
Node graph

Nest selected nodes in Group

Ctrl + G

All hotkeys for Nuke

Roto / RotoPaint
Delete an item from curve list or Delete points/shapes

⬅ Backspace

Roto / RotoPaint
Remove selected point(s)


Curve editor / dope sheet
Draw box in area and zoom to fit area to curve editor panel

Mouse movement

(long press) Raise the right-click menu


Make the application or floating window fullscreen.

Alt + S

Roto / RotoPaint
Select all points

Ctrl + A

Curve editor / dope sheet
Copy selected keys

Ctrl + C

Node graph
Disconnect upstream node

Ctrl + D

… to <keybs>F6</keybs>: Save current window layout.

Ctrl + F1

Roto / RotoPaint
(on a point) Break tangent handle for selected point

Ctrl + Mouse left click

Project / tags / versions bin
Create a new sequence

Ctrl + N

Open a project or script, depending on environment

Ctrl + O

Exit the application

Ctrl + Q

2D compositing viewer
Save current script

Ctrl + S

Add a dissolve between two selected shots

Ctrl + T

Curve editor / dope sheet
Paste curve

Ctrl + V

Close the current project or script, dependent on environment

Ctrl + W

Curve editor / dope sheet
Cut selected keys

Ctrl + X

Undo last action

Ctrl + Z

Close the current tab

↑   Shift + Esc

… to <keybs>F6</keybs>: Change workspace

↑   Shift + F1

Open the Preferences dialog

↑   Shift + S

… to <keybs>6</keybs>: Open a recent project or script, depending on environment

Alt + ↑   Shift + 1

Properties panel
Close all open Properties panels

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + A

Goto next pane

Ctrl + Alt + `

Script editor
Decrease indentation of selected text

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + [

Script editor
Increase indentation of selected text

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ]

2D compositing viewer
Save current script and specify name (Save As)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

Redo last action

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Z

Goto previous pane

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + `

Node graph


Timeline viewer
Zoom In


Curve editor / dope sheet
Frame all keyframes


Node graph
Insert Blur node


Roto / RotoPaint
Toggle Clone tool


Roto / RotoPaint
Increase feather on selected point(s)


2D compositing viewer
Go to last frame


Curve editor / dope sheet
Fit selection to window


Node graph
Clear Buffers


Node graph
Insert Grade node


Curve editor / dope sheet
Interpolation (Horizontal)


2D compositing viewer
Go to first frame


Roto / RotoPaint
Pick colour


Node graph
Jump to bookmarked node


Curve editor / dope sheet
Interpolation (Constant)


Curve editor / dope sheet
Interpolation (Linear)


Timeline viewer
Frame Backwards

Node graph
Insert Roto node


3D compositing viewer
Next Layer

Page Down

3D compositing viewer
Previous Layer

Page Up

Node graph
Show named script info


Curve editor / dope sheet
Interpolation (Catmull-Rom)


Roto / RotoPaint
(Bezier/Spline tools) Close shape

⤶ Enter

2D compositing viewer
Step forward one frame

Roto / RotoPaint
Toggle Bezier/B-Spline/Ellipse/Rectangle tools


Node graph
Insert Write node


Node graph
Splay last (Splay 1st node to output of 2nd)


Project / tags / versions bin
Version down the selected clip

Alt +

Node graph
Display script information, such as the node count, channel count, cache usage, and whether the script is in full-res or proxy mode

Alt + I

2D compositing viewer
Clear Out Point

Alt + O

Timeline viewer
Previous Tag

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Timeline viewer
Next Tag

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Node graph
Splay first selected node to input A

Alt + U

Project / tags / versions bin
Version up the selected clip

Alt +

Timeline viewer
Show Timeline Editor

Ctrl + /

Timeline viewer
Full Screen

Ctrl + F

2D compositing viewer
Deselect sampled pixels

Ctrl + Mouse right click

3D compositing viewer
3D Bottom view

↑   Shift + C

Timeline viewer
Go to In Point

↑   Shift + I

2D compositing viewer
Move left incremented amount (timeline)

↑   Shift +

Timeline viewer
Go to Out Point

↑   Shift + O

2D compositing viewer
Move right incremented amount (timeline)

↑   Shift +

Project / tags / versions bin
Go to min version

Ctrl + Alt +

Project / tags / versions bin
Go to max version

Ctrl + Alt +

Timeline viewer
Zoom to Actual Size

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1

Timeline viewer
Zoom to Half Size

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 2

Timeline viewer
Full Quality 1:1

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

Roto / RotoPaint
(B-Spline) Increase/decrease tension of B-Spline shape

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Node graph
Create Precomp from selected nodes

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P

2D compositing viewer
Decrease Gain


Node graph
Dot node


Display in the A input buffer


Display in the B input buffer


Curve editor / dope sheet

Alt + Mouse movement

Duplicate the dragged shot

Alt then Mouse movement

Roto / RotoPaint
Toggle Dodge/Burn


Node graph
Next node in tree

Activate Ripple mode while dragging shot

Mouse movement then Alt

Edit playhead time

num⤶ Enter

Node graph
Render all Write nodes


Node graph
Render selected Write nodes


Curve editor / dope sheet
Select single point

Mouse left click

Node graph
Insert Merge node


Roto / RotoPaint
Toggle Brush/Eraser


Node graph
(numpad) Navigate around the node tree in the direction specified. For example, pressing the left arrow key (4) selects the next node to the left of the current node in the tree.

← ↑ → ↓

Roto / RotoPaint
(Select tool) Display transform box (points) or jack (shapes)


Node graph
Splay first (Splay selected nodes to 1st selected node)


Node graph
Previous node in tree

Roto / RotoPaint
(editing Bezier/Spline points) Move both tangent handles at the same time

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Nudge selected shot(s) up, overwriting any clips on the tracks above

Alt + ,

Nudge selected shot(s) down, overwriting any clips on the tracks below

Alt + .

Project / tags / versions bin
Display metadata for the selected shot(s)

Alt + D

Properties panel
(click on close X) Close all Properties panels

Alt + Mouse left click

(numeric keypad arrows) Nudge selected shot(s), where space is available

Ctrl + ← ↑ → ↓

Node graph
Open new Compositing Viewer

Ctrl + I

Script editor
Run script in editor

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Nudge selected shot(s) left by the increment amount set under the Viewer, where space is available

↑   Shift + ,

Nudge selected shot(s) right by the increment amount set under the Viewer, where space is available

↑   Shift + .

Ripple delete

↑   Shift + ⬅ Backspace

Node graph
Splay selected nodes to last selected node

↑   Shift + U

Rename shots

Alt + ↑   Shift + /

Node graph
(on a node) Select all nodes in node tree

Ctrl + Alt + A

Go to min version

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Node graph
Version to up to the latest file (Read nodes only)

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Open selected shot in a new Viewer

Ctrl + Alt + ⤶ Enter

Open the Export dialog

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + E

Import folders

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + I

Select all clips between the left-clicks

Mouse left click

Ignore linked tracks during selection

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse left click

Import EDL, XML, or AAF

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + I

2D compositing viewer
Previous view (multiview)


2D compositing viewer
Next view (multiview)

2D compositing viewer
Toggle left toolbar


2D compositing viewer
Toggle right toolbar


2D compositing viewer
Toggle floating viewers


2D compositing viewer

+ Zoom

Node graph
Create/connect viewer inputs

0 - 9

Curve editor / dope sheet
Fit selection to window

Mouse middle click

2D compositing viewer
(numpad) Nudge one frame backward or forward

←  →

Node graph
Insert RotoPaint node


Roto / RotoPaint
(with Viewer mouse-over focus) Cycle between the selected tool’s modes


Script editor
Increase indentation

⭾ Tab

Node graph
Zoom-out %

Alt + 0 - 9

2D compositing viewer
Go to a specific frame

Alt + G

3D compositing viewer
Zoom in/out (drag left/right)

Alt + Mouse middle click

Node graph
Toggle postage stamp on or off

Alt + P

2D compositing viewer
ROI – Activate new region

Alt + W

2D compositing viewer
Toggle lock/unlock zoom level

Alt + Z

Node graph
Zoom-in %

Ctrl + 0 - 9

2D compositing viewer
Move playhead backwards to midpoint

Ctrl +

Node graph
Toggle Proxy

Ctrl + P

2D compositing viewer
Move playhead forward to midpoint

Ctrl +

2D compositing viewer
Enable or disable previewing output on an external broadcast video monitor

Ctrl + U

2D compositing viewer
Toggle top toolbar

↑   Shift + [

2D compositing viewer
Toggle bottom toolbar

↑   Shift + ]

2D compositing viewer
Set Viewer reference inputs

↑   Shift + 1 - 9

2D compositing viewer
(numpad) Nudge frames backward or forward by the amount specified in the skip frames control

↑   Shift + ←  →

2D compositing viewer
Enable or disable ROI

↑   Shift + W

2D compositing viewer
Save script as new version

Alt + ↑   Shift + S

Roto / RotoPaint
Toggle Blur/Sharpen/Smear tools


Roto / RotoPaint
Smooth selected points


3D compositing viewer
Rotate viewer on x,y axis

Alt + Mouse right click

Curve editor / dope sheet
Copy Links

Ctrl + L

Node graph
Swap A/B inputs on node

↑   Shift + X

Roto / RotoPaint
Cusp selected points

↑   Shift + Z

Properties panel
Search by node name or class


Node graph
Snaps all nodes to grid


Node graph


Node graph
Duplicate and branch selected nodes

Alt + B

Node graph
Duplicate selected node(s)

Alt + C

Node graph
Toggle expression links on or off

Alt + E

Node graph
Generate Flipbook for node

Alt + F

Node graph
Hide node inputs when not selected

Alt + H

Node graph
Clone selected node(s)

Alt + K

Node graph
Create StickyNote

Alt + N

Node graph
Run a script from the file browser

Alt + X

Project / tags / versions bin
Create a new bin

Ctrl + B

Node graph
Move selected node downstream

Ctrl +

Node graph
… to <keybs>F10</keybs>: Save locations 1 through 4

Ctrl + F7

Node graph
Nest selected nodes in Group

Ctrl + G

Node graph
Move selected node upstream

Ctrl +

Node graph
Snap selected node to grid

↑   Shift + \

Node graph
Connect selected node to Viewer reference input

↑   Shift + 0 - 9

Node graph
AddMix node

↑   Shift + A

Roto / RotoPaint
(editing points) Bring up transform box for selected points

↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Node graph
… to <keybs>F10</keybs>: Restore locations 1 through 4

↑   Shift + F7

Node graph
Splay backwards (2nd node to 1st node’s output)

↑   Shift + Y

Node graph

Alt + Mouse movement

Node graph
Declone nodes

Alt + ↑   Shift + K

Node graph
Splay last selected node to input A

Alt + ↑   Shift + U

Node graph
Replace Group node with nested nodes

Ctrl + Alt + G

Roto / RotoPaint
(on Splines) Add point to curve

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse left click

Node graph
Search and Replace (Read and Write nodes)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + /

Node graph
Toggle selected node(s) bookmark on or off

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + B

Curve editor / dope sheet
Copy selected curves

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Node graph
Copy gizmo to group

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G

Node graph
Paste a copied node into a new branch from an existing node

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + V

Node graph
Create a new script in a new session

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Node graph
Extract selected nodes from tree

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + X

Node graph
Create Group from selected nodes

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + G

Node graph
Force clone

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + K

Project / tags / versions bin
Refresh clips


Project / tags / versions bin
Rescan clip range

Alt + F5

Project / tags / versions bin
Create a new tag. You can only add tags to the Tags panel

Ctrl + Y

Project / tags / versions bin
Open selected clip a new Viewer

Ctrt + Alt + ⤶ Enter

Curve editor / dope sheet
(on transform handle) Move all points in selection region

Mouse movement

Properties panel
Increment control values

↑  ↓

Roto / RotoPaint
(Clone/Reveal tools) Set offset between source and destination

Ctrl + Mouse movement

Script editor
Decrease indentation

↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Curve editor / dope sheet
Display Curve Editor

Alt + `

Curve editor / dope sheet
Variable zoom

Alt + Mouse movement

Curve editor / dope sheet
Copy Expressions

Ctrl + E

Roto / RotoPaint
(transform box) Drag transform box points to move them

Ctrl + ↑   Shift

Curve editor / dope sheet
Move single point

Alt + ↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Curve editor / dope sheet
Sketch points freely on current curve

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Script editor
Load previous script

Ctrl + [

Script editor
Load next script

Ctrl + ]

Script editor
Clear output window

Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace

Roto / RotoPaint
Switch back to the current Select tool


Roto / RotoPaint
(Brush/Eraser/Clone/Reveal tools) Change brush size

↑   Shift + Mouse movement + Mouse left click

Roto / RotoPaint
Remove feather from selected points

↑   Shift + E

Similar combinations for other applications

Emacs 23.2.1 (Linux)
Cancel Selection

Ctrl + G

Open Office Writer 3 (Linux)
Goto line

Ctrl + G

Novell Evolution 2 (Linux)
Go to specific date in calendar
Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Memo

ctrl + g

Google Chrome (Windows)
Go to line
Manage Chrome DevTools - Sources Panel

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location.
Working with documents: Find, replace, and browse through text

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Projects 2010 (Windows)
Goto Menu
Access Projects 2010 Features

Ctrl + G

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Goto line number
Code Editor - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + G

KDevelop (Linux)
Goto line

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Set up recurrence for an appointment or task
Messages in Main View - Create and Manage Appointments

Ctrl + G

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Goto line number (or class)

Ctrl + G

Thunderbird (Windows)
Find text again next in Current Message
Find Messages

Ctrl + G / F3

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Group layers
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Layers Panel

Ctrl + G

Thunderbird (Linux)
Find text again next in Current Message
Find Messages

Ctrl + G / F3

Firefox (Linux)
Find next occurrence of search term.

Ctrl + G / enter or f3

Google Chrome (Linux)
Go to line
Manage Chrome DevTools - Sources Panel

Ctrl + G

Firefox (Windows)
Find next occurrence of search term.

Ctrl + G / enter or f3

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Go to date
Messages in Main View - Navigate Calendar

Ctrl + G

Tally 9.0 (Windows)
Select Group
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Inpage (Windows)
To open dialog box of paragraph
For formatting

Ctrl + g

Google Chrome (Windows)
Find next / find previous match

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G with text found on webpage

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Goto line number
Coding - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + G

Media Player Classic (MPC) (Windows)
Goto time

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Set up recurrence for an appointment or task
Messages in Compose View - Create and Manage Appointments

Ctrl + G

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Generate or generate again
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Pattern Maker Only

Ctrl + G

Microstation v8i (Windows)
Group current selection

Ctrl + G

Google Chrome (Linux)
Find next / find previous match

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G with text found on webpage

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Display the Go To dialog box
Moving and scrolling in a sheet or workbook

Ctrl + g

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Go to...

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Go to date
Messages in Compose View - Navigate Calendar

Ctrl + G

Tekla Structures 14.0 (Windows)
Select filter
General shortcuts

Ctrl + g

Sublime Text (Windows)
Goto line
Navigation - Fancy Navigation

Ctrl + G

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Goto line number
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + G

Sublime Text (Windows)
Goto line
Selections - Fancy Navigation

Ctrl + G

Opera (Linux)
Find next

Ctrl + G / F3

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Group layers
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Layers Panel

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Set up recurrence for an appointment or task
Calendar Shortcuts - Create and Manage Appointments

Ctrl + G

Evernote (Windows)
Find next (or Enter)
Note Editor

Ctrl + g

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Goto Line

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Go to date
Calendar Shortcuts - Navigate Calendar

Ctrl + G

UltraEdit (Windows)
Goto the specified line (or HEX address)
Search Menu

Ctrl + G

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Group into stack
Comparing photos in the Library module

Ctrl + G

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Generate or generate again
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Pattern Maker Only

Ctrl + G

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
Goto Line
"Edit" menu

Ctrl + G

FreeMind 0.9.0 (Windows)
Find next
Edit commands

Ctrl + G

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Go to line
General Keyboard Shortcts

Ctrl + G

AutoCAD 2012 (Windows)
Toggle Grid
Toggle General Features

Ctrl + G

HoneyView 5.03 (Windows)
Gamma correction
Change Image View

Ctrl + G

Notepad2 (Windows)
Edit Menu

Ctrl + G

IntelliJ (Linux)
Go to line

Ctrl + G

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Group selected tracks
Track Menu

Ctrl + G

IntelliJ (Windows)
Go to line

Ctrl + G

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Go to...
Search Menu

Ctrl + G

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
Find - In the computer...
Edit Menu

Ctrl + G

Pro Tools (Windows)
Track Menu

Ctrl + G

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Find the next occurrence of the specified data
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + G

Adobe Flash Professional (Windows)
Modifying and editing

Ctrl + G

Autodesk Maya 2015 (Windows)
Edit - Group
Edit Operation

Ctrl + G

Qt Creator (Windows)
Lay out in a grid

Ctrl + G

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Go to line
Editing Lines

Ctrl + g

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Lay out in a grid

Ctrl + G

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Go to line
Editing Lines

Ctrl + G

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Move to next search result and highlight it in the document

F3 / Ctrl + G

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Launch GoToLine Dialog
Edit menu

Ctrl + G

FL Studio (Windows)
Glue selected and touching notes
Piano Roll Action

Ctrl + G

uTorrent (Windows)
Setup Guide
21 Shortcuts for uTorrent (Windows)

Ctrl + G

uTorrent (Linux)
Setup Guide
21 Shortcuts for uTorrent (Linux)

Ctrl + G

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Find the next occurrence of the specified data
Text Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Manual selection by row/ column via GoTo menu. A:B selects column A thru C, 1:3 selects row 1 thru 3 , A1:B3 select cells A1 thru B3, etc
Select Cells - Basic Selects

Ctrl + G

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Group/ungroup all cards in a Card Selection
Text and Content Formatting

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Group Layers
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Layers Basics

Ctrl + G

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Group/ungroup all cards in a Card selection
Card Interaction

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Move focus to Notebook area (typically on the left); continue with Arrow Up/Arrow Down to select page. Press Escape to cancel
Manage Pages, Notebooks and Sections

Ctrl + G

Clink (Windows)
BASH (GNU Readline) Line Editing

Ctrl + G

Android Studio (Windows)
Go to line
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Autodesk Maya 2017 (Windows)
Edit - Group
Edit Operation

Ctrl + G

Sonos Controller (Windows)
Resize Queue
22 Shortcuts for Sonos Controller (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Google Slides (Windows)
Find again
General Slides Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Group into stack
Comparing Photos in the Library Module

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Manual selection by row/ column via GoTo menu. A:B selects column A thru C, 1:3 selects row 1 thru 3 , A1:B3 select cells A1 thru B3, etc
Format Cells - Basic Selects

Ctrl + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Group layers
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Layers Panel

Ctrl + G

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Find the next occurrence of the specified data
Database Management Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + G

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Clipping Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Adobe Audition CC (Windows)
Clip gain
Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Go to a date

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Set up recurrence for an open appointment or meeting

Ctrl + G

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Show/hide slide
Slide Operations(Presentation time)

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Manual selection by row/ column via GoTo menu. A:B selects column A thru C, 1:3 selects row 1 thru 3 , A1:B3 select cells A1 thru B3, etc
Formulas - Basic Selects

Ctrl + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Group Layers
Manage Panels - Layers Basics

Ctrl + G

InDesign CC (Windows)
Object Menu shortcuts

Ctrl + G

CINEMA 4D (Windows)
Goto Next Key
Animation Timeline

Ctrl + G

Hexagon 2 (Windows)
Group Selection
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Anime Studio (Windows)
View Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Group / ungroup selected Shapes
Shape Layers

Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Manual selection by row/ column via GoTo menu. A:B selects column A thru C, 1:3 selects row 1 thru 3 , A1:B3 select cells A1 thru B3, etc
Manage Workbooks - Basic Selects

Ctrl + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Group layers
Manage Panels - Layers Panel

Ctrl + G

Zoho Sheet (Windows)
Go to cell command

Ctrl + G

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
Go to

Ctrl + G

Age of Empires (Windows)
Go to Mining Camp
Game Commands

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Manual selection by row/ column via GoTo menu. A:B selects column A thru C, 1:3 selects row 1 thru 3 , A1:B3 select cells A1 thru B3, etc
Excel Auto Tables and Data Forms - Basic Selects

Ctrl + G

AutoCAD 2016 (Windows)
Toggles Grid

Ctrl + G

GIMP (Linux)
Dockable Dialogs

Ctrl + G

Silhouette Studio (Windows)

Ctrl + G

GIMP (Windows)
Dockable Dialogs

Ctrl + G

AutoCad Architecture 2017 (Windows)
Grid mode
Alphabest combination

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Display the GoTo dialog box
Navigate Worksheets

Ctrl + G

Sublime Text (Linux)
Go to line
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Opposite Case
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Go to line
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Select Next Occurance
Find and Replace Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Unselect Occurance
Find and Replace Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Google Blogger (Web Application)
Translate using Indian font
15 Shortcuts for Google Blogger (Web Application)

Ctrl + G

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Go to Line

Ctrl + G

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Various Editors

Ctrl + G

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Go to Line
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Toggle Grids
Canvas View

Ctrl + G

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
Go to Line
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Go to Line
Coding Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)
Find declarations of selected function name in project
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Edit and Modify

Ctrl + G

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8 (Windows)
Choose Recipients from Address book
Mail Compose Form

Ctrl + G

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Create Group
Project Audio

Ctrl + G

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
New Group
Audio File Editor

Ctrl + G

BrainSuite (Windows)
Toggle Debug Keys
Main Window

Ctrl + G

Cloud9 (Windows)
Goto Line

Ctrl + G

Autodesk SketchBook Pro (Windows)
Add Group

Ctrl + G

Bash (Linux)
Escape from History Searching Mode

Ctrl + G

Adobe RoboHelp (Windows)
Insert Images

Ctrl + G

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Application - Edit

Ctrl + G

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Group Objects

Ctrl + G

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Go to Line

Ctrl + G

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Snap to Grid
Application - View

ctrl + G

jEdit (Windows)
Find Next
Search and Replace

Ctrl + G

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Go to Line

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Display the Go To dialog box
Move and scroll in a sheet or workbook

Ctrl + G

Steinberg Cubase 9 (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Go to Page
Cursor Movement

Ctrl + G

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
Go to
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + G

VMWare Workstation 12 (Windows)
Grab Keyboard Input Focus
14 Shortcuts for VMWare Workstation 12 (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Spline Modeler - Edit

Ctrl + G

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)

Ctrl + G

DAZ Studio (Windows)
Go to line
Script Commands

Ctrl + G

HTML-Kit (Windows)
Go to Specified Location to document
87 Shortcuts for HTML-Kit (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Opera (Windows)
Find next instance of text

Ctrl + G

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Snap to Grid
Spline Modeler - View

ctrl + G

Gliffy (Windows)
Shape Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Move to Cell that You Specify

F5 / Ctrl + G

Chief Architect (Windows)
Center Object
View Mode

Ctrl + G

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Vertex Modeler - Edit

Ctrl + G

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Snap to Grid
Vertex Modeler - View

ctrl + G

Kingsoft Spreadsheets 2016 (Windows)
Display Go to Dialog Box
Display Various Objects

Ctrl + G

Kingsoft Writer 2016 (Windows)
Display Go to Dialog Box
Display Various Objects and Dialog Box

Ctrl + G

Forte (Windows)
Find Global
Main Browser Window

Ctrl + G

Brackets (Windows)
Go to Line
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Flock (Windows)
Find again

Ctrl + G

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Go to line
Cursor Movement Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

FxPro (Windows)
Show Grid
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

vSphere Client (Windows)
Transfer Mouse and Keyboard Input from Local Machine to Virtual Machine
VM Console

Ctrl + G

MetaTrader MT4 (Windows)
Show/Hide Grid
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Zerodha Trader (Windows)
Group Settings
For Market Watch and Other Settings on User Interface

Ctrl + G

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Execute Grip
File Menu

Ctrl + G

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Go to line
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

XYplorer (Windows)
Go to...
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

VideoPad Video Editor (Windows)
Go to Timeline Position
Sequence Player

Ctrl + G

PotPlayer (Windows)
Continuos Image Capture
Standard Keyboard Controls

Ctrl + G

Maxthon (Web Application)
Open the Collector

Ctrl + G

Soundforge (Windows)
Show the Go To dialog
Cursor Movements

Ctrl + G

Pegasus Mail (Web Application)
Find/replace again
Edit menu

Ctrl + G

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Go to
Cursor Placement,Loop Region and Time Selection

Ctrl + G

GOM Player (Windows)
Advanced Screen Capture
Screen Capture

Ctrl + G

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Go to Line...
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
Find Next

Ctrl + G

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Navigate to any line in the current file by specifying its number
Navigation between Source Code

Ctrl + G

Synfig (Windows)
Toggle Grid show
73 Shortcuts for Synfig (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Use Evening/Full Session
Chart Menu

Ctrl + G

Quickbooks Desktop (Windows)
Go to register of transfer account
Account Register Shortcuts

Ctrl + g

iClone 7 (Windows)
Show/Hide Grid
OnScreen Display

Ctrl + G

Anim8or (Windows)
Grid Snap
Top Toolbar Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Gnumeric (Windows)
Opens the Go to dialog window which allows you to jump to a specified cell
21 Shortcuts for Gnumeric (Windows)

Ctrl + G

GeoModeller3D (Windows)
Create geology data
2D Structural Data

Ctrl + G

Rhino (Windows)
Default Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Creo Parametric (Windows)
26 Shortcuts for Creo Parametric (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Google Data Studio
Advanced (Windows)

Ctrl + G

TurboCAD (Windows)
Start to Edit Group Content
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Alphacam (Windows)
Ghost Tools
Regular Commands

Ctrl + G

FlashFXP (Web Application)
Manual get
54 Shortcuts for FlashFXP (Web Application)

Ctrl + G

Create Region
Visual model shortcuts

Ctrl + G

VMware Workstation 5.0
Grab input from keyboard and mouse.

Ctrl + G

Group selection
Edit menu

Ctrl + G

Ansys Mechanical (Windows)
Group Tree Objects
Tree Outline

Ctrl + G

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Goto line

Ctrl + G

ChessBase 13
Go to move number x
Board window

Ctrl + G

Geany (Windows)
Find Next
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + G

Geany (Linux)
Find Next
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + G

Source Insight (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Go to dialog
Plugin: Analyzer

Ctrl + G

VariCAD (Windows)
Hot Keys

Ctrl + G

Dropbox Paper
Find next

Ctrl + G

Affinity Photo
Layer operations

Ctrl + G

PhotoFiltre (Windows)
Show manual settings window for the selection
Selection, past and text

Ctrl + G

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

PSPad (Windows)
Goto Line... - Jump to selected line

Ctrl + G

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
Go to Segment
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + G

App Maker
Find next
Code editor shortcuts

Ctrl + G

FEKO (Windows)
Go to line
Script Editor

Ctrl + G

FEKO (Linux)
Go to line
Script Editor

Ctrl + G

Roblox Studio
Go to line

Ctrl + G

SpaceClaim (Windows)
Create GroUp
71 Shortcuts for SpaceClaim (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Maxwell Render (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Opens the Image Size dialog box, where you can adjust the size of the image
Format Menu

Ctrl + G

Cobalt (Windows)
70 Shortcuts for Cobalt (Windows)

Ctrl + G

GibbsCAM (Windows)
View Menu

Ctrl + G

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Group Selected Tracks
Ctrls for Tracks

Ctrl + G

Assetto Corsa
Gearbox Auto

Ctrl + G

FEKO (Windows)
Go to line
General EDITFEKO Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Maxwell Render (Windows)

Ctrl + G

FEKO (Linux)
Go to line
General EDITFEKO Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

gEDA (Linux)
Increment grid by configured metric increment
Other Important Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Google Keep (Web Application)
Toggle between list and grid view

Ctrl + G

Show/Hide selected objects
Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Vectorworks (Windows)
Modify Menu

Ctrl + G

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Group/Ungroup Devices
Working with Plug-Ins and Devices

Ctrl + G

Arduino (Linux)
Find Next
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Linux)

Ctrl + G

(Linux) Find Next

Ctrl + G

Arduino (Windows)
Find Next
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Go to step

Ctrl + G

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Select Specified Time
Move And Select Operations

Ctrl + G

Modo (Windows)
Group selected items (under group locator)

Ctrl + G

Banner 9 (Windows, Mac)
Toggle Multi/Single Records View
Mac shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Group the selected controls

Ctrl + G

Toggle glide slope lock (NAV 1)
Autopilot related

Ctrl + G

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Find next occurrence
Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports

Ctrl + G

KeyCreator (Windows)
Zoom Scale
View Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Brave Browser (Windows)
Active tab Find Next
Page Navigation and Display

Ctrl + G

BricsCAD (Windows)
Toggles the display of the grid
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

BricsCAD (Linux)
Toggles the display of the grid
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

CamBam (Windows)
Toggle Snap to Grid Mode
32 Shortcuts for CamBam (Windows)

Ctrl + G

DraftSight (Windows)
Toggles Grid display during command execution
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)

Ctrl + G

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Solidwork Composer (Windows)
Shows/hides the Grid
35 Shortcuts for Solidwork Composer (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Altium Designer (Windows)
Pop up Snap Grid dialog
PCB Editor Only Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

eMachineShop (Windows)
Combine selected lines into one Group
38 Shortcuts for eMachineShop (Windows)

Ctrl + G

KiCad 5.0.2
Run Gerbview
KiCad Manager

Ctrl + G

Tinkercad (Windows)
26 Shortcuts for Tinkercad (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Figma (Web Application)
Group Selection

Ctrl + G

Substance Painter
Group layer
Non-editable shortcuts

Ctrl + G

PRTG Network Monitor
View > Show geo maps
Enterprise console

Ctrl + G

SuperMemo (Windows)
Go to element with given number
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Create a new group from the current selection

Ctrl + G

Adobe Extension Manager
Go to Adobe Exchange

Ctrl + G

Ableton Live 10
Group/Ungroup Devices
Working with Plug-Ins and Devices

Ctrl + G

Google Chrome
Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search
Feature shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Adobe Illustrator
Group the selected artwork
Work with selections

Ctrl + G

Toggle Grid
Toggle General Features

Ctrl + G

Go to date
Calendar/Task Components - Navigation

Ctrl + G

Claws Mail
Insert signature
Compose window

Ctrl + G

Siemens NX
Execute > Grip
File menu

Ctrl + G

QuickBooks Desktop
If you are in a register for an account, entering Ctrl + G will take you to the register for the "transfer" account associated with the line you have selected
Opening Windows/List

Ctrl + G

Ctrl + G

Log out and switch to another character of your account
Control Buttons

Ctrl + G

Google Keep Notes
Toggle between list and grid view

Ctrl + G

Quicken 2018
Go to date

Ctrl + G

Autodesk Stingray
Grid size
General level viewport

Ctrl + G

Evernote for Windows
Find Next
Note Editor

Ctrl + G

Adobe Bridge CC
Group as stacks
Stacks menu

Ctrl + G

Total War: Attila
Toggle locked group
Battles: Unit / group

Ctrl + G

PyCharm 2018.2
Navigate to any line in the current file by specifying its number.
Navigation in source code

Ctrl + G

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Group into stack
Comparing photos in the Library module

Ctrl + G

SQL Server Profiler
Go to line
Edit menu

Ctrl + G

Bash (Unix shell)
Leave history searching mode without running a command
Command history

Ctrl + G

Bluebeam Revu
Group markups
Markup & editing

Ctrl + G

Atom (Windows)
(Source: Go To Line) go-to-line:toggle
All shortcuts

Ctrl + G

ActivePresenter 7
Specified slide

Ctrl + G

Jump to frame or time

Ctrl + G

Gravit Designer
Group selection

Ctrl + G

PaintShop Pro 2018
Paste as new vector selection
Shortcuts with Ctrl

Ctrl + G

Global settings

Ctrl + G

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Edit and modify

Ctrl + G

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018

Ctrl + G

Find next.
Search and replace

Ctrl + G

Adobe Dimension CC (Windows)
Object menu

Ctrl + G

Kindle for PC
Go to Location
While Reading a Book

Ctrl + G

Text tool

Ctrl + G

Go to a line
File format

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Word 2016
Go to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
Find, replace, and go to specific items

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Paint
Toggles grid lines
Powers of Ctrl

Ctrl + G

LightWave 3D
Move TCB
Layout: Modify

Ctrl + G

Microsoft FrontPage
Go to line.
Work with coding tools

Ctrl + G

Group selected objects

Ctrl + G

Autodesk SketchBook (Windows)
Add Group

Ctrl + G

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Corel Painter
Layer selection tools

Ctrl + G

Find the next instance of the string

Ctrl + G

Hatim 4
Go to the page or to any verse of any surah by writing it down

Ctrl + G

Go to Bookmark Editors only

Ctrl + G

Arch Linux
Abort search (restores original line)
Terminal: Readline

Ctrl + G

Komodo Edit
Goto line

Ctrl + G

Adobe XD (Windows)
Object menu

Ctrl + G

Find next
General (Windows)

Ctrl + G

Chromebook and Chrome OS
Go to the next match for your search
Page and web browser

Ctrl + G

Select Specified Time
Move and Select Operations

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Most used shortcuts)

Ctrl + G

IntelliJ IDEA (macOS)
Select next occurence
Search and replace

Ctrl + G

AWS Cloud9 IDE (Windows)
Goto Line

Ctrl + G

Comodo IceDragon
Find Again
Search Options

Ctrl + G

Go to line
Navigating through source code

Ctrl + G

Show the hierarchy of Groups in a treeview

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
View Designer

Ctrl + G

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
Go to line

Ctrl + G

Go to Line

Ctrl + G

Group Clips

Ctrl + G

Goto Line...

Ctrl + G


Ctrl + G

GNU Emacs
Abort command
The minibuffer

Ctrl + G

Find next

Ctrl + G

Go to page

Ctrl + G

WordPerfect X8
Go to

Ctrl + G

Item grouping: Select all items in groups
Section: Main

Ctrl + G

Adobe Photoshop CC
Generate or generate again
Result (Pattern Maker only)

Ctrl + G

Tekla Structures 20
Selection filter

Ctrl + G

Qt Creator
Lay out in a grid

Ctrl + G

NewsBin Pro
Download latest
Groups tab

Ctrl + G

Find the next occurrence of the specified data

Ctrl + G

VMWare Workstation Pro
Grab input from the keyboard and mouse

Ctrl + G

Find Again

Ctrl + G

Git Tower (Windows)
Show / hide commit tree graph
Remote interactions & commit history

Ctrl + G

Find next
Edit commands

Ctrl + G

Sublime Text
Goto line in current file
Navigation/Goto Anywhere

Ctrl + G

Add new disk group

Ctrl + G

Sumatra PDF
Go to page

Ctrl + G

WPS Office
Displays the Go To dialog box

Ctrl + G

Open the Collector

Ctrl + G

Guitar Pro
Go to

Ctrl + G

Python IDLE for Windows
Repeat last search
Edit menu

Ctrl + G

The Bat!
Working with Messages

Ctrl + G

Group objects

Ctrl + G

Go to difference or line
Comparing files

Ctrl + G

Visual Studio Code (Linux)
Go to line

Ctrl + G

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Go to line

Ctrl + G

Vertex Groups menu
Editing mode

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Access 2016
Display the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor
Navigating and opening objects

Ctrl + G

Create grayscale image
Tools and dialogs

Ctrl + G

Firefox Quantum
Find again

Ctrl + G

Chrome DevTools
Go to line
Sources panel

Ctrl + G

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
View feeds
Favorites, history and feeds

Ctrl + G

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
When in the results pane, moves focus to the tool strip docked at the bottom of the designer
Query Designer

Ctrl + G

CoffeeCup HTML Editor
Go to line number

Ctrl + G

Launch GoToLine dialog
Edit menu

Ctrl + G