Manage Chrome DevTools - Accessing DevTools and DevTools Basics

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Display the Format Cells with Fonts Tab active. Press tab 3x to get to font-size. Used to be ctrl+shift+p, but that seems just get to the Font Tab in 2010.
Work with Data Selections - Format Cells

Ctrl + Shift + F

Thunderbird (Windows)
Find all Messages in Folder
Find Messages

Ctrl + Shift + F

Thunderbird (Linux)
Find all Messages in Folder
Find Messages

Ctrl + Shift + F

Unity3D 3 (Windows)
Align to View
Game Objects

Ctrl + Shift + f

Zune (Windows)
Fast forward
Playing Songs

Ctrl + Shift + F

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Find in files
Coding - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + Shift + F

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Font and Background
Most used - Box formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F / C

Google Docs (Windows)
Compact controls
Manage Google Docs

Ctrl + Shift + F

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Find in files...

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Open the Font dialog box to change the font.
Character and paragraph formatting Change or resize the font

Ctrl + Shift + F

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Font and Background
Reorganizing - Box formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F / C

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Display the Format Cells with Fonts Tab active. Press tab 3x to get to font-size. Used to be ctrl+shift+p, but that seems just get to the Font Tab in 2010.
Insert and Edit Data - Format Cells

Ctrl + Shift + F

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
Hide the Search results and move focus to current outline
Accessing Features

Ctrl + Shift + F

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Find in files
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + Shift + F

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Disconnect from FTP server
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + f

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Disconnect current FTP connection

Ctrl + SHIFT + F

Sublime Text (Windows)
Find and Replace in open tabs/ files and folders
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

Sublime Text (Windows)
Creates file with search results from all open files in new tab
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Use Advanced Find
Contacts Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Display the Format Cells with Fonts Tab active. Press tab 3x to get to font-size. Used to be ctrl+shift+p, but that seems just get to the Font Tab in 2010.
Format Data - Format Cells

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Change the font.
Basic Text Navigation and Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Find/replace in projects
General Keyboard Shortcts

Ctrl + Shift + F / H

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Open the Font dialog box to change the font.
Change Fonts and Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
Fraction (real height)
"Math" menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

iTunes (Windows)
See more options when a visual effect is showing
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

IntelliJ (Linux)
Find in path

Ctrl + Shift + F

IntelliJ (Windows)
Find in path

Ctrl + Shift + F

IBM Rational DOORS (Windows)
Make Link FROM Start

Ctrl + Shift + F

Gwenview (Linux)
Switches into Full Screen Mode.
30 Shortcuts for Gwenview (Linux)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Move a selected item forward.
Work with the Selection pane.

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Display the Format Cells with Fonts Tab active. Press tab 3x to get to font-size. Used to be ctrl+shift+p, but that seems just get to the Font Tab in 2010.
Formulas and Names - Format Cells

Ctrl + Shift + F

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Fit vertically
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Format Cells

Ctrl + Shift + F

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Find/replace data
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + F

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Find in project
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + f

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Open advanced find

Ctrl + Shift + F

Qt Creator (Windows)
Open advanced find

Ctrl + Shift + F

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Find in project
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Display the Format Cells with Fonts Tab active. Press tab 3x to get to font-size. Used to be ctrl+shift+p, but that seems just get to the Font Tab in 2010.
The Rest - Format Cells

Ctrl + Shift + F

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Find in Files
Search menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Justify paragraph, justifies all
Format Type

Ctrl + Shift + F

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Find/replace data
Text Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Select Cells - General Cell Format

Ctrl + Shift + F

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Change Font Color
Instant Messaging

Ctrl + Shift + F

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Toggle Screen Modes: Normal, Full screen, hide panels
Changing Views and Screen Modes

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Use Advanced Find

Ctrl + Shift + F

Android Studio (Windows)
Search in path/project
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Format Cells - General Cell Format

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Change Font Style
Edit and General Text Operations

Ctrl + Shift + F

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Find/replace data
Database Management Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Use Advanced Find

Ctrl + Shift + F

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Open the Find/Replace dialog box
General keyboard shortcuts (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Nuke 10 (Windows)
Full Quality 1:1
Timeline Viewer

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Look at all 3D Layers (with a camera Tool selected)
3D Layers

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Formulas - General Cell Format

Ctrl + Shift + F

Nuke 10 (Linux)
Full Quality 1:1
Timeline Viewer

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Justify paragraph; force last line

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Open Mask Feather dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + F

3D Coat (Windows)
Offset tool
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

Zoho Sheet (Windows)
Focus Formula Field

Ctrl + Shift + F

Finale (Windows)
Text Tool

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Manage Workbooks - General Cell Format

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Change Font Style
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active
Excel Auto Tables and Data Forms - General Cell Format

Ctrl + Shift + F

Silhouette Studio (Windows)
Fill page

Ctrl + Shift + F

Todoist (Web Application)
Add a new Filter
Android Only Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Justify paragraph, justifies all
Format Text Type

Ctrl + Shift + F

Sublime Text (Linux)
Find in Files
Find and Replace Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Find in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
Find in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

Slack (Windows)
Toggle Full Screen View
Navigation Controls

Ctrl + Shift + F

Amazon Kindle (Windows)
Open Flashcard Side Panel
Reading Book

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)
Search All files for Text
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Wrike (MacOS)
Open task in Fullscreen Mode. Press again to exit
12 Shortcuts for Wrike (MacOS)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Auto formats the editor code
Miscellaneous Action

Ctrl + Shift + F

Cloud9 (Windows)
Find in Files

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Find and Replace in Files
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F (Windows)
Go to From field
Case View

Ctrl + Shift + F

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (Windows)
Unlock Mesh
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Find in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Find in Path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

DAZ Studio (Windows)
Zero pose
Pose Commands

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe RoboHelp (Windows)
Font Change
Text Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Hotmail (Web Application)
Forward message
14 Shortcuts for Microsoft Hotmail (Web Application)

Ctrl + Shift + F

ACDSee (Windows)
Toggle Full Screen Mode
View Mode

Ctrl + Shift + F

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Font list
Font Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Show SpeedFormat Dialog Box
Text Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F

Opera (Windows)
Sitemap Navigation

Ctrl + Shift + F

Edius (Windows)
Search frame - player

Ctrl + Shift + F

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Font List

Ctrl + Shift + F

InCopy CC (Windows)
Justify all lines
Working with Text

Ctrl + Shift + F

Brackets (Windows)
Find in Files
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Poser Pro (Windows)
Edit> Restore >Figure

Ctrl + Shift + F

vSphere Client (Windows)
Open Find Dialog Box
vCenter Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Find in files
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Insert an FLV file
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Find in path
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F

Maxthon (Web Application)
Move focus to the Search bar and highlight keywords
Search Bar

Ctrl + Shift + F

Teamcenter (Windows)
Toggle Precise Imprecise
Structure Manager

Ctrl + Shift + F

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Fit All Views Layout
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

GOM Player (Windows)
Speed - Up
Playback Speed

Ctrl + Shift + F / G

Unity3D 5 (Windows)
Align with View
Game Object

Ctrl + Shift + F

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Initiate search for a text string in the specified scope

Ctrl + Shift + F

Aptana Studio 3 (Windows)
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
Find in Files

Ctrl + Shift + F

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Crop and Fill
Canvas and 2.5D

Ctrl + Shift + F

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Fibonacci Fan
Tools Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Show Search

Ctrl + Shift + F

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Post-edit ripple all tracks, markers, and regions
Timeline and Track List

Ctrl + Shift + F

Titanium (Windows)
Format Code
Text Editing

Ctrl + Shift + F

RStudio (Windows)
Find in files

Ctrl + Shift + F

Geany (Windows)
Find in files
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + Shift + F

Geany (Linux)
Find in files
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + Shift + F

SAP Web IDE (Windows)
Advanced repository search
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Opens the Focus dialog box
Format Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
TM Source Lookup
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback
Arrangement View Ctrls

Ctrl + Shift + F

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Follow (Auto-Scroll)
Zooming, Display and Selection

Ctrl + Shift + F

Vectorworks (Windows)
Rendering–Final Quality Renderworks
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + F

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback
Clip view Sample Display

Ctrl + Shift + F

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback
Clip View MIDI Editor

Ctrl + Shift + F

Arduino (Linux)
Find in Reference
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Linux)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Arduino (Windows)
Find in Reference
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Open the form option settings for this type of transaction
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Ctrl + Shift + F

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Zoom full
Zoom Operations

Ctrl + Shift + F

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Change the form options for reports
Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports

Ctrl + Shift + F

SolveSpace (Windows)
Show Degrees of Freedom

Ctrl + Shift + F

Solidwork Composer (Windows)
Front/back camera view
35 Shortcuts for Solidwork Composer (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + F

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Font and Background
Most used - Box formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F / C

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)
Justify Full
Text Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Font and Background
Reorganizing - Box formatting

Ctrl + Shift + F / C

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Use Advanced Find.
Shortcuts for Search

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Display the Format Cells with Fonts Tab active. Press tab 3x to get to font-size. Used to be ctrl+shift+p, but that seems just get to the Font Tab in 2010.
Format Cells

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Visio 2007 (Windows)
Bring to front
Arrange Objects

Ctrl + Shift + F

Internet Explorer (Windows)
Turn in-private filtering on or off (watch icon change in status bar)
main for Privacy Settings

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Fireworks MX (Windows)
Convert object to Path
Basic Fireworks Commands using Keyboard Shortcuts

ctrl + shift + f

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected.
CTRL Combinations in Excel 2007

Ctrl + Shift + F

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Use Advanced Find.
Shortcuts for Contacts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
With a camera tool selected, move the camera and its point of interest to look at all 3D layers
3D Layers

Ctrl + Shift + F

Windows Media Player 11 (Windows)
Fast-forward through video or music.
Play Music with Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Windows Media Player 11 (Windows)
Fast-forward through video or music.
Play Videos with Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Justify paragraph; force last line

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Justify paragraph, justifies all
Shortcut Keys for formatting type

Ctrl + Shift + F

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Open Mask Feather dialog box for selected mask

Ctrl + Shift + F