Altium Designer (Windows)

Common Shortcuts

Tab backwards

Shift + Tab

All hotkeys for Altium Designer (Windows)

Environment Shortcuts
Access Documantation Library(In Context With Object Under Cursor)


Environment Shortcuts
Access Choose Document to Open Dialog

Ctrl + O

Environment Shortcuts
Close Active Document

Ctrl + F4

Environment Shortcuts
Save Current Document

Ctrl + S

Environment Shortcuts
Print Current Document

Ctrl + P

Environment Shortcuts
Close Altium Designer

Alt + F4

Environment Shortcuts
Cycle Through OPen Documents(to the Right)

Ctrl + Tab

Environment Shortcuts
Cycle Through Open Document(to the Left)

Shift + Ctrl + Tab

Environment Shortcuts
Open Document as a Free Document

Deag&Drop From Windows Explorer Into Altium Designer

Environment Shortcuts
HIde/Display all Floating Panels


Environment Shortcuts
Tile Open Document

Shift + F4

Environment Shortcuts
Toddle Brtween Active Panel and Workspace

Shift + F5

Environment Shortcuts
Access Natural Language Search Facility(Smart Search)

Shift + F1

Environment Shortcuts
Prevent Automatic DockingThenDrouping or Snapping

Hold Ctrl While Moving a Panel

Project Shortcuts
Compile The Current Design Project

C Then C

Project Shortcuts
Recimpile The Current Design Project

C Then R

Project Shortcuts
Compile Document

C Then D

Project Shortcuts
Open The OpTions For Project Dialog For The Current Project

C Then O

Project Shortcuts
Access The Open Project Document Dialog For The Current Project

Ctrl + Alt + O

Project Shortcuts
Close All Document Belonging To Active Project

C Then L

Project Shortcuts
Access Storage Manager Panel

C Then T Then M

Project Shortcuts
Access Local History For The Current Project

C Then T Then L

Project Shortcuts
Access TheProject Packager Wizard

C Then P

Project Panel Shortcuts
Edit Document Under Cursor

Double Left Click

Project Panel Shortcuts
Move Selected Document

Drg & Drop From One PRoject to Another

Project Panel Shortcuts
Link Selected Document Into Secound Project

Ctrl + Deag & drop From one project to another

CAM Panel Shortcuts
Turn All Layers Off Except Selected One

Select Layer

CAM Panel Shortcuts
Turn All Layer On

Select Layer

CAM Panel Shortcuts
Make That Layer the Current Layer

Double Left Click On a Layer

CAM Panel Shortcuts
Access Compare Layer Dialog

Select Two Layer Then C

CAM Panel Shortcuts
Delete Layer

Select Layer Then Delete

List Panel Shortcuts
Multi-select in direction of mouse movement

Left Click & Drag

List Panel Shortcuts
Multi-select (non-sequential)

Ctrl + Click

List Panel Shortcuts
Multi-select (sequential)

Shift + Click

List Panel Shortcuts
Edit Selected Cell


List Panel Shortcuts
Flush Current Entry for Cell Currently Being Edited


List Panel Shortcuts
Edit Selected Cell


List Panel Shortcuts
Finish Editing Current Cell


List Panel Shortcuts
Finish Editing Current Cell and Enter Edit Mode for Cell Beneath


List Panel Shortcuts

Ctrl + C(or Ctrl + Insert)

List Panel Shortcuts

Ctrl + V(or Shift + Insert)

List Panel Shortcuts
Jump Selection to Top of Visible List Area

Page Up

List Panel Shortcuts
Jump Selection to Bottom of Visible LIst Area

Page Down

List Panel Shortcuts
Pan UP or Down


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
While autopanning to pan at higher speed


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
While placing an object to flip it along the Y-axis


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
While placing an object to flip it along the X-axis


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Move selection ten grid increments in direction of arrow key

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Move cursor ten grid increments in direction of arrow key

Shift + Arrow Keys

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Move selection one grid increment in direction of arrow key

Ctrl + Arrow Keys

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Move cursor one grid increment in direction of arrow key

Arrow Keys

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Escape from current process


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Redraw the screen


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Redraw screen with center at the cursor point


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Jump to absolute origin (lower left corner of workspace)

Ctrl + Home

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Zoom out

Ctrl + Mouse-wheel down / Page Down

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Zoom in around cursor (zooms around cursorthenposition the cursor first)

Ctrl + Mouse-wheel up / Page Up

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Pan up/down


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Pan left/right

Shift + Mouse-wheel

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display Align sub-menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display Toolbars sub-menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display Jump sub-menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display Workspace Panels sub-menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display Move sub-menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Pop-up right Click Options menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display Select sub-menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display DeSelect sub-menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Pop-up menu with zoom commands


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Z

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Y

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Select all

Ctrl + A

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Insert

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Copy to clipboard and repeat paste selected objects (Rubber Stamp)

Ctrl + R

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Re-enters Rubber Stamp mode using the current clipboard content

Ctrl + Rthen Esc

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Access the Selection Memory dialog

Ctrl + Q

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Constrain object movement horizontally or vertically


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Delete selection


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
View document

V then D

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
View fit placed objects

V then F

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
De-select all

X then A

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Display slider hand & slide view

Right Click & hold

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Select/deselect object under cursor

Left Click

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Pop-up floating menuthenor Escape from current operation

Right Click

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Load object under cursor into Find Similar Objects dialog

Right Click on object then select Find Similar

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Select inside area

Left Click then hold & drag

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Move object/selection under cursor

Left Click & hold

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Edit object

Left Double Click

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Add/remove object from selection set

Shift + Left Click

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Edit attributes while placing


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Clear current Filter

Shift + C

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Click on object to display Find Similar Objects dialog

Shift + F

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Pop-up Quick Queries menu


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Toggle Inspector panel on/off


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Toggle Filter panel on/off


Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Toggle List panel on/off

Shift + F12

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Toggle full screen mode

Alt + F5

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Align selected objects by top edges

Shift + Ctrl + T

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Align selected objects by left edges

Shift + Ctrl + L

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Align selected objects by right edges

Shift + Ctrl + R

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Align selected objects by bottom edges

Shift + Ctrl + B

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Distribute selected objects equally in horizontal plane

Shift + Ctrl + H

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Distribute selected objects equally in vertical plane

Shift + Ctrl + V

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Align selected objects to grid

Shift + Ctrl + D

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Store current selection in memory location n

Ctrl + N (n=1 to 8)

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Recall selection from memory location n

Alt + N (n=1 to 8)

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Add current selection to selection already stored in memory location n

Shift + N (n=1 to 8)

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Recall selection from memory location n and add it to current selection in workspace

Shift + Alt + N (n=1 to 8)

Common Schematic and PCB Editor Shortcuts
Apply filtering based on selection set in memory location n.

Shift + Ctrl + N (n=1 to 8)

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Cycle through snap grid settings


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Edit in-place


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Fit all objects into view

Ctrl + Page Down

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Rotate counterclockwise by 90 degrees while moving an object


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Toggle start/End mode while placing a wire/bus/line


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Rotate clockwise by 90 degrees while moving an object

Shift + Spacebar

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Cycle Step through placement modes while placing a wire/bus/line

Shift + Spacebar

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Rotate counterclockwise by 90 degrees while dragging an object

Ctrl + Spacebar

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Rotate clockwise by 90 degrees while dragging an object

Shift + Ctrl + Spacebar

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Clear all highlighting applied by highlighting pens

Shift + Ctrl + C

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Remove the last vertex when placing a wire/bus/line/polygon


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
When a wire is selected to Delete a vertex

Left Click then hold + Delete

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
When a wire is selected to add a vertex

Left Click then hold + Insert

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Drag object

Ctrl + Left Click & drag

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Cross probe to object on schematic document

Left Click in Navigator panel

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Cross probe to object on both schematic document and PCB

Alt + Left Click in Navigator panel

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Highlight all elements in net on sheet

Alt + Left Click on net object

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
On sheet symbol to dEscEnd hierarchy

Ctrl + Double Left Click

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
On port to ascEnd hierarchy

Ctrl + Double Left Click

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Enlarge IEEE symbol size during placement or movement

+ Numeric keypad

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Reduce IEEE symbol size during placement or movement

- (Numeric keypad)

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Find text

Ctrl + F

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Find and replace text

Ctrl + H

Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Find next occurrence of searched text


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Copy attributes of object under the cursor while placing an object of the same type


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Swap sheet entry side while moving one or more selected sheet entries


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Reverse sheet entry order while moving two or more selected sheet entries


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Toggle sheet entry IO type while moving one or more selected sheet entries


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Toggle all sheet entry IO types while resizing selected sheet symbol


Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts
Access Schematic – General page of Preferences dialog

T then P

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Cycle through three routing modes

Shift + R

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Toggle electrical grid on/off

Shift + E

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Build Query

Shift + B

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Zoom-in in small increments

Shift + Page Up

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Zoom-out in small increments

Shift + Page Down

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Zoom-in to 400%

Ctrl + Page Up

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Fit document into view

Ctrl + Page Down

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Jump to defined relative origin for the workspace

Ctrl + End

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Redraw current layer only

Alt + End

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Paste on current layer

Alt + Insert

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Pop up Snap Grid dialog

Ctrl + G

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Pop up Snap Grid menu


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Hide the ratsnest while moving a component


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Flip component being moved to other side of board


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Pressed while routingthendisplays the appropriate interactive routing shortcut keys

Shift + F1

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Display Board Insight and Heads Up display options


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Highlight routed net under cursor (repeat in free space to clear)

Ctrl + Left Click

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Cycle through connection lines modes during interactive routing

Ctrl + Spacebar

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Remove last track corner during interactive routing


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Toggle single layer mode on/off

Shift + S

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Set all primitives to display in draft mode

O then D then D then Enter

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Set all primitives to display in final mode

O then D then F then Enter

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Access Show/Hide page of View Configurations dialog

O then D / Ctrl + D

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Access Board Layers And Colors page of View Configurations dialog


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Select connected copper

Ctrl + H

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Break track

Ctrl + Shift + Left Click & hold

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Highlight additional routed net under cursor

Shift + Ctrl + Left Click

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Next layer

+ (Numeric keypad)

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Previous layer

- (Numeric keypad)

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Highlights layer content on layer tabs

Ctrl + Click

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Increments highlighting on layer tabs

Ctrl + Shift + Click

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Hovers highlight layer on layer tabs

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Next routing layer

* (Numeric keypad)

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Display Move sub-menu


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Hold to temporarily switch from avoid-obstacle to ignore-obstacle mode


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Hold to temporarily disable electrical grid while routing


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Measure distance

Ctrl + M

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Rotate object anti-clockwise (define rotation step on PCB Editor – General page of Preferences dialog)

Spacebar (in interactive process)

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Toggle start/End mode

Spacebar (during interactive routing)

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Rotate object being moved clockwise

Shift + Spacebar (in interactive process)

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Step through corner modes during interactive routing

Shift + Spacebar (during interactive routing)

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Decrease mask level for permanent filter


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Increase mask level for permanent filter


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
View previous component for active library document

Alt Left Arrow

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
View next component for active library document

Alt Right Arrow

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Toggle units (metric/imperial)


PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Access 3D Body Manager dialog

T then B

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Access Preferences dialog

T then P

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Pan left/right

Shift + Mouse-wheel

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Zoom in/out incrementally

Ctrl + Mouse-wheel

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Zoom in/out smoothly

Ctrl + Right drag

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Create clipboard bitmap (.bmp) image of current 3D view

Ctrl + C

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Zoom in/out incrementally

Page Up / Page Down

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Access PCB Editor – Display page of Preferences dialog

T then P

PCB Editor Only Shortcuts
Access Physical Materials (3D) page of View Configurations dialog


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Next layer

+ (plus)

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
previous layer

- (minus)

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Flip 3D body to paired mechanical layer


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Flip 3D body around X-axis


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Flip 3D body around Y-axis


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Rotate 3D body counter-clockwise


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Rotate 3D body clockwise

Shift + Spacebar

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Rotate 3D body counter-clockwise around it's X-axis


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Decrease 3D body standoff height (Z-axis) by one Snap Grid increment


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Rotate 3D body counter-clockwise around it's Y-axis


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Rotate 3D body clockwise around it's Y-axis


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Rotate 3D body clockwise around it's X-axis


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Decrease 3D body standoff height (Z-axis) by one Snap Grid increment


3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body left along X-axis by one Snap Grid increment

Left Arrow

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body left along X-axis by 10x Snap Grid increment

Shift + Left Arrow

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body right along X-axis by one Snap Grid increment

Right Arrow

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body right along X-axis by 10x Snap Grid increment

Shift + Right Arrow

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body backward along Y-axis by one Snap Grid increment

Up Arrow

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body forward along Y-axis by 10x Snap Grid increment

Shift + Up Arrow

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body forward along Y-axis by one Snap Grid increment

Down Arrow

3D Body Placement Shortcuts
Move 3D body forward along Y-axis by 10x Snap Grid increment

Shift + Down Arrow

PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Zoom in

Page Up

PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Zoom out

Page Down

PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Fit board

Alt + B

PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Pan in direction of arrow

Arrow Keys

PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Pan In


PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Pan Out


PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Access Export dialog for IGES/STEP format

T then E

PCB3D (Legacy 3D) Editor Shortcuts
Access PCB Editor – PCB Legacy 3D page of Preferences dialog

T then P

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Zoom in

Page Up

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Zoom out

Page Down

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Fit model

Alt + M

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Pan in direction of arrow

Arrow Keys

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Pan in


PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Pan out


PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Rename model


PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Delete mode

Shift + Delete

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Set rotation and translation

Ctrl + T

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Import 3D model

T then I

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Export model in IGES format

T then E

PCB3D Library Editor Shortcuts
Access Preferences dialog

T then P

Output Job Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete

Output Job Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Insert

Output Job Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert

Output Job Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + D

Output Job Editor Shortcuts


Output Job Editor Shortcuts

Alt + Enter

Output Job Editor Shortcuts
Run Focused Output Generator

Ctrl + F9

Output Job Editor Shortcuts
Run Selected Output Generators

Shift + Ctrl + F9

Output Job Editor Shortcuts
Run all Batch-enabled Output Generators


Output Job Editor Shortcuts
Access Output Job Options dialog

Shift + Ctrl + O

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Z / Alt + Backspace

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + Y / Ctrl + Backspace

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + X

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Insert

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + E

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + R

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Align Selective

Ctrl + L

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Select using crossing window

Alt + C

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Select previous selection

Alt + P

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle Flash selection mode On/Off

Ctrl + F

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle Trace selection mode On/Off

Ctrl + T

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Array objects

Ctrl + A

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Modify/change objects

Ctrl + D

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Set origin

Ctrl + I

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Scale objects

Ctrl + U

CAM Editor Shortcuts
View all


CAM Editor Shortcuts
View around specified point

Shift + P

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Zoom in

Ctrl + Mouse-wheel up / Page Up

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Zoom out

Ctrl + Mouse-wheel down / Page Down

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Pan up

Mouse-wheel up

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Pan down

Mouse-wheel down

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Pan left

Shift + Mouse-wheel up

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Pan right

Shift + Mouse-wheel down

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Zoom last

Shift + V

CAM Editor Shortcuts


CAM Editor Shortcuts
Dynamic panning mode


CAM Editor Shortcuts
View Film Box

Shift + B

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Zoom Film Box

Ctrl + Home

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Zoom current DCode

Alt + Home

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle view of Extents Box On/Off

Shift + E

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle Fill Mode On/Off

Shift + F

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle highlight of current objects using current D code

Shift + H

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle negative view


CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle translucent view

Shift + T

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Access CAM Editor – Drawing Modes page of Preferences dialog

Shift + G

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Query object


CAM Editor Shortcuts
Query net

Shift + N

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Measure point-to-point

Shift + M

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Access apertures table

Shift + A

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Access Set Layers Off dialog


CAM Editor Shortcuts
Access Set Layers On dialog

Alt + K

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Toggle Object Snap mode

Shift + S

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Cancel action


CAM Editor Shortcuts
Repeat last action

Shift + Ctrl + R

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Display next layer only

+ (Numeric keypad)

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Display previous layer only

- (Numeric keypad)

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Display next signal/plane layer only

* (Numeric keypad)

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Cut waveform

Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Paste waveform

Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Relocate focused waveform

Left Click & drag

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Display Jump sub-menu


CAM Editor Shortcuts
Jump to first transition for focused waveform

Shift + Ctrl + F

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Jump to next transition for focused waveform

Shift + Ctrl + N

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Jump to previous transition for focused waveform

Shift + Ctrl + P

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Jump to last transition for focused waveform

Shift + Ctrl + L

CAM Editor Shortcuts
Access Preferences dialog

T then P

SimData Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete

SimData Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + C

SimData Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert

SimData Editor Shortcuts


SimData Editor Shortcuts
Next chart

+ (Numeric keypad)

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Previous chart

- (Numeric keypad)

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Zoom in

Page Up

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Zoom out

Page Down

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Fit document

Ctrl + Page Down

SimData Editor Shortcuts


SimData Editor Shortcuts
Clear filter

Esc / Shift + C

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Scroll through chartthenone wave plot at a time in direction of arrow

Up Arrow/Down Arrow

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Scroll upwards through chartthenone page at a time

Shift + Up Arrow

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Jump to top of chart

Ctrl + Up Arrow / Ctrl + Home

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Scroll downwards through chartthenone page at a time

Shift + Down Arrow

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Jump to bottom of chart

Ctrl + Down Arrow / Ctrl + End

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Scroll through chartthenone major division on X-axis at a time in direction of arrow

Left Arrow Right Arrow

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Scroll left through chartthenone page at a time

Shift + Left Arrow

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Jump to start of X-axis

Ctrl + Left Arrow

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Scroll right through chartthenone page at a time

Shift + Right Arrow

SimData Editor Shortcuts
Jump to End of X-axis

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Common Shortcuts

Ctrl + Z

Common Shortcuts

Ctrl + X / Shift + Delete

Common Shortcuts

Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Insert

Common Shortcuts

Ctrl + V / Shift + Insert

Common Shortcuts
Insert carriage return


Common Shortcuts
Insert new line

Ctrl + N

Common Shortcuts
Insert tab


Common Shortcuts
Tab backwards

Shift + Tab

Common Shortcuts
Toggle text Insertion mode between Insert and Overwrite


Common Shortcuts
Clear Filter Marks

Shift + Ctrl + C

Common Shortcuts
Find text

Ctrl + F

Common Shortcuts
Find and replace text

Ctrl + H / Ctrl + R)

Common Shortcuts
Find next instance of searched text

F3 / Ctrl + L

Common Shortcuts
Find next selected instance of searched text

Shift + Ctrl + F

Common Shortcuts
Select all

Ctrl + A

Common Shortcuts
Scroll one Page Up

Page Up

Common Shortcuts
Scroll one Page Down

Page Down

Common Shortcuts
Scroll one line up

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Common Shortcuts
Scroll one line down

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor to top of window

Ctrl + Page Up

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor to bottom of window

Ctrl + Page Down

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor to beginning of current line


Common Shortcuts
Move cursor to End of current line


Common Shortcuts
Move cursor to Beginning of File

Ctrl + Home

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor to End of File

Ctrl + End

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor one line in direction of arrow

Up Arrow Down Arrow

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor one character in direction of arrow

Left Arrow Right Arrow

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor one word left

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Common Shortcuts
Move cursor one word right

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd Selection to Beginning of File

Shift + Ctrl + Home

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to End of File

Shift + Ctrl + End

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection one Page Up

Shift + Page Up

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection one Page Down

Shift + Page Down

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to top of window

Shift + Ctrl + Page Up

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to bottom of window

Shift + Ctrl + Page Down

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to beginning of current line

Shift + Home

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to End of current line

Shift + End

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection left one character

Shift + Left Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection right one character

Shift + Right Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to same column in previous line

Shift + Up Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to same column in next line

Shift + Down Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column to Beginning of File

Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Home

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column to End of File

Alt + Shift + Ctrl + End

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column one Page Up

Alt + Shift + Page Up

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column one Page Down

Alt + Shift + Page Down

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column to top of window

Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Page Up

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column to bottom of window

Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Page Down

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column to beginning of current line

Alt + Shift + Home

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection to End of current line

Alt + Shift + End

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column to the left by one column

Alt + Shift + Left Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column to the right by one column

Alt + Shift + Right Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column up by one line

Alt + Shift + Up Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column down by one line

Alt + Shift + Down Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column one word left

Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Left Arrow

Common Shortcuts
ExtEnd selection column one word right

Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Right Arrow

Common Shortcuts
Define selection column using mouse

Alt + Left Click & drag

Common Shortcuts
Delete character to the right of cursor position


Common Shortcuts
Delete character to the left of the cursor position


Common Shortcuts
Delete to beginning of previous word

Ctrl + Backspace

Common Shortcuts
Delete to beginning of next word

Ctrl + T

Common Shortcuts
Redo or restore the changes by the Undo.

Ctrl + Y

Common Shortcuts
Delete to End of current line

Ctrl + Q + Y

Common Shortcuts
Access Text Editors – General page of Preferences dialog

Alt + T then P

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Run the program being debugged


Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Run to cursor

Ctrl + F9

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Toggle breakpoint for current line


Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Toggle breakpoint for line

Left Click in gutter

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Add Watch

Ctrl + F5

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Step into the current source line


Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts

Ctrl + F7

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Step into the current instruction

Shift + F7

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Step to the next instruction

Shift + F8

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Reset the current debug session

Ctrl + F2

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
Finish the current debug session

Ctrl + F3

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
expand/contract segment of code

Left Click on code outline + /-

Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts
expand/contract all code segments

Ctrl + Double Left Click on code outline + /-

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Compile source HDL documents

Ctrl + F9

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run Forever


VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run simulation for the last time step

Ctrl + F5

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run simulation to a specified time

Ctrl + F8

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run simulation to next debug point

Ctrl + F11

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run simulation for a time step

Ctrl + F7

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run simulation for a Delta step


VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run simulationthenstepping into procedures/functions


VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Run simulationthenstepping over procedures/functions


VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Reset current simulation session

Ctrl + F2

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
End current simulation session

Ctrl + F3

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
Toggle breakpoint for line

Left Click in gutter

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
expand/contract segment of code

Left Click on code outline + /-

VHDL Editor Shortcuts
expand/contract all code segments

Ctrl + Left Click on code outline + /-

Scripting Editor Shortcuts
Run the script


Scripting Editor Shortcuts
Run to cursor

Ctrl + F9

Scripting Editor Shortcuts
Toggle breakpoint for current line


Scripting Editor Shortcuts
Toggle breakpoint for line

Left Click in gutter

Scripting Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + F7

Scripting Editor Shortcuts
Step into the current source line


Scripting Editor Shortcuts
Step to the next source line


Scripting Editor Shortcuts
Stop script execution

Ctrl + F3

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Cycle forward / backward between screen elements (Navigation Pane, Message List, Search, Reading Pane)
Messages in Main View - Main Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Decrease indent by one level in right-to-left text.
Various Other OneNote Shortcuts - Special language settings

shift + tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Photoshop CS5 Panels - All Panels

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Photoshop CS5 Panels - All Panels

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Cycle forward / cycle backward between Screen Elements (e.g. Navigation Pane, Message List, Search, Reading Pane)
Messages in Main View - Message List and Single Messages

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Projects 2010 (Windows)
With active selection: move to the right / move to the left
Navigate Gantt Chart and Select Tasks

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move active cell right / left in a selection.
Work with Data Selections - Manage Active Selections

Tab / Shift + Tab

Google Chrome (Windows)
Edit next / edit previous property
Manage Chrome DevTools - Styles Panel

Tab / Shift + Tab

Firebug (Windows)
Jump to next / jump to previous field

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7 - Basics

Tab / Shift + Tab

Firebug (Linux)
Jump to next / jump to previous field

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Complete a cell entry and move to the right / to the left in the selection.
Work with Data Selections - Edit Inside Cells

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom (Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Shift + Tab

Thunderbird (Windows)
Switch focus between Folders Pane and Message List Pane
Navigate Messages

F6 / Tab / Shift + Tab

Firebug (MacOS)
Jump to next / jump to previous field

Tab / Shift + Tab

Thunderbird (Linux)
Switch focus between Folders Pane and Message List Pane
Navigate Messages

F6 / Tab / Shift + Tab

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Switch focus between Folders Pane and Message List Pane
Navigate Messages

F6 / Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Projects 2010 (Windows)
Select the next item / previous item
Navigate Projects Help

Tab / Shift + Tab

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Increase / decrease indent of selected text
Indentions and Comments

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Select next/ select previous appointment in Calendar View
Messages in Main View - Create and Manage Appointments

Tab / Shift + Tab

Google Mail (Windows)
Increase / Decrease Indent
Tasks in Gmail

Tab / Shift + Tab

Firefox (Linux)
Jump to next / jump to previous link
Inside Webpages

Tab / Shift + Tab

Firefox (Windows)
Jump to next / jump to previous link
Inside Webpages

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Jump to next / previous input field
Messages in Main View - Create and Manage Appointments

Tab / Shift + Tab

Google Mail (Windows)
Jump forward / jump backwards between input fields
Control Main Browser Window (General Browser Shortcuts)

Tab / Shift + Tab

Google Chrome (Linux)
Edit next / edit previous property
Manage Chrome DevTools - Styles Panel

Tab / Shift + Tab

Firefox (MacOS)
Move Focus to Previous Actionable Item
Navigation Controls

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Select next/ select previous appointment
Messages in Main View - Navigate Calendar

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
Manage Access Features - Field List Pane

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Cycle forward / backward between screen elements (Navigation Pane, Message List, Search, Reading Pane)
Messages in Compose View - Main Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Windows Explorer - Basics

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select next field / select previous field
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns

Tab / Shift + Tab

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Increase / decrease indent
Coding Shortcuts

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Increase / decrease indent by one level.
Working with Outlines

tab / shift + tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Cycle forward / cycle backward between Screen Elements (e.g. Navigation Pane, Message List, Search, Reading Pane)
Messages in Compose View - Message List and Single Messages

Tab / Shift + Tab

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Decrease line indent
Edit - Indent

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous option.
Work with Data Selections - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Firefox (Linux)
Jump to next or previous form element

Tab / Shift + Tab

Firefox (Windows)
Jump to next or previous form element

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Extract and Pattern Maker

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Select the preceding cell's contents.
Edit and move text and graphics: Select text and graphics in a table

Shift + Tab

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Decrease line indent
Search - Indent

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Extract and Pattern Maker

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move active cell right / left in a selection.
Insert and Edit Data - Manage Active Selections

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
One cell to the left (in a table)
Edit and move text and graphics: Move through your document

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
Manage Access Features - Query Designer

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Select next/ select previous appointment in Calendar View
Messages in Compose View - Create and Manage Appointments

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the right / to the left
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Complete a cell entry and move to the right / to the left in the selection.
Insert and Edit Data - Edit Inside Cells

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Jump to next / previous input field
Messages in Compose View - Create and Manage Appointments

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
To the previous cell in a row
Edit and move text and graphics: Move around in a table

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Windows Admin - Basics

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - All Panels

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Select next/ select previous appointment
Messages in Compose View - Navigate Calendar

Tab / Shift + Tab

Google Docs (MacOS)
Decrease paragraph indentation
Edit Documents

Shift + Tab

Google Docs (Windows)
Decrease paragraph indentation
Edit Documents

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - All Panels

Shift + Tab

Tekla Structures 14.0 (Windows)
Next position / Previous position
General shortcuts

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Cycle forward / backward between screen elements (Navigation Pane, Message List, Search, Reading Pane)
Calendar Shortcuts - Main Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection
Entering data on a sheet

Shift + Tab

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Switch between current file list and separate tree (if enabled)
Main Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Cycle forward / cycle backward between Screen Elements (e.g. Navigation Pane, Message List, Search, Reading Pane)
Calendar Shortcuts - Message List and Single Messages

Tab / Shift + Tab

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
previous or next (often same as arrows)
Moving the blue box

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows 8 (Windows)
Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Windows Explorer - Basics

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
Manage Access Features - Help Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Open Office Impress (Linux)
Select objects in the reverse order in which they were created.
Select and Move Elements

Shift + Tab

Opera (Linux)
Cycle backwardss focus within active context

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Ease of Access and Magnifier - Basics

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous option.
Insert and Edit Data - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Show/hide all panels
Working with Panels

Shift + Tab

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (MacOS)
Show/hide all panels
Working with Panels

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Move to next/previous cell
Working with Tables

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Select next/ select previous appointment in Calendar View
Calendar Shortcuts - Create and Manage Appointments

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Jump to next / previous input field
Calendar Shortcuts - Create and Manage Appointments

Tab / Shift + Tab

Evernote (MacOS)
Increase List Level / Decrease List Level
Note Editor

Shift + + Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
Working with Text and Data - Field List Pane

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Move from right to left within the selection, or move up one cell if only one column is selected
Working with a selection

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move active cell right / left in a selection.
Format Data - Manage Active Selections

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select next field / select previous field
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Select next/ select previous appointment
Calendar Shortcuts - Navigate Calendar

Tab / Shift + Tab

Opera (Linux)
Go to previous element in form

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Complete a cell entry and move to the right / to the left in the selection.
Format Data - Edit Inside Cells

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Go to the last or previous hyperlink on a slide.
Show PowerPoint Presentation with Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Move to the next field / previous field that you can edit in the record
Data forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Extract and Pattern Maker

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Shortcut Keys for using panels

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
When a toolbar is active, select the previous button or menu on the toolbar

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Extract and Pattern Maker

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Move forward / move backwards through options
Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Move to the previous text box
Dialog boxes

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the right / to the left
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Switch between Navigation Pane, Tasks list, and To-Do Bar
Tasks Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Move to the preceding cell in table.
Basic Text Navigation and Formatting

Shift + Tab

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Show/Hide all panels except the Toolbox and Control panel (docked or not)

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Move to next / move to previous field
Business Card View

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous option.
Format Data - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Show/Hide all panels except the Tools panel and Control panel
Panel Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

IntelliJ (Linux)
Indent/unindent selected lines

Tab / Shift + Tab

IntelliJ (Windows)
Indent/unindent selected lines

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move active cell right / left in a selection.
Formulas and Names - Manage Active Selections

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Move to the preceding cell.
Move around in Tables

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
Working with Text and Data - Help Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Complete a cell entry and move to the right / to the left in the selection.
Formulas and Names - Edit Inside Cells

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Move to the previous option or option group.
Work with Dialog Boxes

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Move one cell to the right / to the left in a worksheet
Navigate Worksheets

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
Working with Access Views - Field List Pane

Shift + Tab

Gwenview (Linux)
When multiple images are displayed in View Mode, this switched to the image to the left of the currently selected image.
30 Shortcuts for Gwenview (Linux)

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select next field / select previous field
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Switch the keyboard focus within the Selection pane between tree view and the Show All and Hide All buttons.
Work with the Selection pane.

Tab / Shift + Tab

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Move to and open previous label
Edit Menu

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Move active cell right / left in a selection
Navigate Inside Selected Text Blocks

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Complete a cell entry and move to the right / to the left in the selection
Edit Content of Cells

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous option.
Formulas and Names - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Show/Hide all panels except the Tools panel and Control panel
Panel Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View

Tab / Shift + Tab

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Focus previous

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
Working with Access Views - Query Designer

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Navigate to the previous panel and panel control within an open Task pane
Navigation - Navigating task panes

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the right / to the left
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move active cell right / left in a selection.
The Rest - Manage Active Selections

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Navigate to the previous item in the active panel in the Create New Action, Edit Action, Create Custom Tool, or the Edit Custom Tool dialog boxes
Navigation - Navigating task panes

Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Move focus to the previous link within a pane
Navigation - Navigating the Help window

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Complete a cell entry and move to the right / to the left in the selection.
The Rest - Edit Inside Cells

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Move focus to previous comment or form field

Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Navigate through the other controls in the top bar - Home, Tools, Document

Arrow Right / Arrow Left / Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
In Navigation Pane: Move through Navigation Pane options
Ribbons and Navigation Pane

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Jump to (and select) next / previous table cell

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Move focus to previous comment, link, or form field in the document pane

Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Move forward or backward among the current column header selected for sorting, the current row with focus, and the Go Back button if in a folder
PDF Portfolios

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Promote / Demote a paragraph (or Alt+Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow Right)
Outline View

Tab / Shift + Tab

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Move the selection through the command buttons from right to left and to the relationships graph from the Add Table command
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
Working with Access Views - Help Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Sonar 2015 (Windows)
Go to previous audio transient or MIDI note in selected tracks (or current track if there is no selection)
Track View

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous option
Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows 10 (Windows)
Move forward / move backwards through options
Windows Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous field which can be edited
Data Forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
The Rest - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous option.
The Rest - Dialog Boxes

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
The Rest - Field List Pane

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move one cell to the right / to the left in a worksheet.
Navigate Inside Worksheets

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Select next field / select previous field
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns

Tab / Shift + Tab

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Show/ hide all panels
Panel Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Show/ hide all panels
Panel Shortcuts

Shift + Tab (Windows)
Center Pane Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Online (Web Application)
Go forward / go backwards
Navigate Form Fields and Manage Drop-down Lists

Tab / Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Online (Windows)
Go forward / go backwards
Navigate Form Fields and Manage Drop-down Lists

Tab / Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Online (Web Application)
Select the transaction type field in a new transaction row
Selecting Transactions in Account Registers

Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Online (Windows)
Select the transaction type field in a new transaction row
Selecting Transactions in Account Registers

Shift + Tab

Google Mail (MacOS)
Increase / Decrease Indent
Tasks in Gmail

Tab / Shift + Tab

Google Mail (MacOS)
Jump forward / jump backwards between input fields
Control Main Browser Window (General Browser Shortcuts)

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Move to the next / previous field which can be edited.
Data Forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View

Tab / Shift + Tab

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Move the selection through the command buttons from right to left and to the relationships graph from the Add Table command
Text Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Shortcuts for all Panels

Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
The Rest - Query Designer

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Increase/ decrease indent by one level

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Move to the right / to the left
The Rest - Pivot Table

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Shortcuts for all Panels

Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
To next object
Navigation Operation

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move to the next/ previous field which can be edited
Select Cells - Data Forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

Access 2010 (Windows)
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
The Rest - Help Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Complete a cell entry and move the selection left
Chart data editor

Shift + Tab

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Move the selection through the command buttons from right to left and to the relationships graph from the Add Table command
Database Management Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Shift + Tab

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Selected Previous cell

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move to the next/ previous field which can be edited
Format Cells - Data Forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Move to next object / move to previous object (field, button, or tab)
Navigation and Window Display

Tab / Shift + Tab

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Previous object
Objects on Canvas

Shift + Tab

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Show/hide panels except Tools and Control
Panel Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Adobe Illustrator CC (Windows)
Show/hide panels except Tools and Control
Panel Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Go to next object / previous object (field, button, or tab)
Navigation and Window Display

Tab / Shift + Tab

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Select previous cell
Table Editing

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Move to the next/previous field and control (in an open card)
View: Business Cards/Address cards

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Manage Panels - Shortcuts for all Panels

Shift + Tab

Nuke 10 (Windows)
Move to previous control in properties
Panel Properties

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Select the previous appointment
View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month

Shift + Tab

Nuke 10 (MacOS)
Move to previous control in properties
Panel Properties

Shift + Tab

Nuke 10 (Linux)
Move to previous control in properties
Panel Properties

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar
Manage Panels - Shortcuts for all Panels

Shift + Tab

Nuke 10 (Windows)
Decrease Indentation
Script Editor

Shift + Tab

Nuke 10 (Linux)
Decrease Indentation
Script Editor

Shift + Tab

Nuke 10 (MacOS)
Decrease Indentation
Script Editor

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move to the next/ previous field which can be edited
Formulas - Data Forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

Zoho Sheet (Windows)
Move to previous cell in row

Shift + Tab

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Move to the previous option, option group, or field
Form Keyboard Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Zoho Sheet (Windows)
Navigate to the previous object
Shortcuts for Objects (Images,charts,buttons etc)

Shift + Tab

Dynamics GP 2015 (Windows)
Move to previous field
Window Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Dynamics GP 2015 (Windows)
Move to previous field
Tools Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
Move to the Previous field
Page View and Review

Shift + Tab

Dynamics SL 2015 (Windows)
Move to the previous option, option group, or field
Navigation in forms

Shift + Tab

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Move to previous cell in row

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
To next object
Navigation Operation

Shift + Tab

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Navigate to the previous object
Shortcuts for Objects (Images,charts,buttons etc)

Shift + Tab

Dynamics SL 2015 (Windows)
Move to previous field
Grid/View Shortcuts

Shift + Tab / Left Arrow

Apple Calendar (MacOS)
Select the previous event.
Event Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Move back through options
Working with dialog boxes

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Move to the previous option or option group.
Working with dialog boxes

Shift + Tab

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Move to the next / move to previous option or option group
Dialog Box Shortcuts

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move to the next/ previous field which can be edited
Manage Workbooks - Data Forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

Autodesk Inventor 2017 (Windows)
PROMOTE / Removes a part from a subassembly and makes it an individual part in the parent assembly

Shift + Tab

1Password (MacOS)
Starting from a selected category in the sidebar, the first Tab will change the focus to the search field, and the second Tab will change the focus to the item list.
Main App Shortcuts

Tab /Shift+ Tab

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Move to the preceding cell.
Working with Table

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Cycle forwards/backwards through controls on right from top
Liquify Window

Tab / Shift + Tab

Dynamics AX 2015 (Windows)
Move the cursor to the previous hidden text/ hyperlink.
General Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Zoho Show (Windows)
Decrease Indent
Formatting Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Jump to next/ jump to previous slider
Black-and-White Dialog Box

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Jump to next/ jump to previous slider
Black-and-White Dialog Box

Tab / Shift + Tab

Zoho Show (MacOS)
Decrease Indent
Formatting Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Select text in nextprevious cell
Working with tables

Tab / Shift + Tab

Ace Projects (Windows)
Other Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Navigate to the previous panel and panel control within an open Task pane
Navigation - Navigating task panes

Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Navigate to the previous item in the active panel in the Create New Action, Edit Action, Create Custom Tool, or the Edit Custom Tool dialog boxes
Navigation - Navigating task panes

Shift + Tab

1Password (Windows)
Starting from a selected category in the sidebar, the first Tab will change the focus to the search field, and the second Tab will change the focus to the item list.
General Shortcuts

Tab / Shift + Tab

1Password (Windows)
Change the focus in the opposite direction.
General Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the left
Editing chart data

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move to the next/ previous field which can be edited
Excel Auto Tables and Data Forms - Data Forms

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Move focus to previous comment or form field

Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Navigate through the other controls in the top bar - Home, Tools, Document

Right Arrow / Left Arrow / Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move one cell to the right/ to the left in a worksheet
Navigate Worksheets

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Move focus to previous comment, link, or form field in the document pane

Shift + Tab

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Move forward or backward among the current column header selected for sorting, the current row with focus, and the Go Back button if in a folder
PDF Portfolios

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Complete cell entry and move one cell right/ left
Edit Cell Content

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Move within a selection left one field.
Move in Side Pane

Shift + Tab

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Unindent Selected Lines
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Unindent Selected Lines
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
Unindent Selected Lines
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Unindent Selected Lines
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Unindent Selected Lines
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Move active cell right/ left in selection
Navigate Multi-Cell Selections

Tab / Shift + Tab

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Unindent Selected Lines

Shift + Tab

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Code Manipulation

Shift + Tab

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Select Above Layer
Arranging Layers,Groups and Artboards

Shift + Tab

Cloud9 (Windows)
Code Manipulation

Shift + Tab

Clarizen (Web Application)
Moves the selected cell one cell to the Left if Entire Row is Highlighted
Main Grid

Shift + Tab / Left Arrow

Clarizen (Web Application)
Moves focus between Controls in an Editor in Reverse order
PopUp/Item editor

Shift + Tab

Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)
Rename Previous
35 Shortcuts for Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)

Shift + Tab

Adobe Bridge CC (Windows)
Rename Previous
35 Shortcuts for Adobe Bridge CC (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (MacOS)
Select the previous object
Working with objects

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2016 (MacOS)
Move one cell to the left (in a table)
Move the Cursor

Shift + Tab

Clarizen (Web Application)
Moves between the input fields in Reverse Order
Other PopUps

Shift + Tab

Clarizen (Web Application)
Moves between the input fields in Reverse Order
Range Filter

Shift + Tab

Clarizen (Web Application)
Moves between the input fields in Reverse Order
Global filter Pane

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Move to the previous box, option, control, or command
Work in windows and dialogs

Shift + Tab

DocuSign (Web Application)
Tab Backward Through Fields
Field Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2016 (MacOS)
Select the preceding cell's contents
Select text and graphics in a table

Shift + Tab

jEdit (Windows)
Shift Selected Line Right/Left
Source Code Editing

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection
Enter data on a sheet

Shift + Tab

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (MacOS)
Move to the preceding cell
Working in tables

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (MacOS)
Move back through controls in a window
Work in windows and dialogs

Shift + Tab

Opera (Windows)
Cycle focus within active context

Tab / Shift + Tab

Opera (MacOS)
Cycle focus within active context

Tab / Shift + Tab

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
To Next/Previous Frame ot Object
Cursor Movement

Tab / Shift+ Tab

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Move Left One Cell
Text Formatting

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2016 (MacOS)
Move to the preceding cell
Move around in a table

Shift + Tab

Opera (MacOS)
Go to previous element in form

Shift + Tab

Opera (Windows)
Go to previous element in form

Shift + Tab

HTML-Kit (Windows)
Indent/Unindent Selected Text or Current ine
87 Shortcuts for HTML-Kit (Windows)

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Move from right to left within the selection, or move down one cell if only one column is selected
Work with a selection

Shift + Tab

Apple Notes (MacOS)
Decrease List Level
Editing Notes

Command + [ / Shift + Tab

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Insert right indent tab
Working with Text

Shift + Tab

InCopy CC (Windows)
Insert right indent tab
Working with Text

Shift + Tab

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Move to previous cell

Shift + Tab

Final Fantasy XV (Windows)
Cycle through enemies (farthest to nearest)

Shift + Tab

Kingsoft Spreadsheets 2016 (Windows)
Move one cell to Left
Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

InCopy CC (Windows)
Move to previous cell

Shift + Tab

Lightworks (Windows)
Moves Left to Previous Field
31 Shortcuts for Lightworks (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Previous tab stop
Cursor Movement Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Brackets (MacOS)
Indent Left
Moving Code

Shift + Tab

IBM Director (Windows)
Go to Previous Link in Topic Pane
14 Shortcuts for IBM Director (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Forte (Windows)
Cycle Through Panes (Counter Clockwise)
Main Browser Window

Shift + Tab

Notes 9.0 (Windows)
Navigate backward in Tab Order
26 Shortcuts for Notes 9.0 (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Un-indent block
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

MPS 2017 (Windows)
In templates: move the caret to the previous template variable
Advanced Editing

Shift + Tab

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Indent/unindent selected lines
Editing Shortcuts

Tab / Shift + Tab

Vuze (Windows)
Move between tables, Buttons,Tabs and other widgets
Basic Window Controls

Tab / Shift + Tab

Vuze (MacOS)
Move between tables, Buttons,Tabs and other widgets
Basic Window Controls

Tab / Shift + Tab

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Move the selected block to the previous indentation level
Basic Editing

Shift + Tab

KMPlayer (Windows)
Playback Message

Shift + Tab

Jupyter Notebook (Windows)
Edit Mode (press Enter to enable)

Shift + Tab

Editpad 7 (Windows)
Indent or unindent a block of lines
Select and Edit Text

Shift + Tab

Soundforge (Windows)
Switch the selection through the channels in a multichannel file
Data Selection

Tab / Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Online (MacOS)
Go forward / go backwards
Navigate Form Fields and Manage Drop-down Lists

Tab / Shift + Tab

Libreoffice Writer (Windows)
The heading in format "Heading X" (X = 2-10) is moved up one level in the outline.
Paragraphs and Heading Levels

Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Online (MacOS)
Select the transaction type field in a new transaction row
Selecting Transactions in Account Registers

Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Desktop (Windows)
Jump to next / jump to previous invoice field
Managing Invoices

Tab / Shift + Tab

Quickbooks Desktop (Windows)
Next field / previous field
General Editing

Tab / Shift + Tab

iClone 7 (Windows)
Jump to previous key or clip.
Timeline Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Dedent block.

Shift + Tab

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Moves the cursor to the left one tab position
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Edgecam (Windows)
Toggle between selected entities
30 Shortcuts for Edgecam (Windows)

Tab / Shift + Tab

Kate (Windows)
Selected line indent left
38 Shortcuts for Kate (Windows)

Shift + Tab

RStudio (Windows)
Editing (Console and Source)

Shift + Tab

Surfcam (Windows)
Moves the cursor one field backward in a Dialog Box
60 Shortcuts for Surfcam (Windows)

Shift + Tab

RStudio (MacOS)
Editing (Console and Source)

Shift + Tab

Surfcam (Windows)
Move the pointer one field backward in a dialog box
60 Shortcuts for Surfcam (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Surfcam (Windows)
Show/Hide the tool holder
Within Edit NC

Shift + Tab

Surfcam (Windows)
Show/Hide the tool holder
Within Backplot

Shift + Tab

Moldflow Adviser (Windows)
In a dialog, cycle backwards through the items and boxes
General Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Moldflow Insight (Windows)
In a dialog, cycle backwards through the items and boxes
General Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Toggle Device/Clip View
Showing and Hiding Results

Shift + Tab / F12

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Toggle Device/Clip View
Showing and Hiding Results

Shift + Tab / F12

TurboCAD (Windows)
Set input focus to status bar
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Inkscape (Windows)
Within a dialog jump to previous widget

Shift + Tab

SAP Web IDE (Windows)
Indent/ Outdent line
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (Windows)

Tab / Shift + Tab

Inkscape (MacOS)
Jump to previous widget

Shift + Tab

Inkscape (Windows)
Jump to previous field
Control Bar

Shift + Tab

Inkscape (MacOS)
Jump to previous field
Controls bar

Shift + Tab

Modo (Windows)
Toggle Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces
General Modeling

Shift + Tab

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
Switch Between Source And Target
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Shift + Tab

gEDA (Linux)
Horizontal flip

Shift + Tab

Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Switch Between Source And Target
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Shift + Tab

Modo (MacOS)
Toggle Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces
General Modeling

Shift + Tab

gEDA (Linux)
View: horizontal flip
Other Important Shortcuts

Shift + Tab

Inkscape (Windows)
Select previous object -

Shift + Tab

Arduino (Linux)
Decrease Indent
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Linux)

Shift + Tab

Arduino (MacOS)
Decrease Indent
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (MacOS)

Shift + Tab

Arduino (Windows)
Decrease Indent
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Windows)

Shift + Tab

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Move to previous option

Shift + Tab

Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)
Move to previous option

Shift + Tab

Inkscape (Windows)
Select previous node
Node Tool

Shift + Tab

Vectorworks (Windows)
Move left by one cell
Worksheet Key Functions

Shift + Tab

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Move left by one cell
Worksheet Key Functions

Shift + Tab

SuperMemo (Windows)
Move to the previous option or option group
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Shift + Tab

eMachineShop (Windows)
Select prior line in workspace
38 Shortcuts for eMachineShop (Windows)

Shift + Tab

MindManager v19 (Windows)
previous or next (often same as arrows)
Moving the blue box

Tab / Shift + Tab

Inkscape (Windows)
Select previous handle

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Cycle backwards through all options and elements
Navigate within Documents - Dialog boxes

Shift + Tab

Google Spreadsheets (Web Application)
Move one cell to the left
Movement within worksheets

Shift + Tab

Internet Explorer (Windows)
Move forward / move backwards through items on a webpage. Press and hold tab button to skip through multiple links.
Navigate Webpages in IE8

Tab / Shift + Tab

Google Spreadsheets (Web Application)
Move from right to left within the selected range. If cells in a single column are selected, move up.
Movement within a selected range

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Moves to the previous cell in a worksheet or the previous option in a dialog box.
Navigating in Worksheets and Selecting Cells

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows)
Moves between Explorer Panes.
Windows/Vista Explorer Shortcuts

Tab / Shift + Tab

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom (Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Move to next or previous field in Reading Pane.
Basic Navigation

Shift + Tab / Ctrl + Tab

Google Spreadsheets (Web Application)
Complete a cell entry and select the previous cell to the left
Entering/editing data

Shift + Tab

Dynamics CRM 2011 (Windows)
Move to the next / move to previous option or option group
Dialog Box Shortcuts

Tab / Shift + Tab

Dynamics CRM 2011 (Windows)
Move forward / backwards through the form's fields

Tab / Shift + Tab

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
The heading in format Heading X (X = 2–10) is moved up one level in the outline.
Paragraph and Heading Tables

Shift + Tab

Open Office Impress (Windows)
Select objects in the reverse order in which they were created.
Select and Move Elements

Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
In Navigation Pane: Move through Navigation Pane options
Navigate within Documents - Navigation Pane

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Jump to (and select) next / previous table cell
Navigate within Documents - Navigate in Tables

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Cycle backwards through all options and elements
Edit Documents - Dialog boxes

Shift + Tab

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Move to next/previous cell
Working with Tables

Tab / Shift + Tab

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Select the previous element in a SmartArt graphic.
Smart-Art Graphics: Work with shapes

Shift + Tab