Toggle General Features

Toggle Coords

Ctrl + I

All hotkeys for AutoCAD

Toggle General Features
Cycle isometric planes

Ctrl + E

Toggle General Features
Toggle Grid

Ctrl + G

Toggle General Features
Toggle running object snaps

Ctrl + F

Toggle General Features
Toggle Pick Style

Ctrl + H

Toggle General Features
Toggle Hide pallets

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + H

Toggle General Features
Toggle Coords

Ctrl + I

Toggle General Features
Toggle Infer Constraints

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + I

Manage Screen
Clean Screen

Ctrl + 0

Manage Screen
Property Palette

Ctrl + 1

Manage Screen
Design Center Palette

Ctrl + 2

Manage Screen
Tool Palette

Ctrl + 3

Manage Screen
Sheet Set Palette

Ctrl + 4

Manage Screen
DBConnect Manager

Ctrl + 6

Manage Screen
Markup Set Manager Palette

Ctrl + 7

Manage Screen
Quick Calc

Ctrl + 8

Manage Screen
Command Line

Ctrl + 9

Manage Drawings
New Drawing

Ctrl + N

Manage Drawings
Save drawing

Ctrl + S

Manage Drawings
Open drawing

Ctrl + O

Manage Drawings
Plot dialog box

Ctrl + P

Manage Drawings
Switch to next

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Manage Drawings
Switch to previous drawing

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Manage Drawings
Switch to previous tab in current drawing

Ctrl + Page Up

Manage Drawings
Switch to next tab in current drawing

Ctrl + Page Down

Manage Drawings

Ctrl + Q

Manage Drawings
Select all objects

Ctrl + A

Toggle Drawing Modes
Display Help


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle text screen


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle object snap mode


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle 3DOsnap


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle Isoplane


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle Dynamic UCS


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle grid mode


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle ortho mode


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle snap mode


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle polar mode


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle object snap tracking


Toggle Drawing Modes
Toggle dynamic input mode


Manage Workflow
Copy object

Ctrl + C

Manage Workflow
Cut object

Ctrl + X

Manage Workflow
Paste object

Ctrl + V

Manage Workflow
Copy to clipboard with base point

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Manage Workflow
Paste data as block

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + V

Manage Workflow
Undo last action

Ctrl + Z

Manage Workflow
Redo last action

Ctrl + Y

Manage Workflow
Cancel current command

Ctrl + [

Manage Workflow
Cancel current command

Ctrl + \

Manage Workflow
Cancel current command


</p><p>*A, B, C
ARC / Creates an arc


</p><p>*A, B, C
ADCENTER / Manages and inserts content such as blocks, xrefs, and hatch patterns

A then D then C

</p><p>*A, B, C
AREA / Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas

A then A

</p><p>*A, B, C
ALIGN / Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D

A then L

</p><p>*A, B, C
APPLOAD / Load Application

A then P

</p><p>*A, B, C
ARRAY / Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern

A then R

</p><p>*A, B, C
ACTRECORD / Starts the Action Recorder

A then R then R

</p><p>*A, B, C
ACTUSERMESSAGE / Inserts a user message into an action macro

A then R then M

</p><p>*A, B, C
ACTUSERINPUT / Pauses for user input in an action macro

A then R then U

</p><p>*A, B, C
ACTSTOP / Stops the Action Recorder and provides the option of saving the recorded actions to an action macro file

A then R then S

</p><p>*A, B, C
ATTIPEDIT / Changes the textual content of an attribute within a block

A then T then I

</p><p>*A, B, C
ATTDEF / Redefines a block and updates associated attributes

A then T then T

</p><p>*A, B, C
ATTEDIT / Changes attribute information in a block

A then T then E

</p><p>*A, B, C
BLOCK / Creates a block definition from selected objects


</p><p>*A, B, C
BCLOSE / Closes the Block Editor

B then C

</p><p>*A, B, C
BEDIT / Opens the block definition in the Block Editor

B then E

</p><p>*A, B, C
HATCH / Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill

B then H

</p><p>*A, B, C
BOUNDARY / Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area

B then O

</p><p>*A, B, C
BREAK / Breaks the selected object between two points

B then R

</p><p>*A, B, C
BSAVE / Saves the current block definition

B then S

</p><p>*A, B, C
BVSTATE / Creates, sets, or deletes a visibility state in a dynamic block

B then V then S

</p><p>*A, B, C
CAMERA / Sets a camera and target location to create and save a 3D perspective view of objects

C then A then M

</p><p>*A, B, C
CONSTRAINTBAR / A toolbar-like UI element that displays the available geometric constraints on an object

C then B then A then R

</p><p>*A, B, C
PROPERTIES / Controls properties of existing objects

C then H

</p><p>*A, B, C
CHAMFER / Bevels the edges of objects

C then H then A

</p><p>*A, B, C
CHECKSTANDARDS / Checks the current drawing for standards violations

C then H then K

</p><p>*A, B, C
COMMANDLINE / Displays the Command Line window

C then L then I

</p><p>*A, B, C
COLOR / Sets the color for new objects

C then O then L

</p><p>*A, B, C
COPY / Copies objects a specified distance in a specified direction

C then O

</p><p>*A, B, C
CTABLESTYLE / Sets the name of the current table style

C then T

</p><p>*A, B, C
NAVVCUBE / Controls the visibility and display properties of the ViewCube tool

C then U then B then E

</p><p>*A, B, C
CYLINDER / Creates a 3D solid cylinder

C then Y then L

D, E, F
DIMSTYLE / Creates and modifies dimension styles


D, E, F
DIMANGULAR / Creates an angular dimension

D then A then N

D, E, F
DIMARC / Creates an arc length dimension

D then A then R

D, E, F
DIMBASELINE / Creates a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the baseline of the previous or selected dimension

D then B then A

D, E, F
DBCONNECT / Provides an interface to external database tables

D then B then C

D, E, F
DIMCENTER / Creates the center mark or the centerlines of circles and arcs

D then C then E

D, E, F
DIMCONTINUE / Creates a dimension that starts from an extension line of a previously created dimension

D then C then O

D, E, F
DIMCONSTRAINT / Applies dimensional constraints to selected objects or points on objects

D then C then O then N

D, E, F
DIMDISASSOCIATE / Removes associativity from selected dimensions

D then D then A

D, E, F
DIMDIAMETER / Creates a diameter dimension for a circle or an arc

D then D then I

D, E, F
DIMEDIT / Edits dimension text and extension lines

D then E then D

D, E, F
DIST / Measures the distance and angle between two points

D then I

D, E, F
DIVIDE / Creates evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object

D then I then V

D, E, F
DIMJOGLINE / Adds or removes a jog line on a linear or aligned dimension

D then J then L

D, E, F
DIMJOGGED / Creates jogged dimensions for circles and arcs

D then J then O

D, E, F
DATALINK / The Data Link dialog box is displayed

D then L

D, E, F
DATALINKUPDATE / Updates data to or from an established external data link

D then L then U

D, E, F
DONUT / Creates a filled circle or a wide ring

D then O

D, E, F
DIMORDINATE / Creates ordinate dimensions

D then O then R

D, E, F
DIMOVERRIDE / Controls overrides of system variables used in selected dimensions

D then O then V

D, E, F
DRAWORDER / Changes the draw order of images and other objects

D then R

D, E, F
DIMRADIUS / Creates a radius dimension for a circle or an arc

D then R then A

D, E, F
DIMREASSOCIATE / Associates or re-associates selected dimensions to objects or points on objects

D then R then E

D, E, F
DRAWINGRECOVERY / Displays a list of drawing files that can be recovered after a program or system failure

D then R then M

D, E, F
DSETTINGS / Sets grid and snap, polar and object snap tracking, object snap modes, Dynamic Input, and Quick Properties

D then S

D, E, F
TEXT / Creates a single-line text object

D then T

D, E, F
DVIEW / Defines parallel projection or perspective views by using a camera and target

D then V

D, E, F
DATAEXTRACTION / Extracts drawing data and merges data from an external source to a data extraction table or external file

D then X

D, E, F
ERASE / Removes objects from a drawing


D, E, F
DDEDIT / Edits single-line text, dimension text, attribute definitions, and feature control frames

E then D

D, E, F
ELLIPSE / Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc

E then L

D, E, F
EXPORTPDF / Exports drawing to PDF

E then P then D then F

D, E, F
EXTERNALREFERENCES / Opens the External References palette

E then R

D, E, F
EXTEND / Extends objects to meet the edges of other objects

E then X

D, E, F
QUIT / Exits the program

E then X then I then T

D, E, F
EXPORT / Saves the objects in a drawing to a different file format

E then X then P

D, E, F
EXTRUDE / Extends the dimensions of a 2D object or 3D face into 3D space

E then X then T

D, E, F
FILLET / Rounds and fillets the edges of objects


D, E, F
FILTER / Creates a list of requirements that an object must meet to be included in a selection set

F then I

D, E, F
FSMODE / Creates a selection set of all objects that touch the selected object

F then S

D, E, F
FLATSHOT / Creates a 2D representation of all 3D objects based on the current view

F then S then H then O then T

G, H, I
GROUP / Creates and manages saved sets of objects called groups


G, H, I
GEOCONSTRAINT / Applies or persists geometric relationships between objects or points on objects

G then C then O then N

G, H, I
GRADIENT / Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a gradient fill

G then D

G, H, I
GEOGRAPHICLOCATION / Specifies the geographic location information for a drawing file

G then E then O

G, H, I
HATCH / Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill


G, H, I
HATCHEDIT / Modifies an existing hatch or fill

H then E

G, H, I
HIDE / Regenerates a 3D wireframe model with hidden lines suppressed

H then I

G, H, I
INSERT / Inserts a block or drawing into the current drawing


G, H, I
IMAGEADJUST / Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images

I then A then D

G, H, I
IMAGEATTACH / Inserts a reference to an image file

I then A then T

G, H, I
IMAGECLIP / Crops the display of a selected image to a specified boundary

I then C then L

G, H, I
ID / Displays the UCS coordinate values of a specified location

I then D

G, H, I
IMAGE / Displays the External References palette

I then M

G, H, I
IMPORT / Imports files of different formats into the current drawing

I then M then P

G, H, I
INTERSECT / Creates a 3D solid, surface, or 2D region from overlapping solids, surfaces, or regions

I then N

G, H, I
INTERFERE / Creates a temporary 3D solid from the interferences between two sets of selected 3D solids

I then N then F

G, H, I
INSERTOBJ / Inserts a linked or embedded object

I then O

J, K, L
JOIN / Joins similar objects to form a single, unbroken object


J, K, L
DIMJOGGED / Creates jogged dimensions for circles and arcs

J then O then G

J, K, L
LINE / Creates straight line segments


J, K, L
LAYER / Manages layers and layer properties

L then A

J, K, L
LAYERSTATE / Saves, restores, and manages named layer states

L then A then S

J, K, L
QLEADER / Creates a leader and leader annotation

L then E

J, K, L
LENGTHEN / Changes the length of objects and the included angle of arcs

L then E then N

J, K, L
MESHSMOOTHLESS / Decreases the level of smoothness for mesh objects by one level

L then E then S then S

J, K, L
LIST / Displays property data for selected objects

L then I

J, K, L
LAYOUT / Creates and modifies drawing layout tabs

L then O

J, K, L
LINETYPE / Loads, sets, and modifies linetypes

L then T

J, K, L
LTSCALE / Changes the scale factor of linetypes for all objects in a drawing

L then T then S

J, K, L
LWEIGHT / Sets the current lineweight, lineweight display options, and lineweight units

L then W

M, N, O
MOVE / Moves objects a specified distance in a specified direction


M, N, O
MATCHPROP / Applies the properties of a selected object to other objects

M then A

M, N, O
MATERIALS / Shows or hides the Materials window

M then A then T

M, N, O
MEASURE / Joins similar objects to form a single, unbroken object

M then E

M, N, O
MEASUREGEOM / Measures the distance, radius, angle, area, and volume of selected objects or sequence of points

M then E then A

M, N, O
MIRROR / Creates a mirrored copy of selected objects

M then I

M, N, O
MLINE / Creates multiple parallel lines

M then L

M, N, O
MLEADERALIGN / Aligns and spaces selected multileader objects

M then L then A

M, N, O
MLEADERCOLLECT / Organizes selected multileaders that contain blocks into rows or columns, and displays the result with a single leader

M then L then C

M, N, O
MLEADER / Creates a multileader object

M then L then D

M, N, O
MLEADEREDIT / Adds leader lines to, or removes leader lines from, a multileader object

M then L then E

M, N, O
MLEADERSTYLE / Creates and modifies multileader styles

M then L then S

M, N, O
PROPERTIES / Controls properties of existing objects

M then O

M, N, O
MESHSMOOTHMORE / Increases the level of smoothness for mesh objects by one level

M then O then R then E

M, N, O
MSPACE / Switches from paper space to a model space viewport

M then S

M, N, O
MARKUP / Opens the Markup Set Manager

M then S then M

M, N, O
MTEXT / Creates a multiline text object

M then T

M, N, O
MVIEW / Creates and controls layout viewports

M then V

M, N, O
GEOGRAPHICLOCATION / Specifies the geographic location information for a drawing file

N then O then R then T then H

M, N, O
NEWSHOT / Creates a named view with motion that is played back when viewed with ShowMotion

N then S then H then O then T

M, N, O
NEWVIEW / Creates a named view with no motion

N then V then I then E then W

M, N, O
OFFSET / Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves


M, N, O
OPTIONS / Customizes the program settings


M, N, O
SURFOFFSET/ Creates a parallel surface or solid by setting an offset distance from a surface


M, N, O
OPTIONS / Customizes the program settings


M, N, O
SURFOFFSET / Creates a parallel surface or solid by setting an offset distance from a surface


M, N, O
3DORBIT / Rotates the view in 3D space, but constrained to horizontal and vertical orbit only

O then R then B then I then T

M, N, O
OSNAP / Sets running object snap modes

O then S

P, Q, R
PAN / Adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition


P, Q, R
PASTESPEC / Pastes objects from the Clipboard into the current drawing and controls the format of the data

P then A

P, Q, R
PARAMETERS / Controls the associative parameters used in the drawing

P then A then R

P, Q, R
BPARAMETER / Adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition

P then A then R then A then M

P, Q, R
SURFPATCH / Creates a new surface by fitting a cap over a surface edge that forms a closed loop

P then A then T then C then H

P, Q, R
POINTCLOUD / Provides options to create and attach point cloud files

P then C

P, Q, R
POINTCLOUDATTACH / Inserts an indexed point cloud file into the current drawing

P then C then A then T then T then A then C then H

P, Q, R
POINTCLOUDINDEX / Creates an indexed point cloud (PCG or ISD) file from a scan file

P then C then I then N then D then E then X

P, Q, R
PEDIT / Edits polylines and 3D polygon meshes

P then E

P, Q, R
PLINE / Creates a 2D polyline

P then L

P, Q, R
POINT / Creates a point object

P then O

P, Q, R
HIDEPALETTES / Hides currently displayed palettes (including the command line)

P then O then F then F

P, Q, R
POLYGON / Creates an equilateral closed polyline

P then O then L

P, Q, R
SHOWPALETTES / Restores the display of hidden palettes

P then O then N

P, Q, R
PROPERTIES / Displays Properties palette

P then R

P, Q, R
PREVIEW / Displays the drawing as it will be plotted

P then R then E

P, Q, R
PLOT / Plots a drawing to a plotter, printer, or file


P, Q, R
PSPACE / Switches from a model space viewport to paper space

P then S

P, Q, R
POLYSOLID / Creates a 3D wall-like polysolid

P then S then O then L then I then D

P, Q, R
PUBLISHTOWEB / Creates HTML pages that include images of selected drawings

P then T then W

P, Q, R
PURGE / Removes unused items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing

P then U

P, Q, R
PYRAMID / Creates a 3D solid pyramid

P then Y then R

P, Q, R
QUICKCALC / Opens the QuickCalc calculator

Q then C

P, Q, R
QUICKCUI / Displays the Customize User Interface Editor in a collapsed state

Q then C then U then I

P, Q, R
QUICKPROPERTIES / Displays open drawings and layouts in a drawing in preview images

Q then P

P, Q, R
QSAVE / Saves the current drawing

Q then S then A then V then E

P, Q, R
QVDRAWING / Displays open drawings and layouts in a drawing using preview images

Q then V then D

P, Q, R
QVDRAWINGCLOSE / Closes preview images of open drawings and layouts in a drawing

Q then V then D then C

P, Q, R
QVLAYOUT / Displays preview images of model space and layouts in a drawing

Q then V then L

P, Q, R
QVLAYOUTCLOSE / Closes preview images of model space and layouts in the current drawing

Q then V then L then C

P, Q, R
REDRAW / Refreshes the display in the current viewport


P, Q, R
REDRAWALL / Refreshes the display in all viewports

R then A

P, Q, R
RENDERCROP / Renders a specified rectangular area, called a crop window, within a viewport

R then C

P, Q, R
REGEN / Regenerates the entire drawing from the current viewport

R then E

P, Q, R
REGENALL / Regenerates the drawing and refreshes all viewports

R then E then A

P, Q, R
RECTANG / Creates a rectangular polyline

R then E then C

P, Q, R
REGION / Converts an object that encloses an area into a region object

R then E then G

P, Q, R
RENAME / Changes the names assigned to items such as layers and dimension styles

R then E then N

P, Q, R
REVOLVE / Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D object around an axis

R then E then V

P, Q, R
ROTATE / Rotates objects around a base point

R then O

P, Q, R
RENDERPRESETS / Specifies render presets, reusable rendering parameters, for rendering an image

R then P

P, Q, R
RPREF / Displays or hides the Advanced Render Settings palette for access to advanced rendering settings

R then P then R

P, Q, R
RENDER / Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a 3D solid or surface model

R then R

P, Q, R
RENDERWIN / Displays the Render window without starting a rendering operation

R then W

S, T, U
STRETCH / Stretches objects crossed by a selection window or polygon


S, T, U
SCALE / Enlarges or reduces selected objects, keeping the proportions of the object the same after scaling

S then C

S, T, U
SCALESCRIPT / Executes a sequence of commands from a script file

S then C then R

S, T, U
SECTION / Uses the intersection of a plane and solids, surfaces, or mesh to create a region

S then E then C

S, T, U
SETVAR / Lists or changes the values of system variables

S then E then T

S, T, U
SHADEMODE / Starts the VSCURRENT command

S then H then A

S, T, U
SLICE / Creates new 3D solids and surfaces by slicing, or dividing, existing objects

S then L

S, T, U
SNAP / Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals

S then N

S, T, U
SOLID / Creates solid-filled triangles and quadrilaterals

S then O

S, T, U
SPELL / Checks spelling in a drawing

S then P

S, T, U
SPLINEDIT / Edits a spline or spline-fit polyline

S then P then E

S, T, U
SPLINE / Creates a smooth curve that passes through or near specified points

S then P then L

S, T, U
SECTIONPLANE / Creates a section object that acts as a cutting plane through 3D objects

S then P then L then A then N then E

S, T, U
SEQUENCEPLAY / Plays named views in one category

S then P then L then A then Y

S, T, U
MESHSPLIT / Splits a mesh face into two faces

S then P then L then I then T

S, T, U
SHEETSET / Opens the Sheet Set Manager

S then S then M

S, T, U
STYLE / Creates, modifies, or specifies text styles

S then T

S, T, U
STANDARDS / Manages the association of standards files with drawings

S then T then A

S, T, U
SUBTRACT / Combines selected 3D solids, surfaces, or 2D regions by subtraction

S then U

S, T, U
MTEXT / Creates a multiline text object


S, T, U
TABLET / Calibrates, configures, and turns on and off an attached digitizing tablet

T then A

S, T, U
RABLE / Creates an empty table object

T then B

S, T, U
TEXTEDIT / Edits a dimensional constraint, dimension, or text object

T then E then D then I then T

S, T, U
THICKNESS / Sets the default 3D thickness property when creating 2D geometric objects

T then H

S, T, U
TILEMODE / Controls whether paper space can be accessed

T then I

S, T, U
TOOLBAR / Displays, hides, and customizes toolbars

T then O

S, T, U
TOLERANCE / Creates geometric tolerances contained in a feature control frame

T then O then L

S, T, U
TORUS / Creates a donut-shaped 3D solid

T then O then R

S, T, U
TOOLPALETTES / Opens the Tool Palettes window

T then P

S, T, U
TRIM / Trims objects to meet the edges of other objects

T then R

S, T, U
TABLESTYLE / Creates, modifies, or specifies table styles

T then S

S, T, U
UCSMAN / Manages defined user coordinate systems

U then C

S, T, U
UNITS / Controls coordinate and angle display formats and precision

U then N

S, T, U
UNISOLATEOBJECTS / Displays objects previously hidden with the ISOLATEOBJECTS or HIDEOBJECTS command


S, T, U
UNISOLATEOBJECTS / Displays objects previously hidden with the ISOLATEOBJECTS or HIDEOBJECTS command


S, T, U
UNION / Unions two solid or two region objects

U then N then I

V, W, X
VIEW / Saves and restores named views, camera views, layout views, and preset views


V, W, X
VIEWGO / Restores a named view

V then G then O

V, W, X
DDVPOINT / Sets the 3D viewing direction

V then P

V, W, X
VIEWPLAY / Plays the animation associated to a named view

V then P then L then A then Y

V, W, X
VSCURRENT / Sets the visual style in the current viewport

V then S

V, W, X
VISUALSTYLES / Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport

V then S then M

V, W, X
WBLOCK / Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file


V, W, X
WEDGE / Creates a 3D solid wedge

W then E

V, W, X
NAVSWHEEL / Displays a wheel that contains a collection of view navigation tools

W then H then E then E then L

V, W, X
EXPLODE / Breaks a compound object into its component objects


V, W, X
XATTACH / Inserts a DWG file as an external reference (xref)

X then A

V, W, X
XBIND / Binds one or more definitions of named objects in an xref to the current drawing

X then B

V, W, X
XCLIP / Crops the display of a selected external reference or block reference to a specified boundary

X then C

V, W, X
XLINE / Creates a line of infinite length

X then L

V, W, X

X then R

Y - Z
ZOOM / Increases or decreases the magnification of the view in the current viewport


Y - Z
ANALYSISZEBRA / Projects stripes onto a 3D model to analyze surface continuity

Z then E then B then R then A

Y - Z
ETRANSMIT / Creates a Self-Extracting or Zipped Transmittal Package

Z then I then P

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Make letters ITALIC
Common tasks

Ctrl + I

Open Office Writer 3 (Linux)
Indent selection

Ctrl + I

VLC Media Player (Windows)
Media Information
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands

Ctrl + I

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text.
Basic Editing and Formatting

ctrl + i

Microsoft Projects 2010 (Windows)
Mark entry or selection as italic
Edit Fields

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Switch format to/from italic
Messages in Main View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + I

Google Mail (Windows)
Italic formatting
Format Text in Messages

Ctrl + I

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Incremental search / reverse incremental search
Code Editor - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + I / Ctrl + Shift + I

KDevelop (Linux)
Indent selection

Ctrl + I

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Correct indention of selected text or of current line
Indentions and Comments

Ctrl + I

Firefox (Linux)
Show or hide bookmark sidebar

Ctrl + B / Ctrl + I

Firefox (Windows)
Show or hide bookmark sidebar

Ctrl + B / Ctrl + I

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Iindent according to code format definition
Coding Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Inpage (Windows)
To italic the selected text
For formatting

Ctrl + i

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Split lines
Edit - Line Operations

Ctrl + I

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Incremental search / reverse incremental search
Coding - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + I / Ctrl + Shift + I

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Switch format to/from italic
Messages in Compose View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + I

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Split lines
Search - Line Operations

Ctrl + I

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Windows)
40 Shortcuts for Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Google Docs (Windows)
Format Text

Ctrl + I

Media Player Classic (MPC) (Windows)
Show time

Ctrl + I

Microstation v8i (Windows)
Element Information

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Apply italic formatting.
Character and paragraph formatting Apply character formats

Ctrl + I

Tekla Structures 14.0 (Windows)
Open the Views list
Modeling shortcuts

Ctrl + i

Vuescan (Windows)
14 Shortcuts for Vuescan (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Access 2010 (Windows)
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table

Ctrl + I

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Switch to target directory
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + i

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Incremental search / reverse incremental search
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - Find, Replace, and Goto

Ctrl + I / Ctrl + Shift + I

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
Italicize task name
Managing Tasks

Ctrl + I

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Insert row
Data Editor

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Switch format to/from italic
Calendar Shortcuts - Format Message Body

Ctrl + I

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
Inserts Indentation
Editing Notes

Ctrl + I

Opera (Linux)
Toggle text-style italic
Text Editing

Ctrl + I

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)

Ctrl + I

UltraEdit (Windows)
Insert a literal character at the cursor position
Select/Delete/Insert Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Evernote (Windows)
Make selection italic
Note Editor

Ctrl + i

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Freeze Content

Ctrl + I

Sticky Notes (Windows)
Italic text
Format Text

Ctrl + I

Avid Media Composer 7 (Windows)
Information: First, select clips or sequences in the bin, then use shortcut to open the Console window to display information
Bin Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Jump to quick search field
General Keyboard Shortcts

Ctrl + I

VLC Media Player (MacOS)
Media information
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands

Ctrl + I / Ctrl + J

Vuescan (Linux)
12 Shortcuts for Vuescan (Linux)

Ctrl + I

FreeMind 0.9.0 (Windows)
Node formatting commands

Ctrl + I

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Apply italic formatting.
Change Fonts and Formatting

Ctrl + I

AutoCAD 2012 (Windows)
Toggle Coords
Toggle General Features

Ctrl + I

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
"Latex" menu

Ctrl + I

IntelliJ (Linux)
Implement methods

Ctrl + I

IntelliJ (Windows)
Implement methods

Ctrl + I

Access 2010 (Windows)
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table

Ctrl + I

iTunes (Windows)
Open the song or CD info window for the selected song or CD
File Menu

Ctrl + I

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Clip Boundaries > Split
Edit Menu

Ctrl + I

HoneyView 5.03 (Windows)
Change Image View

Ctrl + I

IBM Rational DOORS (Windows)
Start Link

Ctrl + I

Directory Opus (Windows)
Invert selection
Edit Menu

Ctrl + I

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Session Menu

Ctrl + I

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Invert selection
Edit Menu

Ctrl + I

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
New - Bitmap image, iPhone, Android, Unix icon...
File Menu

Ctrl + I

WinRAR (Windows)
Print file
Commands Menu

Ctrl + I

FL Studio (Windows)
Toggle wait for input to start recording
Record / Playback / Transport

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Show or hide the Inspector
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Inspector Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Apply or remove italic formatting
Format Cells

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Apply/remove italic
Format Text and Paragraph

Ctrl + I

Qt Creator (Windows)
Auto-indent selection

Ctrl + I

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Auto-indent selection

Ctrl + I

Pro Tools (Windows)
Identify beat...
Event Menu

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Time
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + I

Access 2010 (Windows)
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table

Ctrl + I

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Split Lines
Edit menu

Ctrl + I

FL Studio (Windows)
Insert current controller value
Piano Roll Action

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Snap to fit
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + I

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Activate index in Help mode

Ctrl + I

Qt Creator (Windows)
Activate index in Help mode

Ctrl + I

Autodesk Maya 2015 (Windows)
Select/refine subdivision surface component

Ctrl + I

Camtasia 8 (Windows)
Import media
Manage Camtasia Projects

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Show or hide the Inspector
Text Shortcuts - Inspector Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Autodesk Maya 2015 (Windows)
Select next intermediate object
Making Selections

Ctrl + I

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Format Italic

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Apply/ remove italic format
Select Cells - Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color

Ctrl + I

Sway 2016 (Windows)
Apply accentuation to text
Text and Content Formatting

Ctrl + I

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Show/ hide Info overlay
Changing Views and Screen Modes

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Time
Text Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + I

Clink (Windows)
BASH (GNU Readline) Line Editing

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows)
Open favourites pane

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Snap to fit
Text Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Ctrl + I

Google Slides (Windows)
Text Editing

Ctrl + I

Corel VideoStudio X9.5 (Windows)
Split videos
Runtime Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Import one file or image sequence

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Show or hide the Inspector
Database Management Shortcuts - Inspector Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Italic text
Edit and General Text Operations

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)
Turn on/off Italic
Format text

Ctrl + I

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Apply/ remove italic format
Format Cells - Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color

Ctrl + I

Access 2010 (Windows)
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
The Rest - Pivot Table

Ctrl + I

Autodesk Maya 2017 (Windows)
Select/refine subdivision surface component

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Time
Database Management Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + I

Autodesk Maya 2017 (Windows)
Select next intermediate object
Making Selections

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Snap to fit
Database Management Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Apply/ remove italic format
Formulas - Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color

Ctrl + I

Nuke 10 (Windows)
Import files

Ctrl + I

Finale (Windows)
Edit Menu

Ctrl + I

Nuke 10 (Linux)
Import files

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Insert information from the index
Paste, Select, and Replace Values

Ctrl + I

InDesign CC (Windows)
Check Spelling
Edit Menu shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Anime Studio (Windows)
Inverse selected
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

CINEMA 4D (Windows)
Project information
Object Manager

Ctrl + I

IMVU (Windows)
Furni lock Tool

Ctrl + I

CINEMA 4D (Windows)
Set as B
Picture Viewer

Ctrl + I

IMVU (Windows)
Toggle bird eye view
Screen and View

Ctrl + I

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Insert from index
Find Mode Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Hexagon 2 (Windows)
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Zoho Writer (Windows)
To Italic the Text
Format Tab

Ctrl + I

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Sign In

Ctrl + I

Finale (Windows)
Text Tool

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Apply/ remove italic format
Manage Workbooks - Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Italic text
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations

Ctrl + I

Dynamics GP 2015 (Windows)
Assembly Entry — Increase Level
Window Specific Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Windows Movie Maker (Windows)
Import an existing digital media file

Ctrl + I

Apple Photos (Windows)
Show a photo’s image and camera information

Ctrl + I

Age of Empires (Windows)
Go to Mill
Game Commands

Ctrl + I

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Isolate the selected group or layer
Object Menu

Ctrl + I

GIMP (Linux)
Invert Selection

Ctrl + I

AutoCAD 2016 (MacOS)
Toggles the coordinates display mode.

Ctrl + I

Zoho Show (Windows)
Italic toggle for selection
Formatting Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

AutoCAD 2016 (Windows)
Toggles the Coordinates display (AutoCAD only)

Ctrl + I

GIMP (Windows)
Invert Selection
Select Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Apply/ remove italic format
Excel Auto Tables and Data Forms - Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color

Ctrl + I

Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 (Windows)
Select invert
General user interface

Ctrl + I

CyberLink PhotoDirector 8 (Windows)
Import photos
FIle / Project features

Ctrl + I

Autodesk Inventor 2017 (Windows)
Infer constraints

Ctrl + I

GIMP (Windows)
Invert Selection
Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Silhouette Studio (Windows)
Send to silhouette

Ctrl + I

AutoCad Architecture 2017 (Windows)
Coordinate display
Alphabest combination

Ctrl + I

Act! CRM (Windows)
Attach a file
Activity Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Isolate the selected group or layer

Ctrl + I

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Implement Methods
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

WordPress (Windows)
General Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Google Blogger (Web Application)
15 Shortcuts for Google Blogger (Web Application)

Ctrl + I

Google Hangouts (Web Application)
Format Messages(Windows Plateform)

Ctrl + I

FileZilla (Windows)
Directory listing filters
28 Shortcuts for FileZilla (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Red Hat Enterprise (Linux)
Clears the Terminal

Ctrl + I

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Import Region Info
Project Audio

Ctrl + I

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Fade In
Audio File Editor

Ctrl + I

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Show or change the properties and position of the selected object
Miscellaneous Action

Ctrl + I

Bash (Linux)

Ctrl + I

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Flip/Invert Terrain
Terrain Editing

Ctrl + I

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Application - Windows

Ctrl + I

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Implements Method

Ctrl + I

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Implements Method

Ctrl + I

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Adobe RoboHelp (Windows)
Text Formatting

Ctrl + I

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
invert Mask
Edit Move Navigation - Masking

Ctrl + I

SharePoint 2016 (Windows)
Apply/Remove Italic formatting from the selected text
Rich Text Editing

Ctrl + I

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Implements Method

Ctrl + I

AbiWord (Linux)
Italic Text
7 Shortcuts for AbiWord (Linux)

Ctrl + I

AbiWord (Windows)
Italic Text
7 Shortcuts for AbiWord (Windows)

Ctrl + I

jEdit (Windows)
Indent Current Line
Source Code Editing

Ctrl + I

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Text Formatting

Ctrl + I

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
File Menu

Ctrl + I

DAZ Studio (Windows)
Refresh Images
Surface Commands

Ctrl + I

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Spline Modeler - Windows

Ctrl + I

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
invert Mask
Inner Ring Actions - Masking

Ctrl + I

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Font Formatting

Ctrl + I

Opera (Windows)
Toggle text-style italic
Text Editing

Ctrl + I

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Text Formatting

Ctrl + I

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
invert Mask
Sculpting Brushes - Masking

Ctrl + I

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Vertex Modeler - Windows

Ctrl + I

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (Windows)
Invert Selection
Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Houdini (Windows)
Edit path as text
Main Menu

Ctrl + I

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
invert Mask
3D Models - Masking

Ctrl + I

Garageband 10 (MacOS)
Turn monitoring for the selected track on/off
Track Operations

Ctrl + I

Flock (Windows)
Open properties dialog

Ctrl + I

Flock (Windows)
Page info

Ctrl + I

Kingsoft Presentation 2016 (Windows)
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Houdini (Windows)
Invert selection
Particle/Contex/Scene View

Ctrl + I

Kingsoft Writer 2016 (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Kingsoft Spreadsheets 2016 (Windows)
Applies or removes italic formatting
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Final Fantasy XV (Windows)
Armoury chest
Hotbar And Main Menu

Ctrl + I

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
invert Mask
ZSpheres - Masking

Ctrl + I

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Increase the indent (selected object on stage)/Change text to Italics. Indentation is equal to the grid size.
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Poser Pro (Windows)
Object> Properties

Ctrl + I

Forte (Windows)
Message Index
Main Browser Window

Ctrl + I

Krita Painting 3 (Windows)

Ctrl + I

MetaTrader MT4 (Windows)
Call Indicators List Window
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Implement methods
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Zerodha Trader (Windows)
View Indices Box
For Market Watch and Other Settings on User Interface

Ctrl + I

Forte (Windows)
Composition Window

Ctrl + I

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
invert Mask
Canvas and 2.5D - Masking

Ctrl + I

VideoPad Video Editor (Windows)

Ctrl + I

KMPlayer (Windows)
Open URL Extracted from IE

Ctrl + I

XYplorer (Windows)
Compact File Info
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Maxthon (Web Application)
Toggle the Favorites sidebar
Sidebar / Explorer Bar

Ctrl + I

XMetal Author (Windows)
Insert Element
26 Shortcuts for XMetal Author (Windows)

Ctrl + I

PotPlayer (Windows)
Image Level Control On/Off
Standard Keyboard Controls

Ctrl + I

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Information Menu

Ctrl + I

GOM Player (Windows)
Open - Easy Browser
Playback Control

Ctrl + I

Quickbooks Desktop (Windows)
Customer Center - Create Invoice
Access Main Functions / Windows

Ctrl + I

eSignal (Windows)
Insert Row
49 Shortcuts for eSignal (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Format Document
Edit Menu

Ctrl + I

Sierra Chart (Windows)
New/Open Intradat Chart
File Menu

Ctrl + I

Synfig (Windows)
Import file (synfig project, image, image sequence, sound, video)
73 Shortcuts for Synfig (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
Go to Line

Ctrl + I

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Select current line
MutiCursor and Selection

Ctrl + I

Pencil2D (Windows)
Import Sound
57 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (Windows)

Ctrl + I

ProRealTime (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
Find Caret
Text Editor

Ctrl + I

iClone 7 (Windows)
File Operation

Ctrl + I

Gnumeric (Windows)
Toggles the italics of the font in the current selection
21 Shortcuts for Gnumeric (Windows)

Ctrl + I

GeoModeller3D (Windows)
Project data onto sections

Ctrl + I

DrawPlus (Windows)
Insert a picture from file

Ctrl + I

TVPaint Animation (Windows)
Light Table Mode
89 Shortcuts for TVPaint Animation (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Soundforge (Windows)
Add selected Regions List item to Playlist

Ctrl + I

DrawPlus (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Rhino (Windows)
Default Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Sculptris (Windows)
Invert Selection Mask
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Inserts a tab character
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Google Data Studio
General (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Solid Edge (Windows)

Ctrl + I

RStudio (Windows)
Reindent lines

Ctrl + I

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Indents complete File

Ctrl + I

TurboCAD (Windows)
Select all entities with a specific info string
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + I

ChessBase 13
Display databases as large icons
Database window

Ctrl + I

Alphacam (Windows)
Input CAD
Regular Commands

Ctrl + I

FlashFXP (Web Application)
Invert selection
54 Shortcuts for FlashFXP (Web Application)

Ctrl + I

Surfcam (Windows)
Zoom current view
60 Shortcuts for Surfcam (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Exact Audio Copy
Invert selection
Edit menu

Ctrl + I

Create Inheritance
Visual model shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Import models
File menu

Ctrl + I

CuteFTP (Windows)
Italic Font (when in HTML editor mode)

Ctrl + I

Modo (Windows)
Open saved image

Ctrl + I

Dropbox Paper

Ctrl + I

Most used text editing

Ctrl + I

Moldflow Insight (Windows)
Copy Image to Clipboard
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Moldflow Adviser (Windows)
Copy Image to Clipboard
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Roblox Studio
Toggle Advanced Objects

Ctrl + I

App Maker
Show or hide the logic inspector
Page editor shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Geany (Linux)
Increase indent

Ctrl + I

Geany (Windows)
Increase indent

Ctrl + I

Affinity Photo
Invert Mask
Liquify Persona

Ctrl + I

PhotoFiltre (Windows)
Invert selection
Selection, past and text

Ctrl + I

SAP Web IDE (Windows)
Show/Hide all characters
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Creates another copy of the image file
View Menu

Ctrl + I

Inkscape (Windows)
Import bitmap or SVG

Ctrl + I

Gmsh 4.1.4
Show statistics window

Ctrl + I

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Insert Scene
Session view Ctrls

Ctrl + I

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Insert Silence
Arrangement View Ctrls

Ctrl + I

ArtRage 4.5 5 (Windows)
Import image

Ctrl + I

Cobalt (Windows)
70 Shortcuts for Cobalt (Windows)

Ctrl + I

GibbsCAM (Windows)
View Menu

Ctrl + I

Print file
Commands menu

Ctrl + I

Assetto Corsa
Racing line on/off

Ctrl + I

SpaceClaim (Windows)
Italicize text
71 Shortcuts for SpaceClaim (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Insert Warp Marker
Clip view Sample Display

Ctrl + I

Reindent lines

Ctrl + I

DaVinci Resolve 14 (Windows)
Inport project

Ctrl + I

Pidgin (Linux)
Get User Info
Buddies Menu

Ctrl + I

Unignore user

Ctrl + I

AVS Video Editor (Windows)
Import Media
Top Menu Files and Effects Area

Ctrl + I / Insert

Vectorworks (Windows)
Palettes–Object Info
Window Menu

Ctrl + I

eM Client (Windows)
Italic Selected Text
13 Shortcuts for eM Client (Windows)

Ctrl + I

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Edit sample
Edit Operations

Ctrl + I

TopSolid (Windows)
Display Information On Selected Operation
Operation Manager

Ctrl + I

BricsCAD (Windows)
Sets the readout of the coordinate field in the status bar
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

BricsCAD (Linux)
Sets the readout of the coordinate field in the status bar
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

AVS Video Editor (Windows)
Add image
Text Properties

Ctrl + I

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)
Design Central

Ctrl + I

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

ComplyPro 2017B (Windows)
Link Objects
In Grid View

Ctrl + I

Adobe Illustrator
Check spelling
Frequently used shortcuts

Ctrl + I

eMachineShop (Windows)
Divide selected lines into segments at the points where they cross
38 Shortcuts for eMachineShop (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Figma (Web Application)

Ctrl + I

Aspire (Windows)
Import file
Node Editing

Ctrl + I

SuperMemo (Windows)
Italic font inText
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Ctrl + I

VCarve Pro (Windows)
Import file
Node Editing

Ctrl + I

Show/hide the (bottom/left) document information icon

Ctrl + I

KeyCreator (Windows)
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Cisco Jabber
Instant messages

Ctrl + I

Ableton Live 10
Insert Silence
Arrangement view commands

Ctrl + I

Altium Designer (Windows)
Set origin
CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

BlackBerry Classic
Ctrl shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Nuclide (Linux)
Toggles the Context View.

Ctrl + I

Claws Mail
Insert file
Compose window

Ctrl + I

Make the selected text italic
Common application shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Make selected text italics
Letter Editor

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Sticky Notes

Ctrl + I


Ctrl + I
Toggle italic on selected text

Ctrl + I

QuickBooks Desktop
Create Invoices
Opening Windows/List

Ctrl + I

Invert selection
Playlist control shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Add Audio Track

Ctrl + I

Open the ignore and white lists

Ctrl + I

Siemens NX
Information menu

Ctrl + I

Formatting text

Ctrl + I

Nimbus Note

Ctrl + I

ArtRage Studio Pro
Import Image File…
File commands

Ctrl + I

Quicken 2018
Insert a transaction
Register and Write Checks

Ctrl + I

Autodesk Stingray
File operations

Ctrl + I

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Show/hide info overlay
Changing views and screen modes

Ctrl + I

Evernote for Windows
Note Editor

Ctrl + I


Ctrl + I

Adobe Bridge CC
File info
File menu

Ctrl + I

Total War: Attila
Select all infantry melee units

Ctrl + I

ActivePresenter 7

Ctrl + I

Shift subtitles by time or frames

Ctrl + I

Bluebeam Revu
Toggle split orientation

Ctrl + I

Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text.
Using rich text editing

Ctrl + I

Gravit Designer
Invert selection

Ctrl + I

PaintShop Pro 2018
Flip vertical
Shortcuts with Ctrl

Ctrl + I

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018

Ctrl + I

Toggle mentions popout

Ctrl + I

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Show or change the properties and position of the selected object
Miscellaneous actions

Ctrl + I

Indent current line (or all selected lines).
Source code editing

Ctrl + I

Open new Compositing Viewer
Node graph

Ctrl + I

Windows PowerShell ISE
Go to Script Pane
Customizing the view

Ctrl + I

Open URL extracted from IE

Ctrl + I

ZenWriter 2

Ctrl + I

Auto indent

Ctrl + I

Italic font style for selected topics or labels

Ctrl + I

make selection italic
Text tool

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Paint
Make selected text italics
Powers of Ctrl

Ctrl + I

PDF-XChange Editor

Ctrl + I

Microsoft FrontPage
Apply italic formatting.
Format text and paragraphs

Ctrl + I

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + I

Clip Studio Paint Pro
Reverse gradient [PRO/EX]
Edit menu

Ctrl + I


Ctrl + I

Goto line

Ctrl + I

Corel Painter
Select menu

Ctrl + I

Microsoft Word 2016
Apply italic formatting
Format characters

Ctrl + I

Italic Editors only

Ctrl + I

Komodo Edit
Interactive find

Ctrl + I

Adobe XD (Windows)

Ctrl + I

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
Implement methods

Ctrl + I

Edit Sample
Edit Operations

Ctrl + I

Jump to quick search field
Finding, searching, and replacing

Ctrl + I

Import audio files
Session and file handling

Ctrl + I

Comodo IceDragon
Bookmarks sidebar
Bookmark Options

Ctrl + I

freedb ... / web source

Ctrl + I

WordPerfect X8

Ctrl + I

Invert selection

Ctrl + I

Mark position

Ctrl + I

Make selected text italic

Ctrl + I

Tekla Structures 20
Open Views list

Ctrl + I

Microsoft PowerPoint (Creating presentations)
Apply italic formatting
Format text: Apple character formatting

Ctrl + I

Inserts a copy of the selected object into the current document
Gallery preview area

Ctrl + I

Italic (markdown)

Ctrl + I

Google Sheets (Android)
Format cells

Ctrl + I

Toogle italic

Ctrl + I