FL Studio (Windows)

Piano Roll Action

Select time around selection

Ctrl + Enter

All hotkeys for FL Studio (Windows)

File Operations
Open file

Ctrl + O

File Operations
Save file

Ctrl + S

File Operations
Save new version

Ctrl + N

File Operations
Save as...

Ctrl + Shift + S

File Operations
Export wave file

Ctrl + R

File Operations
Export MP3 file

Ctrl + Shift + R

File Operations
Export MIDI file

Ctrl + Shift + M

File Operations
Open recent files 0..9

Alt + 0 .. 9

File Operations
Browser smart find...

Ctrl + F

Pattern Selector
Select patterns 1..9

NumPad 1 .. 9

Pattern Selector
Next pattern

NumPad +

Pattern Selector
Previous pattern

NumPad -

Pattern Selector
Next pattern

Arrow Right

Pattern Selector
Previous pattern

Arrow Left

Pattern Selector
Next empty pattern


Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Mute/Unmute first 10 channels

0 .. 9

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Solo/Unsolo first 10 channels

Ctrl + 0 .. 9

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Select previous channel

Arrow Up

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Next channel

Arrow Down

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Group selected channels

Alt + G

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Zip selected channels

Alt + Z

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Unzip selected channels

Alt + U

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Move selected channels up

Shift + Arrow Up

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Move selected channels down

Shift + Arrow Down

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Next channel group


Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Previous channel group


Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Copy channel steps/score

Ctrl + C

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Paste channel steps/score

Ctrl + V

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Cut channel steps/score

Ctrl + X

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Delete selected channels

Alt + Delete

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Clone channels

Ctrl + Shift + C

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Shift steps left

Shift + Arrow Left

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Shift steps right

Shift + Arrow Right

Channel Window & Step Sequencer

Alt + R

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Send to Piano Roll

Alt + P

Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Show Keyboard Editor


Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Show Graph Editor


Channel Window & Step Sequencer
Channels - Restretch all

Ctrl + Alt + R

Record / Playback / Transport
Toggle line/none snap


Record / Playback / Transport
Start/Stop playback


Record / Playback / Transport
Start/Pause playback

Ctrl + Space

Record / Playback / Transport
Switch Pattern/Song mode


Record / Playback / Transport
Switch on/off recording (this also works during playback)


Record / Playback / Transport
Fast forward

NumPad 0 (zero)

Record / Playback / Transport
Previous bar (Song mode)

NumPad /

Record / Playback / Transport
Jump 4 bars back (Song mode)

Ctrl + NumPad /

Record / Playback / Transport
Next bar (Song mode)

NumPad *

Record / Playback / Transport
Jump 4 bars forward (Song mode)

Ctrl + NumPad *

Record / Playback / Transport
Toggle Step Edit mode

Ctrl + E

Record / Playback / Transport
Stop sound (panic)

Ctrl + H

Record / Playback / Transport
Toggle typing keypad to piano keypad

Ctrl + T

Record / Playback / Transport
Toggle blend notes

Ctrl + B

Record / Playback / Transport
Toggle metronome

Ctrl + M

Record / Playback / Transport
Toggle recording metronome precount

Ctrl + P

Record / Playback / Transport
Toggle wait for input to start recording

Ctrl + I

Window Navigation
Cycle nested windows


Window Navigation
Open Plugin Picker

Ctrl + F8

Window Navigation
Open Project Picker

Ctrl + Alt + F8

Window Navigation
Plugin database

Shift + F8

Window Navigation
Toggle max/min Playlist


Window Navigation
Closes a window


Window Navigation


Window Navigation
Toggle Playlist


Window Navigation
Toggle Step Sequencer


Window Navigation
Toggle Piano Roll


Window Navigation
Show/hide Sample Browser


Window Navigation
Show/hide Mixer


Window Navigation
Show/hide MIDI settings


Window Navigation
Show/hide song info window


Window Navigation
Close all windows


Window Navigation
Close all unfocused windows

Ctrl + F12

Window Navigation
Align all channel editors (since program version 11.5.8)

Shift + F12

Window Navigation
Arrange windows - Realign

Ctrl + Shift + H

Move selected mixer track left/right

Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Select the channels linked to the selected mixer track

Alt + L

Link selected channels to selected mixer track

Ctrl + L

Link selected channels starting from selected mixer track

Ctrl + Shift + L

Rename selected mixer track


Solo current track


Alt solo - activate current track and all tracks routed to/from it

Alt + S

Render armed tracks to .wav

Alt + R

Playlist Action
Paint tool


Playlist Action
Slice tool


Playlist Action
Delete tool


Playlist Action
Select tool


Playlist Action
Pencil tool


Playlist Action
Slip edit tool


Playlist Action
Mute tool


Playlist Action
Playback tool


Playlist Action
Zoom tool


Playlist Action
Bypass snap (very useful when combined with other modifiers)


Playlist Action
Ungroup selection

Alt + G

Playlist Action
Open the Piano Roll or channel depending on what's selected in the Playlist

Alt + P

Playlist Action
Add time marker

Alt + T

Playlist Action
Jump to next/previous song marker (if present)

Alt + NumPad * / /

Playlist Action
Jump to next/previous song marker (if present) and select until next song marker (if present) or until song end

Ctrl + Alt + NumPad * / /

Playlist Action
Audition the clip selected

Alt +Right Click

Playlist Action
Engage snap free 'Slice Mode', release Alt after clicking on the clip to use snapping

Alt + Right Shift

Playlist Action
Select all

Ctrl + A

Playlist Action
Duplicate selection (or all clips in zoom range if nothing is selected) to the right

Ctrl + B

Playlist Action
Copy selection

Ctrl + C

Playlist Action
Deselect selection

Ctrl + D

Playlist Action
Toggle Performance mode

Ctrl + P

Playlist Action
Add time marker

Ctrl + T

Playlist Action
Paste selection

Ctrl + V

Playlist Action
Cut selection

Ctrl + X

Playlist Action
Grid color

Ctrl + Alt + G

Playlist Action
Toggle resizing from left

Ctrl + Alt + Home

Playlist Action
Add space at the start of the timeline selection of equal length to the selection

Ctrl + Insert

Playlist Action
Delete space according to the timeline selection

Ctrl + Delete

Playlist Action
Select time around selection

Ctrl + Enter

Playlist Action
Select time before/after selection equal to the selection length

Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Playlist Action

Ctrl +Left Click

Playlist Action
Add to selection

Ctrl + Shift +Left Click

Playlist Action
Zoom to selected clip

Ctrl + Shift +Right Click

Playlist Action
Zoom on selection / Drag to make zoom selection (zoom on release)

Ctrl +Right Click

Playlist Action
Delete selected clip/pattern source data


Playlist Action
Open clip/pattern properties (e.g. Channel Settings, Piano Roll)

Double Left Click (on clip/pattern)

Playlist Action
Move the playback marker to the start of the Playlist


Playlist Action
Slice clip at mouse cursor position


Playlist Action
Add and resize clip/pattern (move mouse L/R after click and hold to resize) (must be in pencil mode)

Left Shift +Left Click (on Playlist)

Playlist Action
Pan view

Left Shift +Right Click

Playlist Action
Pan view (hold & drag left/right)

Middle Mouse Button

Playlist Action
Zoom in / Zoom out

PgUp / PgDn

Playlist Action
Swap to Brush

Pencil tool + Shift

Playlist Action
Delete selected clip/pattern

Right Click

Playlist Action
Slice clip/pattern (click above/below clip/pattern & drag vertical)

Right Shift +Left Click

Playlist Action
Vertical slice clip (release Alt to engage snap)

Right Alt + Right Shift +Left Click

Playlist Action
Slice clip/pattern & delete smallest part (click above/below clip/pattern & drag vertical)

Right Shift +Right Click

Playlist Action
Quantize selected

Right Alt +Right Click

Playlist Action
Mute selected

Right Alt +Left Click

Playlist Action
Temporarily swaps between Paint & Draw modes


Playlist Action
Select all clips according to the currently selected clip source

Shift + C

Playlist Action
Group selected clips

Shift + G

Playlist Action
Invert selection

Shift + I

Playlist Action
Quick quantize clip start times

Shift + Q

Playlist Action
Move selection left/right

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Playlist Action
Move selection up/down

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Playlist Action
Clone (drag while holding clip/pattern)

Shift +Left Click (on clip/pattern)

Playlist Action
Nudge clip position

Shift +Mouse Wheel (on clips)

Playlist Action
Reorder clip tracks

Shift +Mouse Wheel (on track label area)

Playlist Action
Center Playlist to playhead position

Shift + 0 (zero)

Playlist Action
Horizontal zoom levels 1 (zoom out) to 3 (zoom in)

Shift + 1 .. 3

Playlist Action
Horizontal zoom, show all

Shift + 4

Playlist Action
Zoom to selection

Shift + 5

Playlist Action
Fit Performance Zone to Playlist

Shift + 6

Piano Roll Action
Note: Some keyboard modifiers apply only to Draw mode

Piano Roll Action
Paint tool


Piano Roll Action
Slice tool


Piano Roll Action
Delete tool


Piano Roll Action
Select tool


Piano Roll Action
Show next property in the Piano Roll event lane (lower section)


Piano Roll Action
Toggle Keyboard view mode


Piano Roll Action
Toggle Portamento


Piano Roll Action
Pencil tool


Piano Roll Action
Mute tool


Piano Roll Action
Playback tool


Piano Roll Action
Zoom tool


Piano Roll Action
Bypass snap (very useful when combined with other modifiers)


Piano Roll Action

Alt + A

Piano Roll Action
View note helpers

Alt + B

Piano Roll Action
Change color of selected notes (to selected color group)

Alt + C

Piano Roll Action
Riff machine

Alt + E

Piano Roll Action

Alt + F

Piano Roll Action
Ungroup selected notes

Alt + G

Piano Roll Action
Open Limit tool

Alt + K

Piano Roll Action
Open Articulate tool

Alt + L

Piano Roll Action
Switch waveform helper view (when available)

Alt + N

Piano Roll Action
Open LFO tool when in lower Event Editor area

Alt + O

Piano Roll Action

Alt + Q

Piano Roll Action
Open Randomize tool

Alt + R

Piano Roll Action
Open Strum tool

Alt + S

Piano Roll Action

Alt + G

Piano Roll Action
Open Chop tool

Alt + U

Piano Roll Action
Toggle ghost channels on/off

Alt + V

Piano Roll Action
Open Claw Machine tool

Alt + W

Piano Roll Action
Open Scale Levels tool

Alt + X

Piano Roll Action
Open Score Flipper tool

Alt + Y

Piano Roll Action
Change the selected note property of the note the mouse pointer is near or on

Alt +Mouse Wheel

Piano Roll Action
Nudge the position of the selected notes or all notes if no selection is made

Alt + Arrow Keys

Piano Roll Action
Select all

Ctrl + A

Piano Roll Action
Duplicate selection, or all notes in zoom range if nothing is selected, to the right (works also with time line selections)

Ctrl + B

Piano Roll Action
Copy selection

Ctrl + C

Piano Roll Action
Deselect selection

Ctrl + D

Piano Roll Action
Glue selected and touching notes

Ctrl + G

Piano Roll Action
Insert current controller value

Ctrl + I

Piano Roll Action
Quick legato

Ctrl + L

Piano Roll Action
Import MIDI file

Ctrl + M

Piano Roll Action
Quick quantize

Ctrl + Q

Piano Roll Action
Quick chop

Ctrl + U

Piano Roll Action
Paste selection

Ctrl + V

Piano Roll Action
Cut selection

Ctrl + X

Piano Roll Action
Grid color

Ctrl + Alt + G

Piano Roll Action
Flip separator (since program version 11.5.8)

Shift + Enter

Piano Roll Action
Toggle allow resizing from left

Ctrl + Alt + Home

Piano Roll Action
Delete space equal to selection

Ctrl + Delete

Piano Roll Action
Select time around selection

Ctrl + Enter

Piano Roll Action
Insert space equal to the current time line selection

Ctrl + Insert

Piano Roll Action
Slice & insert space (since program version 11.5.8)

Ctrl + Alt + Insert

Piano Roll Action
Shift left/right

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Piano Roll Action
Rotate left/right (since program version 11.5.8)

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Piano Roll Action
Transpose selection up/down 1 octave

Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Piano Roll Action
Select time before (left) or after (right) current selection

Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Piano Roll Action

Ctrl +Left Click

Piano Roll Action
Add to selection

Ctrl + Shift +Left Click

Piano Roll Action
Zoom on selection/Drag to make zoom selection (zoom on release)

Ctrl +Right Click

Piano Roll Action
Delete selected


Piano Roll Action
Open note properties

Double Left Click (on note)

Piano Roll Action
Swap to ghost channel to edit the note

Double Right Click / X1 Button (on ghost note)

Piano Roll Action
Add and resize notes (move mouse L/R after click and hold to resize)

Left Shift +Left Click (on Piano Roll)

Piano Roll Action
Pan view

Left Shift +Right Click

Piano Roll Action
Audio preview

Left Alt +Right Click

Piano Roll Action
Pan view (hold and drag left/right)

Middle Mouse Button

Piano Roll Action
Zoom in / Zoom out

PgUp / PgDn

Piano Roll Action
Swap to Brush

Pencil tool + Shift

Piano Roll Action
Delete selected notes

Right Click

Piano Roll Action
Quantize selected

Right Alt +Right Click

Piano Roll Action
Slice notes (click above/below note and drag vertical)

Right Shift +Left Click

Piano Roll Action
Slice notes & delete smallest part (click above/below note and drag vertical)

Right Shift +Right Click

Piano Roll Action
Group selected notes

Shift + G

Piano Roll Action
Paste from MIDI clipboard

Ctrl + Shift + V

Piano Roll Action
Temporarily swaps between Paint & Draw modes


Piano Roll Action
Select by color

Shift + C

Piano Roll Action
Select odd (since program version 11.5.8)

Shift + O

Piano Roll Action
Discard selected note lengths

Shift + D

Piano Roll Action
Group selected

Shift + G

Piano Roll Action
Invert selection

Shift + I

Piano Roll Action
Turn off selected chord

Shift + N

Piano Roll Action
Quick quantize

Shift + Q

Piano Roll Action
Select at random (multiple presses will select more notes)

Shift + R

Piano Roll Action
Select more at random (since program version 11.5.8)

Shift + M

Piano Roll Action
Move selection left/right

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Piano Roll Action
Move selection up/down

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Piano Roll Action
Clone (drag while holding clip/pattern), release Shift after dragging to unlock vertical movement

Shift +Left Click

Piano Roll Action
Nudge clip position

Shift +Mouse Wheel (on clips)

Piano Roll Action
Reorder clip tracks

Shift +Mouse Wheel (on track label area)

Piano Roll Action
Center Playlist to playhead position

Shift + 0 (zero)

Piano Roll Action
Horizontal zoom levels 1 (zoom out) to 3 (zoom in)

Shift + 1 .. 3

Piano Roll Action
Horizontal zoom, show all

Shift + 4

Piano Roll Action
Zoom to selection

Shift + 5

Piano Roll Action
Step sequencer mode zoom (since program version 11.5.8)

Shift + 6

Piano Roll Action
Time markers - Add one... (since program version 11.5.8)

Alt + T

Piano Roll Action
Time markers - Add auto (since program version 11.5.8)

Ctrl + T

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Chrome (Windows)
Run snippet
Manage Chrome DevTools - Sources Panel

Ctrl + Enter

Google Mail (Windows)
Send Message
Compose Messages

Ctrl + Enter

Firefox (Linux)
Complete a .com address in address bar: adds "http" prefix and ".com" suffix to entry, then loads the page. Add alt to combination to load page in background tab.
Address Bar

Ctrl + Enter

Firefox (Windows)
Complete a .com address in address bar: adds "http" prefix and ".com" suffix to entry, then loads the page. Add alt to combination to load page in background tab.
Address Bar

Ctrl + Enter

Thunderbird (Windows)
Send Message now
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + Enter

Thunderbird (Linux)
Send Message now
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + Enter

Firefox (Linux)
Open selected link in new background tab
Inside Webpages

Ctrl + Enter

Firefox (Windows)
Open selected link in new background tab
Inside Webpages

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Create a row below the current row in a table.
Creating and Manipulating OneNote Tables

ctrl + enter

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Enter blank line above cursor
Code Editor - Edit Code

Ctrl + Enter

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Goto Definition
Coding Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
A page break
Edit and move text and graphics: Insert special characters

Ctrl + Enter

Google Chrome (Linux)
Run snippet
Manage Chrome DevTools - Sources Panel

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Excel 2003 (Windows)
Enter same contents to multiple cells

Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Insert a new line
Manage Access Features - Insert Data

Ctrl + Enter

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Word completion
Edit - Auto-completion

Ctrl + Enter

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Word completion
Search - Auto-completion

Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Enter blank line above cursor
Coding - Edit Code

Ctrl + Enter

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Apply a value and scale option proportionately for width or height
Panel Shortcuts - Transform Panel

Ctrl + Enter

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
When in Rapid Text Entry box, parse the title into Tags; when in Search box move focus to 1st search result
Accessing Features

Ctrl + Enter

Open Office Impress (Linux)
Moves to the next text object on the slide.
Select and Move Elements

Ctrl + Enter

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Enter blank line above cursor
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - Edit Code

Ctrl + Enter

Sublime Text (Windows)
Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line
Cool Text Manipulation

Ctrl + Enter

Sublime Text (Windows)
Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line
Cool Text Manipulation

Ctrl + Enter

Evernote (Windows)
Open the selected note in a separate window (Alt + F4 to close window)
Note List

Ctrl + Enter

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Apply a value and scale option proportionately for width or height
Additional Shortcuts - Transform Panel

Ctrl + Enter

Opera (Linux)
Open selected link in new background tab

Ctrl + Enter

Opera (Linux)
Log in/autofill form using the Wand

Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Insert a new line
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Comparing photos in the Library module

Ctrl + Enter

Kanban Tool (Web Application)
saving and closing existing task or for creating and closing new tasks
Online Kanban Board for Visual Project Management

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
In Microsoft Office PowerPoint, move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide.
Basic Text Navigation and Formatting

Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter

FreeMind 0.9.0 (Windows)
Follow link
Node navigation commands

Ctrl + Enter

IntelliJ (Linux)
Smart line split

Ctrl + Enter

IntelliJ (Windows)
Smart line split

Ctrl + Enter

HoneyView 5.03 (Windows)
Show in Windows Explorer
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Develop Module

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Slideshow module

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Print module

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Web module

Ctrl + Enter

IntelliJ (Linux)
Edit source / View source

F4 / Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Insert a new line
Working with Access Views - Insert Data

Ctrl + Enter

IntelliJ (Windows)
Edit source / View source

F4 / Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Insert page break
Insert Special Characters, Text Elements, and Breaks

Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Twitter (Web Application)
Send Tweet

Ctrl + Enter

Qt Creator (Windows)
Insert line below current line

Ctrl + Enter

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Insert line below current line

Ctrl + Enter

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
New line below
Editing Lines

Ctrl + Enter

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
New line below
Editing Lines

Ctrl + Enter

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Replace all
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Enter

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Replace all
Find and Replace

Ctrl + Enter

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Launch Word Completion ListBox
Edit menu

Ctrl + Enter

GTDNext.com (Windows)
Completes a task
Center Pane Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Add audio/end audio
Conversation window

Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Insert a new line
The Rest - Insert Data

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Create row below current row in table
OneNote Tables

Ctrl + Enter

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
The Rest - Pivot Table

Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Comparing Photos in the Library Module

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Move from title/text to text/slide
Outlining Views

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Develop Module

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Slideshow Module

Ctrl + Enter

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a new field in the Field Picker dialog box
General keyboard shortcuts (Windows)

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Print Module

Ctrl + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Play impromptu slide show
Web Module

Ctrl + Enter

InDesign CC (Windows)
Quick apply
Edit Menu shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Nuke 10 (Windows)
Run Script in editor
Script Editor

Ctrl + Enter

Nuke 10 (Linux)
Run Script in editor
Script Editor

Ctrl + Enter

Zoho Writer (Windows)
To give page break in document

Ctrl + Enter

Zoho Sheet (Windows)
Insert Line Break in Cell

Ctrl + Enter

3D Coat (Windows)
Pressed in one

Ctrl + Enter

Zoho Writer (Windows)
To Give Page Break in document
Format Tab

Ctrl + Enter

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Open a record found in lookup with forms in Read-optimized mode
Form Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
Save and close window

Ctrl + Enter

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Publish Form Editor customization
General Purpose Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Ace Projects (Windows)
Enter full screen
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Todoist (Web Application)
Save existing or new task and create new one below it
Task Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Sublime Text (Linux)
Insert Line After
General Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Todoist (Web Application)
Submit Comment
Android Only Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Asana (Web Application)
Complete Selected Task
Task Action Shortcuts(On Windows Plateform)

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Complete cell entry and don't move selection
Edit Cell Content

Ctrl + Enter

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Generate Code
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Trello (Web Application)
Save Text(Windows)
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Bitbucket (Web Application)
Submit your comment
Commits/Pull Requests

Ctrl + Enter

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8 (Windows)
Send Message
Mail Compose Form

Ctrl + S / Ctrl + Enter

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (Windows)
Window Menu

Ctrl + Enter

Desk.com (Windows)
Open selected cases
Filter View

Ctrl + Enter

Desk.com (Windows)
Update and send
Case View

Ctrl + Enter

Zoho Mail (Web Application)
Send Message
Predefined Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

jEdit (Windows)
Display Action Bar
Action Bar

Ctrl + Enter

Clarizen (Web Application)
PopUp/Item editor

Ctrl + Enter

Clarizen (Web Application)
Performs relevant action if the focus is on a button (OK, Cancel, Done, etc.)
Other PopUps

Ctrl + Enter

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
View Source

Ctrl + Enter

Clarizen (Web Application)
Sends a post
Social Media

Ctrl + Enter

Clarizen (Web Application)
Save note
Miscellanous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter / Shift + Enter

Microsoft Teams (Windows)
Send a Message when Compose Box is Expanded
Messaging Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
View Source

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Hotmail (Web Application)
Send Message
14 Shortcuts for Microsoft Hotmail (Web Application)

Ctrl + Enter

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Insert Page Break
Special Characters

Ctrl + Enter

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Insert Hard Page Break
Text Formatting

Ctrl + Enter

Corel Designer X7 (Windows)
Column Break/TextFrame Break
Inserting Formatting Code

Ctrl + Enter

Opera (Windows)
Log in/autofill form using the Wand

Ctrl + Enter

Yahoo Mail (Web Application)
Send Message

Ctrl + Enter

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro (Windows)
Set project marker
PlayBack Functions

Ctrl + Enter

MusicBee (Windows)
Queue Last
Playback Controls

Ctrl + Enter

Flock (Windows)
Complete .com address

Ctrl + Enter

Kingsoft Spreadsheets 2016 (Windows)
Fills the selected cell range with the current entry
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Kingsoft Writer 2016 (Windows)
Insert Page Break

Ctrl + Enter

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Preview the project
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Forte (Windows)
Download HTML Images
Main Browser Window

Ctrl + Enter

Brackets (Windows)
Open Line Below
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + Enter

Amarok (Windows)
Goto Current
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

MediaMonkey (Windows)
Play (selected Tracks) After Others
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

WinSCP 5 (Windows)
Insert names of selected files to command line
File Panels

Ctrl + Enter

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Smart line split
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Soundforge (Windows)
Maximize the width of the active data window
Magnification and View

Ctrl + Enter

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Split the selected line at the point where the caret is located, leaving the caret at the end of the first line
Basic Editing

Ctrl + Enter

Jupyter Notebook (Windows)
run cell
Command Mode (press Esc to enable)

Ctrl + Enter

Maxthon (Web Application)
Toggle highlighting of search keywords on the active page
Search Bar

Ctrl + Enter

Libreoffice Writer (Windows)
Manual page break

Ctrl + Enter

GOM Player (Windows)
Full Stretch Screen
Window Size

Ctrl + Enter

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Insert line below
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Aptana Studio 3 (Windows)
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Open file at cursor
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + Enter

RStudio (Windows)
Run current line/selection

Ctrl + Enter

CuteFTP (Windows)
Edit selected file (also creates a line-break when in the integrated editor's Find/Replace utility)

Ctrl + Enter

Inkscape (Windows)
In XML Editor, set the attr value When editing an attribute value in XML Editor, this sets the new value (same as Clicking the Set attribute button)

Ctrl + Enter

Comodo IceDragon (Windows)
Complete .com Address

Ctrl + Enter

Geany (Linux)
Show macro list
Build,Make and Compile

Ctrl + Enter

Geany (Windows)
Show macro list
Build,Make and Compile

Ctrl + Enter

Google Keep (Web Application)
Finish editing
Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Inkscape (Windows)
Enter group

Ctrl + Enter

AVS Video Editor (Windows)
Top Menu Files and Effects Area

Ctrl + Enter

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Committing the current text
Working with Text

Enter / Ctrl + Enter

SuperMemo (Windows)
SuperMemo Commander
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Ctrl + Enter

Internet Explorer (Windows)
Complete a .com address in address bar: adds "http://" prefix and a ".com"-suffix, then loads the webpage.
Basic Navigation and Address Bar

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Insert page break
Navigate within Documents - Insert Breaks

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Completes a cell entry and stays in the same cell
Navigating in Worksheets and Selecting Cells

Ctrl + Enter

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
Manual page break
General OpenOffice Writer Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Google Spreadsheets (Web Application)
Insert line break in a cell
Entering/editing data

Ctrl + Enter

Dynamics CRM 2011 (Windows)
Publish Form Editor customization
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Open Office Impress (Windows)
Moves to the next text object on the slide.
Select and Move Elements

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Shortcuts for Managing E-Mail

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Insert page break
Edit Documents - Insert Breaks

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Insert page break
Formats - Insert Breaks

Ctrl + Enter

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Apply width, height, or scale value proportionally
Transform Panels

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Insert page break
Manage Word View - Insert Breaks

Ctrl + Enter

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Insert page break
Tables - Insert Breaks

Ctrl + Enter