Adobe Photoshop CC

Using curves

Open the Curves dialog box

Ctrl + M

All hotkeys for Adobe Photoshop CC

Selecting and moving objects
(On Magnetic Lasso tool) Increase/decrease detection width


Selecting and moving objects
(On Magnetic Lasso tool) Increase/decrease detection width


Selecting tools
Decrease Brush Hardness


Selecting tools
Increase Brush Hardness


Using liquify filter
Thaw Mask tool


Result (Pattern Maker only)
Toggle view: original/generated pattern


Using the Layers panel
New layer via copy

Ctrl + J

Using the Layers panel
New layer via cut

↑   Shift + Ctrl + J

Slice and optimize
Draw square slice

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Using the Swatches panel
(Click swatch) Delete swatch

Alt + Mouse left click

Using the Swatches panel
(Click swatch) Set swatch color as background color

Ctrl + Mouse left click

Transform selections, selection borders, and paths


Using panels
(Select tool and then press Enter) Highlight options bar

⤶ Enter

Using Extract and Pattern Maker (optional plug-ins)
Cycle through controls on right from top

⭾ Tab

Popular shortcuts
Navigate between fields in opposite direction

⭾ Tab + ↑   Shift

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
(Click Edge Highlighter/Eraser tool) Toggle between Edge Highlighter tool and Eraser tool


Invoke the search experience
Search across Photoshop UI, Help & Learn content, and Adobe Stock assets. For more information, see Photoshop search.

Ctrl + F

Using function keys
Start Help


Using function keys


Using function keys


Using function keys


Using function keys
Show/Hide Brush panel


Using function keys
Show/Hide Color panel


Using function keys
Show/Hide Layers panel


Using function keys
Show/Hide Info panel


Using function keys
Show/Hide Actions panel


Using function keys


Using function keys

↑   Shift + F5

Using function keys
Feather Selection

↑   Shift + F6

Using function keys
Inverse Selection

↑   Shift + F7

Using for painting
(Eyedropper tool) Color sampler tool

↑   Shift

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Toggle overlay for Graduated Filter, Spot Removal tool, or Red Eye Removal tool.


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Toggle Auto Mask for Adjustment Brush tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Rotate image left


Using liquify filter
Forward Warp tool


Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Cleanup tool


Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Eyedropper tool


Using refine edge
Toggle radius preview on and off


Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Edge Highlighter tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Color Sampler tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Toggle Show Mask for Adjustment Brush tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Red Eye Removal tool


Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Fill tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Highlight clipping warning


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Toggle preview


Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Edge Touchup tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Straighten tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Shadows clipping warning


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Hand tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Rotate image right


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Zoom tool


View images
Toggle between Standard mode and Quick Mask mode


Using the Layers panel
Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock


Using the Brush panel
Select previous/next brush size


Using the Brush panel
Select previous/next brush size


Selecting tools
First Brush


Selecting tools
Last Brush


View images
Cycle through open documents

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

View images
Switch to previous document

↑   Shift + Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

View images
Close a file in Photoshop and open Bridge

↑   Shift + Ctrl + W

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Cycle through Display menu in preview from top to bottom


Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Cycle through Display menu in preview from bottom to top

↑   Shift + F

View images
Toggle (forward) canvas color  (or right-click canvas background and select color)

Space + F

View images
Toggle (backward) canvas color

Space + ↑   Shift + F

Using the Layer Comps panel
(Doubleclick layer comp name) Rename in-line

Mouse double click

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
... to <keybs>5</keybs>: (Filmstrip mode) Add 1 - 5 star rating

Ctrl + 1

Using Extract and Pattern Maker (optional plug-ins)
Temporarily activate Hand tool


View images
Switch to Zoom In tool

Ctrl + Space

View images
Switch to Zoom Out tool

Alt + Space

Slice and optimize
Reposition slice while creating slice

Space + Mouse movement

Using panels
Apply value and keep text box active

↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Move mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected

Ctrl + Mouse movement

View images
(Hold the mouse button) Temporarily zoom into an image

H + Mouse left click

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Go to previous tile in Tile History

Page Up

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Go to next tile in Tile History

Page Down

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Go to first tile in Tile History


Result (Pattern Maker only)
Go to last tile in Tile History


Using the Layers panel
Toggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off


Result (Pattern Maker only)
Undo a selection move

Ctrl + Z

Using puppet warp
Select all pins

Ctrl + A

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Delete current selection

Ctrl + D

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
(With Fill tool selected) Fill foreground area and preview extraction

↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Using refine edge
Open the Refine Edge dialog box

Ctrl + Alt + R

Using refine edge
Toggle between Refine Radius and Erase Refinements tools

↑   Shift + E

Using Filter Gallery
Reapply last-used filter

Ctrl + Alt + F

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
(With Edge Highlighter tool selected) Toggle Smart Highlighting


Using the history panel
Step forward through image states

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Z

Using the history panel
Step backward through image states

Ctrl + Alt + Z

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
(In Brush Size text box) Increase/decrease brush size by 1

↑  ↓

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
(With Brush Size Slider showing) Decrease/increase brush size by 1

←  →

Using Extract and Pattern Maker (optional plug-ins)
Cycle through controls on right from bottom

↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Using Extract and Pattern Maker (optional plug-ins)
Zoom in

Ctrl + +

Using Extract and Pattern Maker (optional plug-ins)
Zoom out

Ctrl + -

Using Extract and Pattern Maker (optional plug-ins)
Fit in window

Ctrl + 0

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Increase/decrease brush feather

↑   Shift + ]

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Increase/decrease brush feather

↑   Shift + [

Selecting and editing text
Show/Hide selection on selected type

Ctrl + H

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Nudge selection when viewing the original

← ↑ → ↓

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Increase selection nudging when viewing the original

↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓

Using vanishing point

Ctrl + C

Using vanishing point

Ctrl + V

Using vanishing point
Repeat last duplicate and move

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Transform selections, selection borders, and paths
Free transform with duplicate data

Ctrl + Alt + T

Edit paths
(On Pen (any Pen tool), Path Selection or Direct Selection tool) Duplicate a path

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse movement

Using the Clone Source panel
Show Clone Source (overlays image)

Alt + ↑   Shift

Using adjustment layers
Delete adjustment layer

⬅ Backspace

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Basic panel

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Tone Curve panel

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Detail panel

Ctrl + Alt + 3

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
HSL/Grayscale panel

Ctrl + Alt + 4

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Split Toning panel

Ctrl + Alt + 5

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Lens Corrections panel

Ctrl + Alt + 6

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Camera Calibration panel

Ctrl + Alt + 7

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Open Snapshots panel

Ctrl + Alt + 9

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Parametric Curve Targeted Adjustment tool

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + T

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Hue Targeted Adjustment tool

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + H

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Saturation Targeted Adjustment tool

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + S

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Luminance Targeted Adjustment tool

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + L

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Grayscale Mix Targeted Adjustment tool

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + G

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Adjustment Brush tool


Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Increase/decrease Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10


Using curves
Select the previous point on the curve


Using the Layers panel
Select next layer down/up

Alt + ]

Using the Layers panel
Select next layer down/up

Alt + [

Using the Clone Source panel
Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone Source

Alt + ↑   Shift + ]

Using the Clone Source panel
Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone Source

Alt + ↑   Shift + [

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10

Alt + =

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10

Alt + -

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Switch to New mode from Add or Erase mode of theAdjustment Brush tool or the Graduated Filter


Using the Layers panel
Move target layer down/up

Ctrl + ]

Using the Layers panel
Move target layer down/up

Ctrl + [

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Open selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge

Ctrl + R

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Open selected images from Bridge bypassing Camera Raw dialog box

↑   Shift + Mouse double click

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Add opacity when Cleanup tool is selected

Alt + Mouse movement

Transform selections, selection borders, and paths

Ctrl + .

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
(Filmstrip mode) Increase/decrease rating

Ctrl + ,

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
(Filmstrip mode) Add red label

Ctrl + 6

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
(Filmstrip mode) Add yellow label

Ctrl + 7

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
(Filmstrip mode) Add green label

Ctrl + 8

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
(Filmstrip mode) Add blue label

Ctrl + 9

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
(Filmstrip mode) Add purple label

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 0

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
Camera Raw preferences

Ctrl + K

Using the Camera Raw dialog box
(On open) Deletes Adobe Camera Raw preferences

Ctrl + Alt

Using the Black-and-White dialog box
Open the Black-and-White dialog box

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Alt + B

Using panels
Increase/decrease selected values by 10

↑   Shift + ↑  ↓

Using the Black-and-White dialog box
Change the values of the closest color slider

Mouse movement

Using curves
Open the Curves dialog box

Ctrl + M

Using curves
Select next point on the curve


Result (Pattern Maker only)
Delete current tile from Tile History


Using curves
(Click the image) Set a point to the channel curves

↑   Shift + Ctrl + Mouse left click

Slice and optimize
Draw square slice from center outward

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse movement

Selecting and moving objects
Move layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layer. Hold down Shift to move 10 pixels

Ctrl + ← ↑ → ↓

Format type
Toggle single/every-line composer on/off

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + T

Using actions panel
action or action set  Change action or action set options

Alt + Mouse double click

Using for painting
(Any painting tool) Select foreground color from color picker

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse movement

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Set strength of Cleanup or Edge Touch‑up tool

0 - 9

Using for painting
(Any painting or editing tool)  (when airbrush option is enabled, omit Shift) Sets flow for painting mode (e.g., 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 4 then 5 in quick succession = 45%)

↑   Shift + 0 - 9

Using for painting
Mixer Brush changes Mix setting

Alt + ↑   Shift + 0 - 9

Using for painting
Mixer Brush changes Wet and Mix to zero


Using for blending modes
Cycle through blending modes

↑   Shift + +

Using for blending modes
Cycle through blending modes

↑   Shift + -

Using for painting
Displays Fill dialog box

↑   Shift + ⬅ Backspace

Using for painting
Fill with foreground or background color. Hold down Shift to preserve transparency

Alt + ⬅ Backspace or Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace

Using for painting
Fill with foreground or background color. Hold down Shift to preserve transparency

Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace

Using for painting
Fill from history. Hold down Shift to preserve transparency

Ctrl + Alt + ⬅ Backspace

Using for blending modes
Set blending mode to Threshold for bitmap images, Normal for all other images

↑   Shift + Alt + N

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + I

Using for blending modes
Behind (Brush tool only)

↑   Shift + Alt + Q

Using for blending modes
Clear (Brush tool only)

↑   Shift + Alt + R

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + K

Using for blending modes
(Dodge tool/Burn tool) Dodge/burn midtones

↑   Shift + Alt + M

Using for blending modes
Color Burn

↑   Shift + Alt + B

Using for blending modes
Linear Burn

↑   Shift + Alt + A

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + G

Using for blending modes
(Dodge tool/Burn tool) Dodge/burn shadows

↑   Shift + Alt + S

Using for blending modes
(Sponge tool) Desaturate

↑   Shift + Alt + D

Using for blending modes
Linear Dodge

↑   Shift + Alt + W

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + O

Using for blending modes
Soft Light

↑   Shift + Alt + F

Using for blending modes
(Dodge tool/Burn tool) Dodge/burn highlights

↑   Shift + Alt + H

Using for blending modes
Vivid Light

↑   Shift + Alt + V

Using for blending modes
Linear Light

↑   Shift + Alt + J

Using for blending modes
Pin Light

↑   Shift + Alt + Z

Using for blending modes
Hard Mix

↑   Shift + Alt + L

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + E

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + X

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + U

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + T

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + C

Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + Alt + Y

Selecting and editing text
Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ←  →

Selecting and editing text
Select a line

Mouse triple click

Selecting and editing text
(Quadruple-click) Select paragraph

Mouse double click

Selecting and editing text
(Quintuple click) Select story

Mouse double click

Format type
(Vertical Type tool) Align left

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + L

Format type
(Vertical Type tool) Align center

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Format type
(Vertical Type tool) Align right

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + R

Format type
Choose 100% horizontal scale

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + X

Format type
Choose 100% vertical scale

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + X

Format type
Choose Auto leading

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + A

Format type
Choose 0 for tracking

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Q

Format type
Justify paragraph, left aligns last line

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + J

Format type
Justify paragraph, justifies all

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

Format type
Toggle paragraph hyphenation on/off

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + H

Format type
Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 points or pixels. Hold down Alt (Win) or Option (macOS) to decrease/increase by 10

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + <

Format type
Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 points or pixels. Hold down Alt (Win) or Option (macOS) to decrease/increase by 10

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + >

Format type
Decrease or increase leading 2 points or pixels. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) to decrease/increase by 10

Alt + ↑  ↓

Format type
Decrease or increase baseline shift 2 points or pixels. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) to decrease/increase by 10

↑   Shift + Alt + ↑  ↓

Format type
Decrease or increase kerning/tracking 20/1000 ems. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) to decrease/increase by 10

Alt + ←  →

Using the Layers panel
(Right click layer group and choose Group Properties) Display layer group properties

Mouse right click

Using actions panel
Play entire action

Ctrl + Mouse double click

Using adjustment layers
for red, choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, and select Use Legacy Channel Shortcuts. Then restart Photoshop.

Note: IF you prefer channel shortcuts starting with Alt/⌥ Option + 1

Using adjustment layers
Choose specific channel for adjustment (Red)

Alt + 3

Using adjustment layers
Choose specific channel for adjustment (Green)

Alt + 4

Using adjustment layers
Choose specific channel for adjustment (Blue)

Alt + 5

Using adjustment layers
Choose composite channel for adjustment

Alt + 2

Using the Brush panel
Drag mouse down or up to decrease/increase brush softness/hardness

Alt + Mouse movement

Using the Brush panel
Select first/last brush

↑   Shift + ,

Using the Brush panel
Select first/last brush

↑   Shift + .

Using the Brush panel
Display precise cross hair for brushes

⇪ Caps Lock

Using the Brush panel
Display precise cross hair for brushes

↑   Shift + ⇪ Caps Lock

Using the Brush panel
Toggle airbrush option

↑   Shift + Alt + P

Using the channels panel
(Red) Select individual channels

Ctrl + 3

Using the channels panel
(Green) Select individual channels

Ctrl + 4

Using the channels panel
(Blue) Select individual channels

Ctrl + 5

Using the channels panel
Select composite channel

Ctrl + 2

Using the channels panel
Load channel as selection (red)

Alt + Ctrl + 3

Using the channels panel
Load channel as selection (green)

Alt + Ctrl + 4

Using the channels panel
Load channel as selection (blue)

Alt + Ctrl + 5

Using the Paths panel
(Click pathname) Add path to selection

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Using the Paths panel
(Click pathname) Subtract path from selection

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse left click

Using the Paths panel
(Click pathname) Retain intersection of path as selection

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse left click

Using the channels panel
Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode


Using the Clone Source panel
Nudge Clone Source

Alt + ↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓

Using the Clone Source panel
Rotate Clone Source

Alt + ↑   Shift + <

Using the Clone Source panel
Rotate Clone Source

Alt + ↑   Shift + >

Using the Layers panel
New layer

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Generate or generate again

Ctrl + G

Using the Layers panel
Ungroup layers

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G

Using the Layers panel
Create/release clipping mask

Ctrl + Alt + G

Using the Layers panel
Select all layers

Ctrl + Alt + A

Using the Layers panel
Merge visible layers

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + E

Using the Layers panel
Select top layer

Alt + .

Using the Layers panel
Select bottom layer

Alt + ,

Using the Layers panel
Add to layer selection in Layers panel

↑   Shift + Alt + [

Using the Layers panel
Add to layer selection in Layers panel

↑   Shift + Alt + ]

Using the Layers panel
Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layer

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + E

Using the Layers panel
(First, highlight layers you want to merge) Merge layers

Ctrl + E

Using the Layers panel
Move layer to bottom or top

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + [

Using the Layers panel
Move layer to bottom or top

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ]

Using the Layers panel
Toggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse left click

Using the Paths panel
Hide path

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + H

Using the Swatches panel
(Click in empty area of panel) Create new swatch from foreground color

Mouse left click

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Remove current highlight

Alt + Del

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Highlight entire image

Ctrl + Del

Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)
Enable Cleanup and Edge Touchup tools before preview

↑   Shift + X

Result (Pattern Maker only)
(Select while holding) Intersect with current selection

↑   Shift + Alt

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Go to previous tile in Tile History

Result (Pattern Maker only)
Go to next tile in Tile History

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Check for new messages
Messages in Main View - Main Window

Ctrl + M / F9

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Maximize or un-maximize current Editor Window (also works for other Windows)
Editor Window

Ctrl + M

VLC Media Player (Windows)
Open Messages
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands

Ctrl + M

Google Chrome (Windows)
Go to matching bracket
Manage Chrome DevTools - Code Editor

Ctrl + M

Thunderbird (Windows)
New Message
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + M

Thunderbird (Linux)
New Message
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + M

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Open a new OneNote window / replicate window.
Work with the OneNote Window(s)

ctrl + m

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Open a new OneNote window.
Work with the OneNote Window(s)

ctrl + m

Google Chrome (Linux)
Go to matching bracket
Manage Chrome DevTools - Code Editor

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Check for new messages
Messages in Compose View - Main Window

Ctrl + M / F9

Tally 9.0 (Windows)
Switches to Main Area of Tally Screen
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)
World Map

Ctrl + M

Tekla Structures 14.0 (Windows)
General shortcuts

Ctrl + m

Microstation v8i (Windows)
Unlock element

Ctrl + M

Sublime Text (Windows)
Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket
Navigation - Fancy Navigation

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Check for new messages
Calendar Shortcuts - Main Window

Ctrl + M / F9

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Indent a paragraph from the left.
Character and paragraph formatting Align paragraphs

Ctrl + M

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + m

Opera (Linux)
Open Tab Menu

Ctrl + M

Sublime Text (Windows)
Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket
Selections - Fancy Navigation

Ctrl + M

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
Move task
Managing Tasks

Ctrl + M

Smartplant Review (Windows)
Delete last measurement
Managing Smartplan Review

Ctrl + m

Evernote (Windows)
Increase indent for current paragraph or for selection (Or use Tab/Shift+Tab)
Note Editor

Ctrl + m / Ctrl + Shift + m

UltraEdit (Windows)
Replay a macro
Macro Menu

Ctrl + M

VLC Media Player (MacOS)
Open messages
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands

Ctrl + M

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
Find next
"Edit" menu

Ctrl + M

Avid Media Composer 7 (Windows)
Allows the editor to select an area of the timeline to "zoom" into. The smaller the slection, the greater the magnification.

Ctrl + M

Gwenview (Linux)
Show or hide the menubar.
30 Shortcuts for Gwenview (Linux)

Ctrl + M

HoneyView 5.03 (Windows)
Show/Hide Metainfo

Ctrl + M

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
New - Macintosh icon project...
File Menu

Ctrl + M

Directory Opus (Windows)
Edit metadata
Operations Toolbar

Ctrl + M

FL Studio (Windows)
Toggle metronome
Record / Playback / Transport

Ctrl + M

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Next difference files
Search Menu - Folder Compare

Ctrl + M

Pro Tools (Windows)
Mute clips
Edit Menu

Ctrl + M

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Open the Curves dialog box

Ctrl + M

Adobe Flash Professional (Windows)
Modify Movie Properties

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Indent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent
Format Paragraphs and Apply Styles

Ctrl + M / Ctrl + Shift + M

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Timestamp
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + M

Qt Creator (Windows)
Toggle bookmark

Ctrl + M

Linux Mint (Linux)
Create shortcut to selected item
File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item

Ctrl + M

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Toggle bookmark

Ctrl + M

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Go to matching bracket
Editing Words and Brackets

Ctrl + m

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Go to matching bracket
Editing Words and Brackets

Ctrl + M

FL Studio (Windows)
Import MIDI file
Piano Roll Action

Ctrl + M

Autodesk Maya 2015 (Windows)
Show/hide main menu bar

Ctrl + M

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Add bookmark in Help mode

Ctrl + M

Qt Creator (Windows)
Add bookmark in Help mode

Ctrl + M

Camtasia 8 (Windows)
Recorder Hotkeys

Ctrl + M

Camtasia 2 (MacOS)
Show marker track
Timeline & Editing

Ctrl + M

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Adjsut Curves
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Image Basics

Ctrl + M

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Timestamp
Text Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + M

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Replicate OneNote window
OneNote Window

Ctrl + M

Sonos Controller (Windows)
Mute/ unmute current Room/ Group
22 Shortcuts for Sonos Controller (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Onshape (Windows)
Mate connector

Ctrl + M

Clink (Windows)
BASH (GNU Readline) Line Editing

Ctrl + M

Onshape (Windows)
Mate connector
Part Studio

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows)
Open reading list pane

Ctrl + M

Corel VideoStudio X9.5 (Windows)
Mew HTML5 Project
File Tab Operations

Ctrl + M

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
New Slide
Edit and General Text Operations

Ctrl + M

Autodesk Maya 2017 (Windows)
Show/hide main menu bar

Ctrl + M

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Timestamp
Database Management Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + M

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)
Screenmode toggle

Ctrl + M

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Adjsut Curves
Manage Panels - Image Basics

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Start a send/receive

Ctrl + M

Finale (Windows)
Fit measures dialog box
Utility Menu

Ctrl + M

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Insert Merge fields
Paste, Select, and Replace Values

Ctrl + M

IMVU (Windows)
Furni Move Tool

Ctrl + M

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Edit Menu Commands

Ctrl + M

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Edit Commands(Text)

Ctrl + M

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Opens the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box.
MMC Shortcuts(Microsoft Management Console)

Ctrl + M

Dynamics GP 2015 (Windows)
Purchasing Invoice Entry — Open Match Shipments to Invoice
Window Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Age of Empires (Windows)
Go to Market
Game Commands

Ctrl + M

GIMP (Linux)
Merge Visible Layers

Ctrl + M

Apple Photos (Windows)
Minimize window

Ctrl + M

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Open Curves Dialog Box
Curves Dialog Box

Ctrl + M

AutoCAD 2016 (Windows)
Repeats last command

Ctrl + M

GIMP (Windows)
Merge Visible Layers
Image Operations

Ctrl + M

1Password (Windows)
Minimize window.
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Todoist (Web Application)
Add a new comment to newly created task
Task Quick Add Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Act! CRM (Windows)
Schedule Meeting
Activity Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Jump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses
General Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

FileZilla (Windows)
Manual transfer
28 Shortcuts for FileZilla (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Modify Movie Properties
Windows Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8 (Windows)
Show Menu to Act on the Selected Items

Ctrl + M

Bash (Linux)

Ctrl + M

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (Windows)
Adjust color
Sculpt and Paint Tool

Ctrl + M

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Adjust color
Sculpt and Paint Tool

Ctrl + M

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Edit Material

Ctrl + M

SharePoint 2016 (Windows)
Indent a paragraph from the left
Rich Text Editing

Ctrl + M

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Insert Row

Ctrl + M

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (Windows)
Open Adjust Color window
Paint Layer

Ctrl + M

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Remove Marker
Edit Move Navigation - Markers

Ctrl + M

Blender 3D (Windows)
Mirror Menu
Object Mode

Ctrl + M

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Materials Lab
Palettes and Labs

Ctrl + M

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Text Formatting

Ctrl + M

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
Mask from Objects
Mask Menu

Ctrl + M

Opera (Windows)
Display Context menu

Ctrl +M

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Remove Marker
Inner Ring Actions - Markers

Ctrl + M

HTML-Kit (Windows)
Find Matching Character==,{},(),<>
87 Shortcuts for HTML-Kit (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Steinberg Cubase 9 (Windows)
Open markers

Ctrl + M

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Bullet text
Text Formatting

Ctrl + M

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Remove Marker
Sculpting Brushes - Markers

Ctrl + M

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (Windows)
Quick Mask
Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Forte (Windows)
New email message
All Window

Ctrl + M

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Remove Marker
3D Models - Markers

Ctrl + M

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Point At
3D View

Ctrl + M

Chief Architect (Windows)
Materials List Tools - Master List
Settings Tools

Ctrl + M

Brackets (Windows)
Minify Code
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Brackets (Windows)
Quick Markup Mode
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Poser Pro (Windows)
Display>Camera View >Main camera

Ctrl + M

Final Fantasy XV (Windows)
Hotbar And Main Menu

Ctrl + M

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Merge the selected object with the background
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Remove Marker
ZSpheres - Markers

Ctrl + M

MetaTrader MT4 (Windows)
Open/Close market Watch Window
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Amarok (Windows)
Show Menubar
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

vSphere Client (Windows)
Add Alarm to VM
Miscellaneus Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Code Completion

Ctrl + M

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Scroll a line at caret to the center of the screen
Basic Editing

Ctrl + M

GOM Player (Windows)
Video Control

Ctrl + M

Soundforge (Windows)
Mix data from the clipboard with the active window
Data Window

Ctrl + M

Teamcenter (Windows)
New Form
New Creation

Ctrl + M

KMPlayer (Windows)
Open WDM (TV) Device...

Ctrl + M

XYplorer (Windows)
Selection Filter...
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

PotPlayer (Windows)
Temporary Denoise On/Off
Standard Keyboard Controls

Ctrl + M

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Remove Marker
Canvas and 2.5D - Markers

Ctrl + M

Aptana Studio 3 (Windows)
Maximize Window
Windows Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

VideoPad Video Editor (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Jupyter Notebook (Windows)
command mode
Edit Mode (press Enter to enable)

Ctrl + M

Editpad 7 (Windows)
Move text
Select and Edit Text

Ctrl + M

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Application Menu

Ctrl + M

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Render to new track
General Editing

Ctrl + M

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Toggle Tab moves focus
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Quickbooks Desktop (Windows)
Memorize transaction or report
Account Register Shortcuts

Ctrl + m

CrazyTalk 8 (Windows)
Toggle Face Orientation panel (Profile setting)
Model Page

Ctrl + M

Tableau (Windows)
New worksheet

Ctrl + M

Bitcomet (Windows)
Make Torrent File

Ctrl + M

iClone 7 (Windows)
Toggle Snap to Model On/Off
Working Area

Ctrl + M

GeoModeller3D (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Message Log
Window Menu

Ctrl + M

SolidWorks (Windows)
Mate Diagnostics
Tools Menu

Ctrl + M

DrawPlus (Windows)
Format Paragraph

Ctrl + M

Add a comment to a newly created task (web, macOS, & Windows legacy only)
Task Quick Add

Ctrl + M

Rhino (Windows)
Max View port
Default Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Insert new line
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Render to new track
Timeline and Track List

Ctrl + M

Solid Edge (Windows)

Ctrl + M

TurboCAD (Windows)
Select all blocks and groups with a specific name
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Flash Movie Player (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Alphacam (Windows)
Clear Memory
Regular Commands

Ctrl + M

Menu position

Ctrl + M

FlashFXP (Web Application)
Move selected files/directories
54 Shortcuts for FlashFXP (Web Application)

Ctrl + M

Surfcam (Windows)
Display the Mask Selection Settings dialog box
60 Shortcuts for Surfcam (Windows)

Ctrl + M

ChessBase 13
° With compensation for material
Commentary symbols

Ctrl + M

Create Many-to-Many
Visual model shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Geany (Linux)
Toggle marker
Moving around in the document

Ctrl + M

Geany (Windows)
Toggle marker
Moving around in the document

Ctrl + M

Mouse Down Blow Up: Shrink to Fit
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

CuteFTP (Windows)
Make new folder

Ctrl + M

Debug - Modify

Ctrl + M

Ansys Mechanical (Windows)
Activate Element Selection
Selection Filters

Ctrl + M

Geany (Linux)
Toggle marker
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + M

Geany (Windows)
Toggle marker
Finding text,Selecting text

Ctrl + M

Moldflow Insight (Windows)
Move/Copy (Translate)

Ctrl + M

Comodo IceDragon (Windows)
Mute/Unmute Audio
Windows and Tabs

Ctrl + M

PSPad (Windows)
Matching Bracket - Find matching bracket (cursor before bracket)

Ctrl + M

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
Maximize Active View or Editor
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + M

SAP Web IDE (Windows)
Maximize/Restore Active Editor
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (Windows)

Ctrl + M

FEKO (Windows)
Create mesh (prompt for mesh settings)
Important CADFEKO Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

FEKO (Linux)
Create mesh (prompt for mesh settings)
Important CADFEKO Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Maximizes the window and displays the image at 1:1 ratio
View Menu

Ctrl + M

Gmsh 4.1.4
Minimize window

Ctrl + M

GibbsCAM (Windows)
Current CS
Edit Menu

Ctrl + M

Assetto Corsa
Toggle mouse steering

Ctrl + M

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Toggle MIDI Map Mode
Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard

Ctrl + M

Cobalt (Windows)
Page (M21-40)
70 Shortcuts for Cobalt (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Vectorworks (Windows)
Modify Menu

Ctrl + M

gEDA (Linux)
Set the origin to the current position of the mouse pointer
Other Important Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

gThumb (Linux)
Add Comments or metadata to an image

C / Ctrl + M

Foxit Reader (Windows)
Zoom To
30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Foxit Reader (Linux)
Zoom To
30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (Linux)

Ctrl + M

The Curse of Monkey Island

Ctrl + M

The Secret of Monkey Island
Select mouse as default control
Cursor controls

Ctrl + M

Pidgin (Linux)
New Instant Message
Buddies Menu

Ctrl + M

MPD model selection

Ctrl + M

Banner 9 (Windows, Mac)
Open Menu
Mac shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Affinity Photo
Curves (Adjustment)
Adjustment and Filter shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Pidgin (Linux)
New Instant Message...

Ctrl + M

KiCad 5.0.2
Move Item Exactly

Ctrl + M

eM Client (Windows)
Next Line
13 Shortcuts for eM Client (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Brave Browser (Windows)
Tabs and Windows

Ctrl + M

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Trim start
Edit Operations

Ctrl + M

MuseScore (Windows)
Rehearsal Mark
Text Entry Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

CamBam (Windows)
Move selected drawing objects
32 Shortcuts for CamBam (Windows)

Ctrl + M

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)

Ctrl + M

BricsCAD (Windows)
Repeats the previously issued command
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

BricsCAD (Linux)
Repeats the previously issued Ctrl
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

AVS Video Editor (Windows)
Merge Scenes

Ctrl + M

Aspire (Windows)
Opens Measure tool form
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

VCarve Pro (Windows)
Opens Measure tool form
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

KeyCreator (Windows)
Move Entity
Set Various Entities

Ctrl + M

Opens the Alerts window and opens the New simple message alert (Live) window.

Ctrl + M

eMachineShop (Windows)
Choose Material for current Design
38 Shortcuts for eMachineShop (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Open the selection move dialog

Ctrl + M

Altium Designer (Windows)
Measure distance
PCB Editor Only Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

SuperMemo (Windows)
Memorize curently selected task in Tasklist Manager
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Ctrl + M

New worksheet
Managing workbooks, sheets, and files (Tableau Desktop)

Ctrl + M

Altium Designer (Windows)
CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Cisco Webex
Mute or unmute the selected user

Ctrl + M

Ableton Live 10
Toggle MIDI Map Mode
Key/MIDI Map Mode and the Computer MIDI Keyboard

Ctrl + M

Claws Mail
Attach file
Compose window

Ctrl + M

Format text

Ctrl + M

Jupyter Notebook
Command mode
Edit mode

Ctrl + M
Edit metadata

Ctrl + M

Show server messages in the current channel

Ctrl + M

Shotcut (Mac)
Toggle Mute track

Ctrl + M

Siemens NX
Application menu

Ctrl + M

QuickBooks Desktop
To memorize the current transaction
Memorized Transactions

Ctrl + M

Toggle Mute track

Ctrl + M

PyCharm 2018.2
Scroll a line at caret to the center of the screen.
Basic editing

Ctrl + M

Iconify (minimize) Telegram

Ctrl + M

Quicken 2018
Memorize a transaction
Register and Write Checks

Ctrl + M

Evernote for Windows
Increase Indentation
Note Editor

Ctrl + M

Total War: Attila
Select all infantry missile units

Ctrl + M

Insert files & images

Ctrl + M

Atom (Windows)
(Source: Bracket Matcher) bracket-matcher:go-to-matching-bracket
All shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Indent a paragraph from the left.
Using rich text editing

Ctrl + M

Gravit Designer
Merge selection

Ctrl + M

PaintShop Pro 2018
Flip horizontal
Shortcuts with Ctrl

Ctrl + M

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Modify movie properties

Ctrl + M

Switch to map layer

Ctrl + M

Nuance Power PDF
Open Zoom to window

Ctrl + M

Windows PowerShell ISE
(Script pane) Expand or Collapse Outlining
Editing text

Ctrl + M

Open WDM (TV) device

Ctrl + M

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018
Use bullets

Ctrl + M

Smart select

Ctrl + M

Mute volume
Camtasia Player

Ctrl + M

PDF-XChange Editor
Show/Hide the Comments pane.

Ctrl + M


Ctrl + M

Minimize TextRoom

Ctrl + M

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + M

Microsoft FrontPage
Indent a paragraph from the left.
Format text and paragraphs

Ctrl + M

Corel Painter
Screen toggle mode
Windows menu

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Word 2016
Indent a paragraph from the left
Change paragraph alignment

Ctrl + M

Mark Scripture

Ctrl + M

Warcraft III
Toggle music on/off
Menu commands

Ctrl + M

Trim Start
Edit Operations

Ctrl + M

Comodo IceDragon
Mute/Unmute Audio
Windows and Tabs

Ctrl + M

Quick Markup Mode

Ctrl + M

Matching Bracket

Ctrl + M

Microsoft PowerPoint (Slideshows)
Show or hide ink markup
Control your slide show during the presentation

Ctrl + M

Toggle the option "Sound in Background" (experimental)
3rd party program: Hotkeys

Ctrl + M

Mixes the clipboard with the sound at the start marker's position.

Ctrl + M

Region Operations

Ctrl + M

Merge visible layers

Ctrl + M

Position manager

Ctrl + M

Tekla Structures 20
Add to master drawing catalog

Ctrl + M

Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in Format - Clear Direct Formatting)
Editing and formatting documents

Ctrl + M

Open Context Menu
More shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Maple Input Mode
Menu accelerators

Ctrl + M

NewsBin Pro
Launch associated applications
Files tab

Ctrl + M

Qt Creator
Add bookmark in Help mode

Ctrl + M

Multi Commander
View - Menu Bar
Core shortcuts

Ctrl + M


Ctrl + M

Sublime Text
Jump to closing parentheses. Repeat to jump to opening parentheses

Ctrl + M

Google Translator Toolkit
Add comment

Ctrl + M

Git Tower (Windows)
Merging & Rebasing

Ctrl + M

Field type

Ctrl + M

eM Client
Go to next line

Ctrl + M

Decrease node font size
Node formatting commands

Ctrl + M

Maximize or restore current editor window (also works with other windows)

Ctrl + M

The Bat!
Mark all messages as read
Working with the Folder Tree

Ctrl + M

View: Toggle mixer visible
Section: Main

Ctrl + M

Accounting CS
Toggle to hide or unhide the Comments frame
Toggle to hide/unhide frames in the view

Ctrl + M

Manual transfer

Ctrl + M

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Toggle Tab moves focus

Ctrl + M

Visual Studio Code (Linux)
Toggle Tab moves focus

Ctrl + M

Mirror object over an axis

Ctrl + M

Open random image from current directory
Handling files

Ctrl + M

VLC Media Player
Open messages

Ctrl + M

Insert new line (same as Enter)

Ctrl + M

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Master volume mute (mute all audio)

Ctrl + M

Zimbra Web Client
Add attachment

Ctrl + M

Firefox Quantum
Mute / Unmute audio
Windows and tabs

Ctrl + M

Chrome DevTools
Go to matching bracket
Code Editor

Ctrl + M

Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
Start a send/receive
Send / receive

Ctrl + M

CoffeeCup HTML Editor
Insert image

Ctrl + M

New instant message
Buddies menu

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
VC Image Editor

Ctrl + M

Mozilla Thunderbird
Write new message to selected contacts
Address book

Ctrl + M

Merge layer down
Layers menu

Ctrl + M

Foxit PDF Reader 2.0
Zoom To
View shortcuts

Ctrl + M

GOM Player
Video control

Ctrl + M

Audio Library

Ctrl + M

Skype for Windows 10

Ctrl + M

Toggle match diacritics
General keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + M

Display context (right-click) menu

Ctrl + M

Microsoft OneNote
Open a new OneNote window
Work with pages and Quick Notes

Ctrl + M

Windows Voice Recorder
Add a new marker to the recording

Ctrl + M

Windows Calculator
Store in memory

Ctrl + M

Open spelling suggestions
Compose and chat

Ctrl + M

Add Label at Playback Position
Tracks menu

Ctrl + M

Run metapath file browser plugin

Ctrl + M

Command Line
Enter or exit mark mode. In mark mode you can use arrow keys to navigate around in the window

Ctrl + M

Windows 10 Maps
Minimize the active tab

Ctrl + M

Facebook (Chrome)
Create a new message
Website Messenger

Ctrl + M

Total Commander
Multi-­rename tool
File manipulation

Ctrl + M

IrfanView 4.42 (Windows)
Open random image from current directory
File Handling

Ctrl + M

Google Earth 5 (Windows)
Hide or show overview Window
Adjust View

ctrl + m

Nautilus File Manager 2 (Linux)
Make link
File Management

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Indent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent
Navigate within Documents - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + M / Ctrl + Shift + M

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Check for new messages.
Shortcuts for Managing E-Mail

Ctrl + M / F9

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Windows)
Open the Curves dialog box
Shortcut Keys for using the Curves dialog box

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Indent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent
Edit Documents - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + M / Ctrl + Shift + M

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Start a send/receive.
Shortcuts for Send and Receive

Ctrl + M

Windows Media Player 11 (Windows)
Show or hide the Classic Menus (menu bar) in full mode.
Manage the Media Player Windows

Ctrl + M

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Indent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent
Formats - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + M / Ctrl + Shift + M

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Indent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent
Manage Word View - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + M / Ctrl + Shift + M

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Indent paragraph from the left and increase / decrease indent
Tables - Format Paragraphs

Ctrl + M / Ctrl + Shift + M

Insert a newline at the cursor position

Ctrl + M

Scrivener 1.9.9
Merge documents

Ctrl + M

Final Draft 11 (Windows)
Insert bookmark

Ctrl + M

Open Macros

Ctrl + M