Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)

Site Management

Show Page Titles

Ctrl + Shift + T

All hotkeys for Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)

Coding Shortcuts
Quick Edit

Ctrl + E

Coding Shortcuts
Quick Doc

Ctrl + K

Coding Shortcuts
Open/Add Line Above

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Coding Shortcuts
Show Parameter Hint

Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar

Coding Shortcuts
Multi-cursor column / Rectangular selection

Alt + Click + Drag

Coding Shortcuts
Multi-cursor discontiguous selection

Ctrl + Click

Coding Shortcuts
Show code hints

Ctrl + Spacebar

Coding Shortcuts
Select Child

Ctrl + ]

Coding Shortcuts
Go to Line

Ctrl + G

Coding Shortcuts
Select Parent Tag

Ctrl + [

Coding Shortcuts
Collapse Selection

Ctrl + Shift + C

Coding Shortcuts
Collapse Outside Selection

Ctrl + Alt + C

Coding Shortcuts
Expand Selection

Ctrl + Shift + E

Coding Shortcuts
Collapse Full Tag

Ctrl + Shift + J

Coding Shortcuts
Collapse Outside Full Tag

Ctrl + Alt + J

Coding Shortcuts
Expand All

Ctrl + Alt + E

Coding Shortcuts
Indent Code

Ctrl + Shift + >

Coding Shortcuts
Outdent Code

Ctrl + Shift + <

Coding Shortcuts
Balance Braces

Ctrl + '

Coding Shortcuts
Code Navigator

Ctrl + Alt + N

Coding Shortcuts
Delete word left

Ctrl + Backspace

Coding Shortcuts
Delete word right

Ctrl + Delete

Coding Shortcuts
Select line up

Shift + Up Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Select line down

Shift + Down Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Character select left

Shift + Left Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Character select right

Shift + Right Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Select to page up

Shift + PgUp

Coding Shortcuts
Select to page down

Shift + PgDn

Coding Shortcuts
Move word left

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Move word right

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Move to start of current line

Alt + Left Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Move to end of current line

Alt + Right Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Toggle line comment

Ctrl + /

Coding Shortcuts
Toggle block comment (for PHP and JS files)

Ctrl + Shift + /

Coding Shortcuts
Duplicate line selection

Ctrl + D

Coding Shortcuts
Delete line (s)

Ctrl + Shift + D

Coding Shortcuts
Jump to definition (JS files)

Ctrl + J

Coding Shortcuts
Select word right

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Select word left

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Move to top of file

Ctrl + Home

Coding Shortcuts
Move to end of file

Ctrl + End

Coding Shortcuts
Select to start of file

Ctrl + Shift + Home

Coding Shortcuts
Select to end of file

Ctrl + Shift + End

Coding Shortcuts
Go to Source Code

Ctrl + Alt + `

Coding Shortcuts
Close Window

Ctrl + W

Coding Shortcuts
Quit Application

Ctrl + Q

Coding Shortcuts
Quick Tag Editor

Ctrl + T

Coding Shortcuts
Go to Next Word

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Go to Previous Word

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Go to Previous Paragraph (Design View)

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Go to Next Paragraph (Design View)

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Select Until Next Word

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Select from Previous Word

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Select from Previous Paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Select Until Next Paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Coding Shortcuts
Move to next property pane

Ctrl + Alt + PgDn

Coding Shortcuts
Move to previous property pane

Ctrl + Alt + PgUp

Coding Shortcuts
New in same window

Ctrl + Shift + N

Coding Shortcuts
Exit Paragraph

Ctrl + Return

Coding Shortcuts
Next Document

Ctrl + Tab

Coding Shortcuts
Previous Document

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Coding Shortcuts
Surround with #

Ctrl + Shift + 3

Files Panel
New File

Ctrl + Shift + N

Files Panel
New Folder

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N

Find and Replace
Find in Current Document

Ctrl + F

Find and Replace
Find and Replace in Files

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Replace in Current Document

Ctrl + H

Find and Replace
Find Next


Find and Replace
Find Previous

Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Find All and Select

Ctrl + Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Add Next Match to Selection

Ctrl + R

Find and Replace
Skip and Add Next Match to Selection

Ctrl + Alt + R

Insert Image

Ctrl + Alt + I

Insert HTML5 Video

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V

Insert Animated Composition

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E

Insert Flash SWF

Ctrl + Alt + F

Insert Line Break

Shift + Return

Compile CSS Preprocessors


Add CSS selector or property which ever panel is in focus

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + =

Add CSS selector

Ctrl + Alt + S

Add CSS property

Ctrl + Alt + P

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)
Show Guides

Ctrl + ;

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)
Lock Guides

Ctrl + Alt + ;

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)
Snap to Guides

Ctrl + Shift + ;

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)
Guides Snap to Elements

Ctrl + Shift + G

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)
Show Grid

Ctrl + Alt + G

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)
Snap to Grid

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G

Guides,Grids and Rulers(Design View)
Show Rulers

Ctrl + Alt + R

Real-time Preview in Primary Browser


Preview in Secondary Browser

Shift + F12

View Specific
Freeze JavaScript (Live View)


View Specific
Hide Live View Displays

Ctrl + Alt + H

View Specific
Switch Views

Ctrl + `

View Specific
Inspect (Live View)

Alt + Shift + F11

View Specific
Hide all visual aids (Design View)

Ctrl + Shift + I

View Specific
Toggle between Design and Live View

Ctrl + Shift + F11


Ctrl + U

Show Panels



Shift + F4

Code Inspector


CSS Designer

Shift + F11


Ctrl + F7




Ctrl + F2


Ctrl + F3


Shift + F6




Shift + F9

Dreamweaver Online Help



Ctrl + Alt + ]


Ctrl + Alt + [


Ctrl + B


Ctrl + I

Spell Check

Shift + F7

Remove Link

Ctrl + Shift + L

Zoom in (Design and Live View)

Ctrl + =

Zoom Out (Design and Live View)

Ctrl + -


Ctrl + 0


Ctrl + Alt + 5


Ctrl + Alt + 2


Ctrl + Alt + 3

Fit Selection

Ctrl + Alt + 0

Fit All

Ctrl + Shift + 0

Fit Width

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 0

Increase Font Size

Ctrl + +

Decrease Font Size

Ctrl + -

Restore Font Size

Ctrl + 0

Insert Table

Ctrl + Alt + T

Merge Cells

Ctrl + Alt + M

Split Cell

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T

Insert Row

Ctrl + M

Insert Column

Ctrl + Shift + A

Delete Row

Ctrl + Shift + M

Delete Column

Ctrl + Shift + -

Increase Column Span

Ctrl + Shift + ]

Decrease Column Span

Ctrl + Shift + [

Site Management
Get File

Ctrl + Alt + D

Site Management
Check out File

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D

Site Management
Put File

Ctrl + Shift + U

Site Management
Check in File

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U

Site Management
Check Links Sitewide

Ctrl + F8

Site Management
Show Page Titles

Ctrl + Shift + T

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Jump to the title of the page and select it.
Specific OneNote Shortcuts for Selecting, Editing, and Formatting

ctrl + shift + t

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease indent
Messages in Main View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Google Chrome (Windows)
Reopen the last tab closed (up to 10 tabs)
Manage Tabs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Reduce hanging indent
Messages in Main View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + Shift + T

Firefox (Linux)
Undo close browser tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Firefox (Windows)
Undo close current browser tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Open Type in Hierarchy
Code Information

Ctrl + Shift + T

Thunderbird (Windows)
Retrieve new messages for all accounts
Retrieve Messages

Ctrl + Shift + T

Thunderbird (Linux)
Retrieve new messages for all accounts
Retrieve Messages

Ctrl + Shift + T

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Transpose word to right of cursor; makes b=a out of a=b if cursor was in front of a
Code Editor - Edit Code

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Move the insertion point to the page title.
Working with and inside Pages / Side Notes

ctrl + shift + t

Google Chrome (Linux)
Reopen last tab closed. Up to 10 tabs.
Manage Tabs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)
Show Tips

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease indent
Messages in Compose View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Reduce hanging indent
Messages in Compose View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + Shift + T

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Transpose word to right of cursor; makes b=a out of a=b if cursor was in front of a
Coding - Edit Code

Ctrl + Shift + T

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + T

Opera (Linux)
Reopen last open tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Reduce a hanging indent.
Character and paragraph formatting Align paragraphs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Open new folder tab, but do not activate it
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + t

Evernote (Windows)
Create a new tag
Main Application Shortcuts - Managing Evernote

Ctrl + Shift + t

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease indent
Calendar Shortcuts - Format Message Body

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Reduce hanging indent
Calendar Shortcuts - Format Message Body

Ctrl + Shift + T

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Transpose word to right of cursor; makes b=a out of a=b if cursor was in front of a
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - Edit Code

Ctrl + Shift + T

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Create new subfolder (segmented tethered capture)
Managing photos and catalog

Ctrl + Shift + T

Sublime Text (Windows)
Reopen last file
Menu Control

Ctrl + Shift + T

Sublime Text (Windows)
Reopen last closed tab
Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs

Ctrl + Shift + T

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Go to JUnit test
General Keyboard Shortcts

Ctrl + Shift + T

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
"Latex" menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + T

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Open session
Session Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Directory Opus (Windows)
New tabs for selected
Folder Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Repeat last duplicate and move
Vanishing Point

Ctrl + Shift + T

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
Export - PNG with transparency...
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Analyse Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Tools Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Pro Tools (Windows)
Options Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Flash Professional (Windows)
Modify Paragraph
Modifying and editing

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Decrease hanging indent
Format Paragraphs and Apply Styles

Ctrl + Shift + T

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a table
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + T

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Copy current line to clipboard
Edit menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Qt Creator (Windows)
Open type hierarchy

Ctrl + Shift + T

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Open type hierarchy

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Select Title of page

Ctrl + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a table
Text Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + T

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Create new subfolder (segmented Tethered capture)
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Set focus on tab item in tabbed conversation view
Tabbed conversations

Ctrl + Shift + T

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
in Calls - Transfer: Open the contact picker during a peer-to-peer call. (Not available in Lync Basic or with all Office 365 subscriptions.)
The Rest

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Increase Decrease indent
Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows)
Open a previously closed tab
Window / Tab Control

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Create/reduce a hanging indent
Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)
Top-Align text Vertically
Format text

Ctrl + Shift + T

Access 2010 (Windows)
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
The Rest - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows)
Take heap snapshot (On Memory tab)
Developer Tools (the following shortcuts are only applicable within the Developer Tools section)

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Open Effect Controls Panel for selected Layers

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Stopping tab
Marker Operation

Ctrl + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a table
Database Management Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + T

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)
Add current color to color set
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Omit multiple records
Browse-Mode Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + T

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Edit Selection Set
Edit Menu Commands

Ctrl + Shift + T

Finale (Windows)
Frame Attributes
Text Tool

Ctrl + Shift + T

Autodesk Inventor 2017 (Windows)
Leader text
Drawing manager

Ctrl + Shift + T

Silhouette Studio (Windows)
Cut style = no cut

Ctrl + Shift + T

Slack (Windows)
Open All Threads view
Navigation Controls

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)
Open file class type
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Modify Paragraph
Edit and Modify

Ctrl + Shift + T

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Application - Model

Ctrl + Shift + T

ACDSee (Windows)
Show/Hide Bottom Toolbar
View Mode

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Word 2016 (MacOS)
Insert a TIME field
Work with fields

Ctrl + Shift + T

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Spline Modeler - Model

Ctrl + Shift + T

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Edit text
Text Formatting

Ctrl + Shift + T

Chief Architect (Windows)
All Cabinet Defaults
View Mode

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2.0 (Windows)
Tag Editor
Other Editor

Ctrl + Shift + T

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Tag List

Ctrl + Shift + T

HTML-Kit (Windows)
Add A New Snippet to List
87 Shortcuts for HTML-Kit (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

Forte (Windows)
Open task manager window
All Window

Ctrl + Shift + T

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Vertex Modeler - Model

Ctrl + Shift + T

Flock (Windows)
Topbar menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Edit Scen Effects
3D View

Ctrl + Shift + T

vSphere Client (Windows)
Scheduled Tasks
vCenter Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Insert a text entry box
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + T

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Show/hide event fade lengths between selected and nonselected events:
Magnification and View

Ctrl + Shift + T

Scottrade (Windows)
Open Sector Trend Window
32 Shortcuts for Scottrade (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

XYplorer (Windows)
Tab List...
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + T

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Save tool
3D Models

Ctrl + Shift + T

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
Go to Type

Ctrl + Shift + T

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Navigate to a test for the class at caret, if any, or navigate from a test to a test subject
Navigation between Source Code

Ctrl + Shift + T

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Add Todo list item
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

Soundforge (Windows)
Show/hide fade lengths between events:
Event Tool

Ctrl + Shift + T

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Reopen closed editor
File Management

Ctrl + Shift + T

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Open Trade Window for Chart
Trade Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Line copy.

Ctrl + Shift + T

RStudio (Windows)
Test package (desktop)

Ctrl + Shift + T

TurboCAD (Windows)
Show or Hide the measurement info
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

CuteFTP (Windows)
Change item queue order (move to top)

Ctrl + Shift + T

Comodo IceDragon (Windows)
Undo Close Tab
Windows and Tabs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Geany (Linux)
Go to tag declaration

Ctrl + Shift + T

Geany (Windows)
Go to tag declaration

Ctrl + Shift + T

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Opens the Tone Map dialog box
Format Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
TM Lookup
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Insert MIDI Track
Ctrls for Tracks

Ctrl + Shift + T

Modo (Windows)
Element snap

Ctrl + Shift + T

Vectorworks (Windows)
Format keys
keys Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Add time slip activities
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Ctrl + Shift + T

Brave Browser (Windows)
Reopen Last Closed Tab
Tabs and Windows

Ctrl + Shift + T

MuseScore (Windows)
System Text
Text Entry Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + T

SolveSpace (Windows)
Trace Point

Ctrl + Shift + T

Solidwork Composer (Windows)
Top/bottom camera view
35 Shortcuts for Solidwork Composer (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + T

Internet Explorer (Windows)
Restore closed tab (open previously closed tab).
Tabbed Browsing main

Ctrl + Shift + T

Rhythmbox (Linux)
Show/hide playlist in sidebar

Ctrl + K / Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Open or close Effect Controls panel for selected layer
Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows

F3 / Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Fireworks MX (Windows)
Numeric Transformation
Image and Canvas Manipulation in Fireworks

ctrl + shift + t

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Decrease hanging indent
Navigate within Documents - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Google Earth 5 (Windows)
Create new Path
Create Items on Map

ctrl + shift + t

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
Removes cell protection from all selected tables. If no table is selected, then cell protection is removed from all of the tables in the document.
Working with Tables

Ctrl + Shift + T

IrfanView 4.42 (Windows)
Set image as wallpaper - tiled
Tools and Dialogs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Open Effect Controls panel for selected layers

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Decrease hanging indent
Edit Documents - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Increase or decrease indent.
Shortcuts for Formatting Text

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Repeat last duplicate and move
Shortcut Keys for using Vanishing Point

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Reduce a hanging indent.
Shortcuts for Formatting Text

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Decrease hanging indent
Formats - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Decrease hanging indent
Manage Word View - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + Shift + T

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Decrease hanging indent
Tables - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + Shift + T