Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)

Keyframes and Graph Editor

Move Keyframe 10 Frames later / earlier

Option + Shift +
Arrow Right / Arrow Left

All hotkeys for Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)

Select all

Command + A

Deselect all

F2 / Command + Shift + A

Rename selected Layer, Composition, Folder, etc


Open selected Layer, Composition, or Footage item

Enter on numeric keypad

Move selected Layers or other elements backwards / forwards in stacking order

Command + Option + Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Move selected Layers or other elements backwards / forwards in stacking order

Command + Option + Shift +
Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Extend selection to next item / to previous item in Project Panel and other Panels

Shift + Arrow Down / Arrow Down

Duplicate selected Layers, Masks, effects, etc.

Command + D


Command + Q

Undo / Redo

Command + Z / Command + Shift + Z

Purge All Memory

Command + Option + / on numeric keypad

Interrupt running a script


Display filename corresponding to Frame at current time in Info Panel

Command + Option + E

Open Preferences dialog box

Command + Option + ;

Restore default preferences settings

Hold down Command + Option + Shift while starting After Effects

New Project

Command + Option + N

Open Project

Command + O

Open most recent Project

Command + Option + Shift + P

New Folder in Project Panel

Command + Option + Shift + N

Open Project Settings dialog box

Command + Option + Shift + K

Find in Project Panel

Command + F

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Project Panel

Command + 0

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Render Queue Panel

Command + Option + 0

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Tools Panel

Command + 1

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Info Panel

Command + 2

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Preview Panel

Command + 3

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Audio Panel

Command + 4

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Effects and Presets Panel

Command + 5

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Character Panel

Command + 6

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Paragraph Panel

Command + 7

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Paint Panel

Command + 8

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Brushes Panel

Command + 9

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open or close Effect Controls Panel for selected Layer

F3 (or Command + Shift + T )

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Open Flowchart Panel for Project flowchart

Command + F11

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Switch between Workspaces

Shift + F10 / F11 / F12

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Close active Viewer or Panel (closes content first)

Command + W

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Close active Panel or all Viewers of type of active Viewer

Command + Shift + W

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Split the Frame containing the active Viewer and create a new Viewer with opposite locked/unlocked state

Command + Option + Shift + N

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Maximize or restore Panel under pointer


Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Resize application (floating) window to fit screen. Press again to resize window for contents to fill screen

Command + \

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Move (floating) window to main monitor; resize window to fit screen. Press again to resize window for contents to fill screen

Command + Option + \

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Toggle activation between Composition Panel and Timeline Panel for current Composition


Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Cycle to previous / next item in active Viewer

Shift + , / .

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Cycle to previous / next Panel in active Frame

Option + Shift + , / .

Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows
Activate a view in a multi-view layout in the Composition Panel without affecting Layer selection


Activating Tools
Cycle through Tools

Option +Click Tool button in Tools Panel

Activating Tools
Activate Selection Tool


Activating Tools
Activate Hand Tool


Activating Tools
Temporarily activate Hand Tool

Hold down spacebar

Activating Tools
Activate Zoom In / Zoom Out Tool

Z / Option (when Zoom In Tool is active)

Activating Tools
Activate Rotation Tool


Activating Tools
Activate Roto Brush Tool

Option + W

Activating Tools
Activate and cycle through Camera Tools


Activating Tools
Activate Pan Behind Tool


Activating Tools
Activate and cycle through Mask and Shape Tools


Activating Tools
Activate and cycle through Type Tools

Command + T

Activating Tools
Activate and cycle between the Pen and Mask Feather Tools


Activating Tools
Temporarily activate Selection Tool when a Pen Tool is selected


Activating Tools
Temporarily activate Pen Tool when the Selection Tool is selected and pointer is over a path

Command + Option

Activating Tools
Add Vertex Tool when pointer is over a segment or convert Vertex Tool when pointer is over a Vertex

Command + Option

Activating Tools
Activate and cycle through Brush, Clone Stamp, and Eraser Tools

Command + B

Activating Tools
Activate and cycle through Puppet Tools

Command + P

Activating Tools
In Shape Layer: Temporarily convert Selection Tool to Shape Duplication Tool


Activating Tools
In Shape Layer: Temporarily convert Selection Tool to Direct Selection Tool


Compositions and Work Area
New Composition

Command + N

Compositions and Work Area
Open Composition Settings dialog box for selected Composition

Command + K

Compositions and Work Area
Set beginning / set end of work area to current time

B / N

Compositions and Work Area
Set work area to duration of selected Layers or to Composition duration if no Layers selected

Command + Option + B

Compositions and Work Area
Open Composition Mini-Flowchart for active Composition


Compositions and Work Area
Activate the most recently active Composition that is in the same Composition hierarchy as the currently active Composition

Shift + Esc

Time Navigation
Go to specific time

Option + Shift + J

Time Navigation
Go to beginning or end of work area

Shift + Home / End

Time Navigation
Go to previous / go to next visible item in time ruler

J / K

Time Navigation
Go to beginning / go to end of Composition, Layer, or footage item (or Command+Option+Left Arrow/Right Arrow)

Home / End

Time Navigation
Go forward / backwards 1 Frame (or Command+Right Arrow/Left Arrow)

Page Down / Page Up

Time Navigation
Go forward / backwards 10 Frames

Shift + Page Down / Page Up

Time Navigation
Go to Layer InPoint / Layer OutPoint

I / O

Time Navigation
Go to previous / next InPoint or OutPoint

Command + Option + Shift +
Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Time Navigation
Scroll to current time in Timeline Panel


Start or stop preview


Reset preview settings to Standard Preview behaviors

Option +Click Reset on Preview Panel

Preview only audio, from current time (or use Control+. on main keyboard)

. on numeric keypad

Preview only audio, in work area (or use Control+Option+. on main keyboard)

Option + . on numeric keypad

Manually preview (scrub) video

Drag / Alt -Drag current-time indicator

Manually preview (scrub) audio

Command -Drag current time indicator

Preview number of Frames specified (or Control+Option+0 on main keyboard)

Option + 0 on numeric keypad

Toggle Mercury Transmit video preview

/ on numeric keypad

Take Snapshot

Shift + F5 / F6 / F7 / F8

Display Snapshot in active Viewer

F5 / F6 / F7 / F8

Purge snapshot

Command + Shift + F5 / F6 / F7 / F8

Fast Previews > Off

Command + Option + 1

Fast Previews > Adaptive Resolution

Command + Option + 2

Fast Previews > Draft

Command + Option + 3

Fast Previews > Fast Draft

Command + Option + 4

Fast Previews > WireFrame

Command + Option + 5

Turn display color management on or off for active view

Shift + / on numeric keypad

Show red, green, blue, or alpha channel as grayscale

Option + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Show colorized red, green, or blue channel

Option + Shift + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Toggle showing straight RGB color

Option + Shift + 4

Show alpha boundary in Layer Panel

Option + 5

Show alpha overlay in Layer Panel

Option + 6

Show Refine Edge X-ray

Option + X

Center Composition in the Panel

Double-click Hand Tool

Zoom in / Zoom out in Composition, Layer, or Footage Panel

. / ,

Zoom to 100% in Composition, Layer, or Footage Panel


Zoom to fit in Composition, Layer, or Footage Panel

Shift + /

Zoom up to 100% to fit in Composition, Layer, or Footage Panel

Option + /

Set resolution to Full, Half, or Custom in Composition Panel

Command + J / Command + Shift + J / Command + Option + J

Open View Options dialog box for active Composition Panel

Command + Option + U

Zoom in / zoom out time

= / -

Zoom in / zoom out Timeline Panel to single-Frame units


Prevent images from being rendered for previews in Viewer Panels

Caps Lock

Show or hide safe zones


Show or hide Grid

Command + '

Show or hide proportional Grid

Option + '

Show or hide Rulers

Command + R

Show or hide Guides

Command + ;

Turn snapping to Grid on or off

Command + Shift + '

Turn snapping to Guides on or off

Command + Shift + ;

Lock or unlock Guides

Command + Option + Shift + ;

Show or hide Layer controls

Command + Shift + H

Import one file or image sequence

Command + I

Import multiple files or image sequences

Command + Option + I

Open movie in an After Effects Footage Panel

Double-click footage item in Project Panel

Add selected items to most recently activated Composition

Command + /

Replace selected source Footage for selected Layers with Footage item selected in Project Panel

Command + Option + /

Replace source for a selected Layer

Option -Drag footage item from Project Panel onto selected layer

Delete a Footage item without a warning

Command + Delete

Open Interpret Footage dialog box for selected Footage item

Command + Option + G

Remember Footage interpretation

Command + Option + C

Edit selected Footage item

Command + E

Replace selected Footage item

Command + H

Reload selected Footage items

Command + Option + L

Set proxy for selected Footage item

Command + Option + P

Effects and Animation Presets
Delete all effects from selected Layers

Command + Shift + E

Effects and Animation Presets
Apply most recently applied effect to selected Layers

Command + Option + Shift + E

Effects and Animation Presets
Apply most recently applied animation preset to selected Layers

Command + Option + Shift + F

New solid Layer

Command + Y

New null Layer

Command + Option + Shift + Y

New adjustment Layer

Command + Option + Y

Select Layer (1-999) by its number; type multiple number in quick succession for multiple digits.

0 … 9 on numeric keyboard

Toggle selection of Layer (1-999) by its number

Shift + 0 … 9 on numeric keypad*

Select next Layer / previous Layer in stacking order

Command + Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Extend selection to next Layer / previous Layer in stacking order

Command + Shift + Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Deselect all Layers

Command + Shift + A

Scroll topmost selected Layer to top of Timeline Panel


Show or hide Parent column

Shift + F4

Show or hide Layer Switches and Modes columns


Setting sampling method for selected Layers (Best/Bilinear)

Option + B

Setting sampling method for selected Layers (Best/Bicubic)

Option + Shift + B

Turn off all other solo switches

Option +Click Solo Switch

Turn Video switch on/off for selected Layers

Command + Option + Shift + V

Turn off Video switch for all video Layers other than selected Layers

Command + Shift + V

Open settings dialog box for selected solid, light, camera, null, or adjustment layers

Command + Shift + Y

Paste Layers at current time

Command + Option + V

Split selected Layers (If no Layers are selected, split all Layers.)

Command + Shift + D

Precompose selected Layers

Command + Shift + C

Open Effect Controls Panel for selected Layers

Command + Shift + T

Open Layer in Layer Panel

Double-click a layer

Open source of a Layer in Footage Panel

Option-Double-click a layer

Reverse selected Layers in time

Command + Option + R

Enable time remapping for selected Layers

Command + Option + T

Move selected Layers for InPoint / OutPoint to current time

[ / ]

Trim InPoint / OutPoint of selected Layers to current time

Option + [ / ]

Add or remove expression for a property

Option +Click stopwatch

Add an effect (or multiple selected effects) to selected Layers

Double-click effect selection in Effects and Presets Panel

Set InPoint or OutPoint by time-stretching (or Command+Option+,)

Command + Shift + ,

Move selected Layers so that their InPoint is at beginning of Composition

Option + Home

Move selected Layers so that their OutPoint is at end of Composition

Option + End

Lock / Unlock all Layers

Command + L /
Command + Shift + L

Set Quality to Best, Draft, or WireFrame for selected Layers

Command + U / Command + Shift + U / Command + Option + Shift + U

Cycle forward / backward through blending Modes for selected Layers

Shift + - / =

Find in Timeline Panel

Command + F

Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Find in Timeline Panel

Command + F

Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Toggle expansion of selected Layers to show all properties

Command + `

Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Toggle expansion of property group and all child property groups to show all properties

Command +Click triangle to the left of the property group name

Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Anchor Point property (for lights and cameras, Point Of Interest)


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Audio Levels property


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Mask Feather property


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Mask Path property


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Opacity property for lights and Intensity


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Mask Opacity property


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Position property


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Rotation and Orientation properties


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Scale property


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Time Remap property


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only instances of missing effects


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Effects property group


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only mask property groups


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only Material Options property group


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only expressions


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only modified properties


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only paint strokes, Roto Brush strokes, and Puppet pins


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only audio waveform


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only properties with Keyframes or expressions


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Show only selected properties and groups


Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Hide property or group

Option + Shift +Click property / group name

Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Add or remove property or group from set that is shown

Shift +Click property / group shortcut

Properties and Groups in Timeline Panel
Add or remove Keyframe at current time

Option +Click property shortcut

Properties and Groups in Effects Controls Panel
Toggle expansion of selected effects to show all properties

Command + `

Properties and Groups in Effects Controls Panel
Toggle expansion of property group and all child property groups to show all properties

Command +Click triangle to the left of the property group name

Modify Layer Properties
Modify property value by default increments

Drag property value

Modify Layer Properties
Modify property value by 10x default increments

Shift +Drag property value

Modify Layer Properties
Modify property value by 1/10 default increments

Command +Drag property value

Modify Layer Properties
Open Auto-Orientation dialog box for selected Layers

Command + Alt + O

Modify Layer Properties
Open Opacity dialog box for Layers

Command + Shift + O

Modify Layer Properties
Open Rotation dialog box for Layers

Command + Shift + R

Modify Layer Properties
Open Position dialog box for Layers

Command + Shift + P

Modify Layer Properties
Center Layers in view

Command + Home

Modify Layer Properties
Move Layers 1 pixel at current magnification

Arrow Keys

Modify Layer Properties
Move Layers 10 pixels at current magnification

Shift + Arrow Key

Modify Layer Properties
Move Layers 1 Frame earlier / later

Option + Page Up / Page Down

Modify Layer Properties
Move Layers 10 Frames earlier / later

Option + Shift + Page Up / Page Down

Modify Layer Properties
Increase / decrease Z Rotation of Layers by 1°

+ / - on numeric keypad

Modify Layer Properties
Increase / decrease Z Rotation of Layers by 10°

Shift + + / - on numeric keypad

Modify Layer Properties
Increase / decrease Opacity (or Intensity for light Layers) of Layers by 1%

Ctrl + Option +
+ / - on numeric keypad

Modify Layer Properties
Increase / decrease Opacity (or Intensity for light Layers) of Layers by 10%

Ctrl + Option + Shift +
+ / - on numeric keypad

Modify Layer Properties
Increase / decrease Scale of Layers by 1%

Command + + / - on numeric keypad

Modify Layer Properties
Increase / decrease Scale of Layers by 10%

Command + Shift +
+ / - on numeric keypad

Modify Layer Properties
Modify Rotation or Orientation in 45° increments

Shift +Drag with Rotation Tool

Modify Layer Properties
Modify Scale, constrained to Footage Frame aspect ratio

Shift +Drag layer handle with Selection Tool

Modify Layer Properties
Reset Rotation to 0°

Double-click Rotation Tool

Modify Layer Properties
Reset Scale to 100%

Double-click Selection Tool

Modify Layer Properties
Scale and reposition Layers to fit Composition

Command + Option + F

Modify Layer Properties
Scale and reposition Layers to fit Composition width, preserving aspect ratio

Command + Option + Shift + H

Modify Layer Properties
Scale and reposition Layers to fit Composition height, preserving aspect ratio

Command + Option + Shift + G

3D Layers
Switch to 3D view 1 (defaults to Front)


3D Layers
Switch to 3D view 2 (defaults to Custom View 1)


3D Layers
Switch to 3D view 3 (defaults to Active Camera)


3D Layers
Return to previous view


3D Layers
New Light

Command + Option + Shift + L

3D Layers
New Camera

Command + Option + Shift + C

3D Layers
Move the camera and its point of interest to look at selected 3D Layers

Command + Option + Shift + \

3D Layers
Look at selected 3D Layers (with a camera Tool selected)


3D Layers
Look at all 3D Layers (with a camera Tool selected)

Command + Shift + F

3D Layers
Turn Casts Shadows property on / off for selected 3D Layers

Option + Shift + C

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Toggle between Graph Editor and Layer bar Modes

Shift + F3

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Select all Keyframes for a property

Click property name

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Select all visible Keyframes and properties

Command + Option + A

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Deselect all Keyframes, properties, and property groups

Command + Option + Shift + A

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Move Keyframe 1 Frame later / earlier

Option +
Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Move Keyframe 10 Frames later / earlier

Option + Shift +
Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Set interpolation for selected Keyframes

Command + Option + K

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Set Keyframe interpolation method to hold or Auto Bezier

Command + Option + H

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Set Keyframe interpolation method to linear or Auto Bezier

Command +Click in layer bar mode

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Set Keyframe interpolation method to linear or hold

Command + Option +Click in layer bar mode

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Easy ease selected Keyframes


Keyframes and Graph Editor
Easy ease selected Keyframes in / out

Shift + F9 / Command + Shift + F9

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Set velocity for selected Keyframes

Command + Shift + K

Keyframes and Graph Editor
Add or remove Keyframe at current time.

Option +property shortcut

New text Layer

Command + Option + Shift + T

Align horizontal text Left

Command + Shift + L

Align horizontal text Center

Command + Shift + C

Align horizontal text Right align

Command + Shift + R

Align vertical text Top

Command + Shift + L


Command + Shift + C

Align vertical text Bottom

Command + Shift + R

Extend selection one character to the right / left

Shift +
Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Extend selection one word to right / left

Command +
Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Extend selection one line up / down in horizontal text

Shift +
Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Extend selection one line to the right / left in vertical text

Shift +
Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left

Extend selection one word up / down in vertical text

Command + Shift +
Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Extend selection one character up / down in vertical text

Shift +
Arrow Up / Shift + Arrow Down

Select text from insertion point to beginning / end of line

Shift +
Home / End

Move cursor to beginning / end of line

Home / End

Select all text on a Layer

Double-click text layer

Select text from cursor to beginning / end of text Frame

Command + Shift +
Home / End

Select text from cursor to mouse Click point

Shift +Click

Move one character left/right or one line up/down

Arrow Keys


Command + Arrow Keys

Select word, line, paragraph, or entire text Frame

Double-click, and click up to 5 times

Turn All Caps on or off for selected text

Command + Shift + K

Turn Small Caps on or off for selected text

Command + Option + Shift + K

Turn Superscript on or off for selected text

Command + Shift + =

Turn Subscript on or off for selected text

Command + Option + Shift + =

Set horizontal scale to 100% for selected text

Command + Shift + X

Set vertical scale to 100% for selected text

Command + Option + Shift + X

Auto leading for selected text

Command + Option + Shift + A

Reset tracking to 0 for selected text

Command + Shift + Ctrl + Q

Justify paragraph; left align last line

Command + Shift + J

Justify paragraph; right align last line

Command + Option + Shift + J

Justify paragraph; force last line

Command + Shift + F

Decrease / increase font size of selected text by 2 units

Command + Shift + , / .

Decrease / increase font size of selected text by 10 units

Command + Option + Shift +
, / .

Increase or decrease leading by 2 units

Option +
Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Increase or decrease leading by 10 units

Command + Option +
Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Decrease / increase baseline shift by 2 units

Option + Shift +
Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Decrease / increase baseline shift by 10 units

Command + Option + Shift +
Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Decrease / increase kerning or tracking 20 units (20/1000 ems)

Option +
Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Decrease / increase kerning or tracking 100 units (100/1000 ems)

Command + Option +
Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Toggle paragraph composer

Command + Option + Shift + T

New Mask

Command + Shift + N

Select all points in a Mask

Option +Click Mask

Select next / previous Mask

Option + ` / Option + Shift + `

Enter free-transform Mask editing Mode

Double-click Mask with Selection Tool / select Mask in Timeline Panel and press Command + T

Exit free-transform Mask editing Mode


Scale around center point in Free Transform Mode

Command -Drag

Move selected path points 1 pixel at current magnification

Arrow Keys

Move selected path points 10 pixels at current magnification

Shift + Arrow Keys

Toggle between smooth and corner points

Command + Option +Click Vertex

Redraw Bezier handles

Command +Option-Drag Vertex

Invert selected Mask

Command + Shift + I

Open Mask Feather dialog box

Command + Shift + F

Open Mask Shape dialog box

Command + Shift + M

Paint Tools
Swap paint background and foreground colors


Paint Tools
Set paint foreground color to black and background to white


Paint Tools
Set foreground color to the color currently under any Paint Tool pointer

Option +Click

Paint Tools
Set foreground color to the average color of a 4x4 pixel area under any Paint Tool pointer

Command + Option +Click

Paint Tools
Set brush size for a Paint Tool

Command -Drag

Paint Tools
Set brush hardness for a Paint Tool

Command -Drag, then release Command while Dragging

Paint Tools
Join current paint stroke to the previous stroke

Hold Shift while beginning stroke

Paint Tools
Set starting sample point to point currently under Clone Stamp Tool pointer

Option +Click

Paint Tools
Momentarily activate Eraser Tool with Last Stroke Only option

Command + Shift

Paint Tools
Show and move overlay

Option + Shift +Drag with Clone Stamp Tool

Paint Tools
Activate a specific Clone Stamp Tool preset

3 … 7

Paint Tools
Duplicate a Clone Stamp Tool preset in Paint Panel

Option +Click the button for the preset

Paint Tools
Set opacity for Paint Tool to 10% thru 90%

1 … 9 on numeric keypad

Paint Tools
Set opacity for a Paint Tool to 100%

. on numeric keypad

Paint Tools
Set flow for a Paint Tool 10% thru 90%

Shift + 1 … 9 on numeric keypad

Paint Tools
Set flow for a Paint Tool to 100%

Shift + . on numeric keypad

Paint Tools
Move earlier or later by number of Frames specified for stroke Duration

Command +
Page Up / Page Down

Shape Layers
Group / ungroup selected Shapes

Command + G / Command + Shift + G

Shape Layers
Enter free-transform path editing Mode

Select Path property in Timeline Panel and press Command + T

Shape Layers
Increase/ decrease star inner roundness

Page Up / Page Down when Dragging to create shape

Shape Layers
Increase / decrease number of points for star and polygon or roundness for rounded rectangle

Arrow Up / Down Arrow when Dragging to create shape

Shape Layers
Reposition Shape during creation

Spacebar when Dragging to create shape

Shape Layers
Set rounded rectangle roundness to 0 / to maximum, or decrease / increase polygon and star outer roundness

Arrow Left / Right Arrow when Dragging to create shape

Shape Layers
Constrain rectangles to squares; constrain ellipses to circles; constrain polygons and stars to zero rotation

Shift when Dragging to create shape

Shape Layers
Change outer radius of star

Command when Dragging to create shape

Set marker at current time

* on numeric keypad

Set marker at current time and open marker dialog box

Option + * on numeric keypad

Set and number a Composition marker (0-9) at the current time

Shift + 0 … 9

Go to a Composition marker (0-9)

0 … 9

Display the duration between two Layer markers or Keyframes in the Info Panel

Option +Click the markers / keyframes

Remove marker

Command +Click marker

Motion Tracking
Move feature/search region/attach point 1 pixel at current magnification

Arrow Key

Motion Tracking
Move feature/search region/attach point 10 pixel at current magnification

Shift + Arrow Key

Motion Tracking
Move feature region/search region 1 pixel at current magnification

Option + Arrow Key

Motion Tracking
Move feature region/search region 10 pixel at current magnification

Option + Shift + Arrow Key

Saving, Exporting, and Rendering
Save Project

Command + S

Saving, Exporting, and Rendering
Increment and save Project

Command + Option + Shift + S

Saving, Exporting, and Rendering
Save As

Command + Shift + S

Saving, Exporting, and Rendering
Add active Composition or selected items to render queue

Command + Shift + /

Saving, Exporting, and Rendering
Add current Frame to render queue

Command + Option + S

Saving, Exporting, and Rendering
Duplicate render item with same output filename as original

Command + Shift + D

Similar combinations for other applications

VLC Media Player (Windows)
Jump 3 seconds forward/ backward
Jump in playback

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

VLC Media Player (Windows)
Jump 10 seconds forward/ backward
Jump in playback

Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

VLC Media Player (Windows)
Jump 1 minute forward/ backward
Jump in playback

Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Collapse or expand group in message list
Messages in Main View - Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Google Chrome (Windows)
Expand / Collapse
Manage Chrome DevTools - Elements Panel

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Collapse / expand groups (e.g. week)
Messages in Main View - Message List and Single Messages

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Move one character to the left / right.
Basic Editing and Formatting

arrow left / arrow right

Firebug (Windows)
Collapse / Expand current node

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Jump one word to the left / one word to the right
Navigate in Editor

Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Firebug (Linux)
Collapse / Expand current node

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Remember the Milk (Web Application)
Move to the next/previous tab (e.g. task list)

ctrl + shift + arrow right / arrow left

Firebug (MacOS)
Collapse / Expand current node

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Expand selection by one character to the left / to the right
Select Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Back one frame
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Arrow Left / Page Up

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Back one frame
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Arrow Left / Page Up

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Expand selection to next / previous word
Select Text

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)
Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7 - Navigate File List and Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Indent a paragraph to the right / remove indent.
Specific OneNote Shortcuts for Selecting, Editing, and Formatting

alt + shift + arrow right / arrow left

Thunderbird (Windows)
Expand / collapse collapsed Thread
Navigate Messages

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Decrease/increase brush size by 1 (Extract only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size Slider showing

Thunderbird (Linux)
Expand / collapse collapsed Thread
Navigate Messages

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Expand / collapse collapsed Thread
Navigate Messages

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Decrease/increase brush size by 2, or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1 (Liquify only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter slider showing

Google Chrome (Linux)
Expand / Collapse
Manage Chrome DevTools - Elements Panel

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Extend selection one word to the right / one word to the left
Code Editor - Select Text

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
Manage Access Features - Menus

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Inpage (Windows)
Go one charactor left / one character right
To move cursor

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Access border menu in 'Format Cell' dialog. Once border was selected, it will show up directly on the next Ctrl+1
Work with Data Selections - Apply Borders to Cells

Ctrl + 1 , then Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Go to previous / next day
Messages in Main View - Navigate Calendar

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Collapse or expand group in message list
Messages in Compose View - Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)
Windows Explorer - Navigate File List and Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Collapse / expand groups (e.g. week)
Messages in Compose View - Message List and Single Messages

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Google Docs (Windows)
Jump one character to the left / to the right
Navigate Google Docs

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Google Docs (MacOS)
Jump one character to the left / to the right
Navigate Google Docs

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
One character to the left
Edit and move text and graphics: Move through your document

Arrow Left

Media Player Classic (MPC) (Windows)
Medium jump (~5-20 sec)

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Extend selection one word to the right / one word to the left
Coding - Select Text

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Decrease/increase brush size by 1
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Extract Only

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size Slider showing

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Decrease/increase brush size by 1
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Extract Only

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size Slider sho win g

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Go to previous / next day
Messages in Compose View - Navigate Calendar

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)
Windows Admin - Navigate File List and Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Back one frame
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Arrow Left / Page Up

Opera (Linux)
Move one character to the left

Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Collapse or expand group in message list
Calendar Shortcuts - Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Back one frame
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Animation Panel (Timeline Mode, PS extended)

Arrow Left / Page Up

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Collapse / expand groups (e.g. week)
Calendar Shortcuts - Message List and Single Messages

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Access border menu in 'Format Cell' dialog. Once border was selected, it will show up directly on the next Ctrl+1
Insert and Edit Data - Apply Borders to Cells

Ctrl + 1 , then Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Jump to Next/ Previous word
Code Editor

Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Windows 8 (Windows)
Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)
Windows Explorer - Navigate File List and Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Extend selection one word to the right / one word to the left
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - Select Text

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)
Ease of Access and Magnifier - Navigate File List and Navigation Pane

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
Working with Text and Data - Menus

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Move left/right one cell
Working with Tables

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Select cell to the right/left of the current cell
Working with Tables

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right
Shortcut Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text

Arrow Left / arrow right , arrow down / arrow up , / Command + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Go to previous / next day
Calendar Shortcuts - Navigate Calendar

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Go to next/previous photo in the Filmstrip
Managing photos and catalog

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Windows 8 (Windows)
Move Window to left/center/right. Works across multiple monitors
Managing Windows 8 Desktop Windows

Win + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Move to right or left one character
Navigating Through and Editing Text

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Move to right or left one word
Navigating Through and Editing Text

Command + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (MacOS)
Go to next/previous photo in the Filmstrip
Managing photos and catalog

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Select one character right or left
Navigating Through and Editing Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Go to next / go to previous photo
Photo Viewer

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Decrease/increase brush size by 1
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Extract Only

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size Slider showing

Sublime Text (Windows)
Open new tab in pane to the left arrow/ right arrow\
Split Panes

Ctrl + K , then Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Access border menu in 'Format Cell' dialog. Once border was selected, it will show up directly on the next Ctrl+1
Format Data - Apply Borders to Cells

Ctrl + 1 , then Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Move one character to the left.
Basic Text Navigation and Formatting

Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Decrease/increase brush size by 1
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Extract Only

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size Slider sho win g

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Expand/Collapse element
Working with XML

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Expand/Collapse element and child elements
Working with XML

Option + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Back one frame
Shortcut Keys for using the Animation panel in Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended)

Arrow Left / Page Up

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Select closest card in next / previous column
Business Card View

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

CATIA V5 (Windows)
Relocate the graph 1/10th of a page to the left / to the right
38 Shortcuts for CATIA V5 (Windows)

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

iTunes (Windows)
Move forward or backward within a song
Playback shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

iTunes (Windows)
Listen to the next or previous album in a list
Playback shortcuts

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

iTunes (MacOS)
Move forward or backward within a song
Playback shortcuts

Option + ⌘ + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

iTunes (Windows)
Go to the next / go to previous song in a list
Playback shortcuts

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

iTunes (MacOS)
Listen to the next or previous album in a list
Playback shortcuts

Option + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

iTunes (MacOS)
Go to the next or previous song in a list
Playback shortcuts

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Facebook (Web Application)
skip back and forth between photos
Lightbox Mode

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

iTunes (Windows)
Play the next song / play previous song in a list (When a song is playing)
Control menu shortcuts

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Youtube Player (Windows)
Jump backwards/ forward 5 seconds
Navigate Video

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Decrease/increase brush size by 2 (or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1). Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10

Arrow Left / arrow right in Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter text box

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Decrease/increase brush size by 2 (or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1). Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter slider showing

iTunes (Windows)
Open or close the selected item’s disclosure triangle
With full keyboard navigation enabled

Arrow Left / Arrow Right or + / - on the numeric keypad

iTunes (MacOS)
Play the next song / play previous song in a list (When a song is playing)
Add Menu

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

iTunes (Windows)
Go to the next or last chapter (during playing spoken words, if available)

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

iTunes (MacOS)
Go to the next or last chapter during spoken words (if available)

Shift + ⌘ + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
Working with Access Views - Menus

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Decrease/increase brush size by 2 (or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1). Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10

Arrow Left / arrow right in Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter text box

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Go to next slide / Go to previous slide
Slideshow module

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Decrease/increase brush size by 2 (or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1). Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter slider showing

FL Studio (Windows)
Previous pattern
Pattern Selector

Arrow Left

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Move the focus from an item in a group to its parent group.
Work with the Selection pane.

Arrow Left

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (MacOS)
Go to next slide / go to previous slide
Slideshow module

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Jump one character to the left / to the right
Navigate in Word Documents

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Access border menu in 'Format Cell' dialog. Once border was selected, it will show up directly on the next Ctrl+1
Formulas and Names - Apply Borders to Cells

Ctrl + 1 , then Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the right / to the left
Select Text, Move, and Delete Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Extend selection one word to the right / to the left
Select Text, Move, and Delete Text

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Previous page
Navigation - Navigating a PDF

Arrow Left / Ctrl + Page Up

Comsol 5 (Windows)
Collapse a branch in the model tree
Model Tree

Arrow Left

Comsol 5 (MacOS)
Collapse a branch in the model tree
Model Tree

Arrow Left

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Collapse the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel)
Navigation - Navigation panels

Arrow Left / -

Linux Mint (Linux)
Navigate one directory forward / back
File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories

Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Promote / demote Headings
Format Paragraphs and Apply Styles

Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Navigate through the other controls in the top bar - Home, Tools, Document

Arrow Right / Arrow Left / Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Selects the next or previous column header for sorting
PDF Portfolios

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Expand / collapse selected directory
Tree View

h / l OR Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Expand / collapse selected directory
Tree View

H / l OR Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Access border menu in 'Format Cell' dialog. Once border was selected, it will show up directly on the next Ctrl+1
The Rest - Apply Borders to Cells

Ctrl + 1 , then Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
The Rest - Menus

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Camtasia 8 (Windows)
Select next clip/ previous clip
Editor Timeline Navigation

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Camtasia 8 (Windows)
Make a selection step-by-step
Editor Timeline Navigation

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Prezi (Web Application)
Move Forward / move Backward along the Path

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Navigate right /left to the next element in the Conversation window
Conversation window

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2010 (Windows)
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
The Rest - Edit Text and Data

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Indent/ outdent paragraph

Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left
Select Cells - Column and Row Selection

Shift + Space , then
Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Go to the previous/next character
Text Selection and Navigation

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Expand/collapse the selected Group or Section
Card Interaction

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Slide left/right by chunk
Group: Comparison

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Go to the previous/next image
Group: Slideshow

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
With slide in focus - Move to previous slide / next slide (or next click)
PowerPoint Sharing

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Sonos Controller (Windows)
Next song/ previous song
22 Shortcuts for Sonos Controller (Windows)

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Go to next/ previous photo in Filmstrip
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Go to next/ previous photo in Filmstrip
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Access 2016 (Windows)
Move to Left
Design/Content Operation(on selected control)

Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left
Format Cells - Column and Row Selection

Shift + Space , then
Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Plex (MacOS)
Navigate to left
Control By Apple Remote

Arrow Left

Plex (MacOS)
Backward 10 second
Playback Control by Apple Remote

Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Expand/collapse a single selected group

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Go to previous slide
Slideshow Module

Arrow Left

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Move to nexst tab / move to previosu tab (When a tab is selected)
Navigation and Window Display

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Go to previous slide
Slideshow Module

Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left
Formulas - Column and Row Selection

Shift + Space , then
Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Move Keyframe 1 Frame later / earlier
Keyframes and Graph Editor

Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Move Keyframe 10 Frames later / earlier
Keyframes and Graph Editor

Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Go to next tab / previous tab (When a tab is selected)
Navigation and Window Display

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Select the closest card in the next/previous column
View: Business Cards/Address cards

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Extend selection one character to the right / left

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Extend selection one word to right / left

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Extend selection one line to the right / left in vertical text

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Move to the previous/next character in a field (when a field in a card is selected)
View: Business Cards/Address cards

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Select the previous/next item
View: Timeline (Tasks) - When an item is selected

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Move backward/forward in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale
View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a unit of time for days is selected

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Go to the previous/next day
View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Set rounded rectangle roundness to 0 / to maximum, or decrease / increase polygon and star outer roundness
Shape Layers

Arrow Left / right arrow when dragging to create shape

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left
Manage Workbooks - Column and Row Selection

Shift + Space , then
Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Select current column, then expand selection by one column right/ left
Excel Auto Tables and Data Forms - Column and Row Selection

Shift + Space , then
Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)
Expand / collapse selected directory
Tree View

H / L OR Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move to the right/ to the left between non-adjacent selections (with multiple ranges selected)
Navigate Multi-Cell Selections

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

FileZilla (Windows)
Up one level in a tree view
28 Shortcuts for FileZilla (Windows)

Arrow Left

Windows 10 File Explorer (Windows)
Open/ close directory tree
Left Navigation Pane Shortctus

Arrow Left / Right Arrow on tree parent (Windows)
Previous/Next tab

Arrow Left / Arrow Right (MacOS)
Previous/Next tab

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Select To Line End/ Start

Command + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Select More After/ Before

Ctrl + Option + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Select Next After/ Before

Ctrl + Option + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Cloud9 (Windows)
Select To Line End/ Start

Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Cloud9 (Windows)
Select More After/ Before

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Cloud9 (Windows)
Select Next After/ Before

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Windows 10 File Explorer (Windows)
Select sort column
Folder Content (Main Pane) - Change Item Order

Arrow Left / Right Arrow on Sort Bar

Microsoft Word 2016 (MacOS)
Move one character to the left
Move the Cursor

Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (MacOS)
Move the cursor left one character
Edit and format text

Arrow Left

Libreoffice Writer (Windows)
Move cursor to left

Arrow Left

QuickTime Player (MacOS)
Stop playback and go back one frame
Movie playback shortcuts

Arrow Left

Flash Movie Player (Windows)
Rewind 20 frames

Arrow Left

Webflow (Windows)
Select sibling element

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Webflow (MacOS)
Select sibling element

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Kate (Linux)
Move the cursor one character to the left
29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Arrow Left

Kate (Windows)
Move the cursor one character to the left
38 Shortcuts for Kate (Windows)

Arrow Left

Kate (MacOS)
Move the cursor one character to the left
28 Shortcuts for Kate (MacOS)

Arrow Left

Source Insight (Windows)
Cursor Left

Arrow Left

Comodo IceDragon (Windows)
Seek back 15 seconds
Audio and Video Shortcuts

Arrow Left

DaVinci Resolve 14 (Windows)
Step One Frame Reverse

Arrow Left

DaVinci Resolve 14 (MacOS)
Step One Frame Reverse

Arrow Left

Modo (Windows)
Select previous loop
Selection (Modelling)

Arrow Left

Modo (MacOS)
Select previous loop
Selection (Modelling)

Arrow Left

ArtRage 4.5 5 (Windows)
Decrease Tool Size 1%

Arrow Left

Inkscape (MacOS)
Adjust pen width by 1
Calligraphy tool

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

ArtRage 4.5 5 (MacOS)
Decrease Tool Size 1%

Arrow Left

Target 3001! (Windows)
Move Cursor Step-by-Step to the Left*
Cursor Usage

Arrow Left

Soundcloud (Web Application)
Seek Backward
12 Shortcuts for Soundcloud (Web Application)

Arrow Left

Inkscape (MacOS)
Adjust brush width by
Tweak tool

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Nudge selection 20px

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down / Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Nudge selection 1px

Arrow Up / Arrow Down / Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Nudge-Resize selection 2px

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Up / Arrow Down / Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Nudge-Resize selection 20px

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down / Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Navigating the suggestion list
Working with Icons

Arrow Up / Arrow Down / Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Navigating the Suggestion List
Quick Add

Arrow Up/ Arrow Down / Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Amazon Prime Video (Web Application)
Skip backward 10 seconds
Video Player

Arrow Left

Amazon Prime Video (Web Application)
Move left
Your Video Library Listing Panels

Arrow Left

IrfanView 4.42 (Windows)
Load next / previous image in current directory (when not zoomed)

Arrow Right / Arrow Left / Page Up / Page Down

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
Move cursor to left
General OpenOffice Writer Shortcuts

Arrow Left

Winamp Media Player (Windows)
Rewind or fast forward 5 seconds
Play Music in Winamp

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Collapse or expand a category in the e-mail message list.
Basic Navigation

Arrow Left / arrow right , respectively

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Decrease/increase brush size by 1 (Extract only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size Slider showing

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Decrease/increase brush size by 2, or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1 (Liquify only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Arrow Left / arrow right with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, / Turbulent Jitter slider showing

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Go forward 1 frame / backward 1 frame
Time Navigation

Page Down / page up or Command + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Go forward 10 frames / backward 10 frames
Time Navigation

Shift + Page Down / page up or Command + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Move left or right between main Ribbon Menus if active
Navigate within Documents - Ribbons

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Go forward 1 frame / backward 1 frame
Time Navigation

Page Down / page up or ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Go forward 10 frames / backward 10 frames
Time Navigation

Shift + Page Down / page up or ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows)
Select the previous or next item.
Vista Photo Gallery Shortcuts

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows)
Collapse node.
Vista Photo Gallery Shortcuts

Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Move left/right one cell
Working with Tables

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Select cell to the right/left of the current cell
Working with Tables

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Nudge the selected shape left.
Smart-Art Graphics: Work with shapes

Arrow Left

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Move one character to the left.
Smart-Art Graphics : Work with Text

Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Move to right or left one character
Navigating Through and Editing Text

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Move to right or left one word
Navigating Through and Editing Text

Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Select one character right or left
Navigating Through and Editing Text

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Move left or right between main Ribbon Menus if active
Edit Documents - Ribbons

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Expand/Collapse element
Working with XML

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Expand/Collapse element and child elements
Working with XML

Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Go to the previous or next day.
Shortcuts for Calender View

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Select the closest card in the next or the previous column.
Shortcuts for Business Card / Address Card View

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Move keyframe 1 frame later / earlier
Keyframes and Graph Editor

Option + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Move keyframe 10 frames later / earlier
Keyframes and Graph Editor

Option + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Move keyframe 1 frame later / earlier
Keyframes and Graph Editor

Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Move keyframe 10 frames later / earlier
Keyframes and Graph Editor

Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Select the next or previous item.
Shortcuts for Timeline view (Tasks or Journal)

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Extend / reduce selection by one character to right/left in horizontal text (or one/down in vertical text)

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
With category Selected: Collapse the category.
Shortcuts for Timeline view (Tasks or Journal)

Enter / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Extend / reduce selection by one word to right/left in horizontal text (or up/down in vertical text)

Command + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Extend / reduce selection by one character to right/left in horizontal text (or one/down in vertical text)

Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Extend / reduce selection by one word to right/left in horizontal text (or up/down in vertical text)

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
When time unit on time scale for days is selected: Move back or forward in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale.
Shortcuts for Timeline view (Tasks or Journal)

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right
Shortcut Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text

Arrow Left / arrow right , arrow down / arrow up , / Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Move left or right between main Ribbon Menus if active
Formats - Ribbons

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Back one frame
Shortcut Keys for using the Animation panel in Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended)

Arrow Left / Page Up

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Move left or right between main Ribbon Menus if active
Manage Word View - Ribbons

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Move left or right between main Ribbon Menus if active
Tables - Ribbons

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Jump one character to the left / to the right
Navigate within Documents

Arrow Left / Arrow Right