Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Left align

Ctrl + L

All hotkeys for Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)

Basic Navigation
Switch to Mail

Ctrl + 1

Basic Navigation
Switch to Calendar

Ctrl + 2

Basic Navigation
Switch to Contacts

Ctrl + 3

Basic Navigation
Switch to Tasks

Ctrl + 4

Basic Navigation
Switch to Notes

Ctrl + 5

Basic Navigation
Switch to Folder List in Navigation Pane

Ctrl + 6

Basic Navigation
Switch to Shortcuts

Ctrl + 7

Basic Navigation
Switch to next/previous message (with message open)

Ctrl + Period / Ctrl + Comma

Basic Navigation
Move between the Folder Pane, main Outlook window, Reading Pane, and To-Do Bar

Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Shift + Tab

Basic Navigation
Move between the Outlook window, the smaller panes in the Folder Pane, the Reading Pane, and the sections in the To-Do Bar


Basic Navigation
Move between the Outlook window, the smaller panes in the Folder Pane, the Reading Pane, and the sections in the To-Do Bar, and the menu access keys in the Outlook ribbon


Basic Navigation
Move around message header lines in the Folder Pane or an open message

Ctrl + Tab

Basic Navigation
Move around within the Folder Pane

Arrow Keys

Basic Navigation
Go to a different folder

Ctrl + Y

Basic Navigation
Go to the Search box

Ctrl + E or F3

Basic Navigation
In the Reading Pane, go to the previous message

Alt + Arrow Up or Ctrl + , or Alt + Page Up

Basic Navigation
In the Reading Pane, page down/up through text

Space / Shift + Space

Basic Navigation
Collapse or expand a group in the email message list, respectively

Arrow Left Arrow Right

Basic Navigation
Go back to previous view in main Outlook window

Alt +B or Alt + Arrow Left

Basic Navigation
Go forward to next view in main Outlook window

Alt +Arrow Right

Basic Navigation
Select the InfoBar and, if available, show the menu of commands

Ctrl + Shift + W

Find a message or other item

Ctrl + E

Clear the search results


Expand the search to include All Mail Items, All Calendar Items, or All Contact Items, depending on the selected Outlook function

Ctrl + Alt + A

Use Advanced Find

Ctrl + Shift + F

Create a Search Folder

Ctrl + Shift + P

Search for text within an open item


Find and replace text, symbols, or some formatting commands. Works in the Reading Pane on an open item

Ctrl + H

Expand search to include items from the current folder

Ctrl + Alt + K

Expand search to include subfolders

Ctrl + Alt + Z

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Save (except in Tasks)

Ctrl + S or Shift + F12

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Save and close (except in Mail)

Alt + S

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Save as (only in Mail)


Common Commands: Common To Most Views

Ctrl + Z or Alt + Backspace

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Delete an item

Ctrl + D

Common Commands: Common To Most Views

Ctrl + P

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Copy an item

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Move an item

Ctrl + Shift + V

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Check names

Ctrl + K

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Check spelling


Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Flag for follow-up

Ctrl + Shift + G

Common Commands: Common To Most Views

Ctrl + F

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Send or post or invite all

Alt + S

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Enable editing in a field (except in Mail or Icon view)


Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Left align text

Ctrl + L

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Center text

Ctrl + E

Common Commands: Common To Most Views
Right align text

Ctrl + R

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Cut (selected text)

Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Copy (selected text), NOTE: Ctrl+Insert is not available in the Reading Pane

Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Paste (from clipboard)

Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Ctrl + B

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Ctrl + U

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Ctrl + I

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Increase font size

Ctrl + ] or Ctrl + Shift + >

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Decrease font size

Ctrl + [ or Ctrl + Shift + <

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Switch case (selected text)

Shift + F3

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Format letters as small capitals

Ctrl + Shift + K

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Display the Format menu

Alt + O

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Display the Font dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + P

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Add bullets

Ctrl + Shift + L

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Increase Decrease indent

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Left align

Ctrl + L

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor

Ctrl + E

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Clear formatting

Ctrl + Shift + Z or Ctrl + Space

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Delete the next word

Ctrl + Shift + H

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Stretch a paragraph to fit between the margins

Ctrl + Shift + J

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Apply styles

Ctrl + Shift + S

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Create/reduce a hanging indent

Ctrl + T / Ctrl + Shift + T

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Insert a hyperlink

Ctrl + K

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Left/Right align a paragraph

Ctrl + L / Ctrl + R

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Remove paragraph formatting

Ctrl + Q

Common Commands: Format Text and work with Editor
Toggle show/hide formatting marks. Must be in email body for this to work.

Ctrl + Shift + 8

Common Commands: Add Links and Edit URLs
Edit a URL in the body of an item

Ctrl + Left Mouse Click

Common Commands: Add Links and Edit URLs
Insert hyperlink

Ctrl + K

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create an appointment

Ctrl + Shift + A

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a contact

Ctrl + Shift + C

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a contact group

Ctrl + Shift + L

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a fax

Ctrl + Shift + X

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a folder

Ctrl + Shift + E

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a meeting request

Ctrl + Shift + Q

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a message

Ctrl + Shift + M

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a note

Ctrl + Shift + N

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a Microsoft Office document

Ctrl + Shift + H

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Post to this folder

Ctrl + Shift + S

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Post a reply in this folder

Ctrl + T

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a Search Folder

Ctrl + Shift + P

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a task

Ctrl + Shift + K

Common Commands: Create Item or File
Create a task request

Ctrl + Shift + U

Common Commands: Color Categories
Delete the selected category from the list in the Color Categories dialog box

Alt + D

Common Commands: Flags
Open the Flag for Follow Up dialog box to assign a flag

Ctrl + Shift + G

Switch to Inbox

Ctrl + Shift + I

Pop Out email reply in new window

Ctrl + O

Switch to Outbox

Ctrl + Shift + O

Choose the account from which to send a message

Alt + M

Check names

Ctrl + K


Alt + S

Reply to a message

Ctrl + R

Reply all to a message

Ctrl + Shift + R

Reply with meeting request

Ctrl + Alt + R

Forward a message

Ctrl + F

Mark a message as not junk

Ctrl + Alt + J

Display blocked external content (in a message)

Ctrl + Shift + I

Post to a folder

Ctrl + Shift + S

Apply Normal style

Ctrl + Shift + N

Check for new messages

Ctrl + M or F9

Go to the previous message

Arrow Up

Go to the next message

Arrow Down

Create a message (when in Mail)

Ctrl + N

Create a message (from any Outlook view)

Ctrl + Shift + M

Open a received message

Ctrl + O

Delete and Ignore a Conversation

Ctrl + Shift + D

Open the Address Book

Ctrl + Shift + B

Add a Quick Flag to an unopened message


Display the Flag for Follow Up dialog box

Ctrl + Shift + G

Mark as read/unread

Ctrl + Q / Ctrl + U

Open the Mail Tip in the selected message

Ctrl + Shift + W

Find or replace


Find next

Shift + F4


Ctrl + Enter


Ctrl + P


Ctrl + F

Forward as attachment

Ctrl + Alt + F

Show the properties for the selected item

Alt + Enter

Create a multimedia message

Ctrl + Shift + U

Mark for Download

Ctrl + Alt + M

Clear Mark for Download

Ctrl + Alt + U

Display Send/Receive progress

Ctrl + B

Create an appointment (when in Calendar)

Ctrl + N

Create an appointment (in any Outlook view)

Ctrl + Shift + A

Create a meeting request

Ctrl + Shift + Q

Forward an appointment or meeting

Ctrl + F

Reply to a meeting request with a message

Ctrl + R

Reply All to a meeting request with a message

Ctrl + Shift + R

Show 1 day in the calendar

Alt + 1

Show 2 days in the calendar

Alt + 2

Show 3 days in the calendar

Alt + 3

Show 4 days in the calendar

Alt + 3

Show 5 days in the calendar

Alt + 5

Show 6 days in the calendar

Alt + 6

Show 7 days in the calendar

Alt + 7

Show 8days in the calendar

Alt + 8

Show 9 days in the calendar

Alt + 9

Show 10 days in the calendar

Alt + 0

Go to a date

Ctrl + G

Switch to Month view

Alt + = or Ctrl + Alt + 4

Go to the next/previous day

Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left

Go to the next/previous week

Alt + Arrow Down / Alt + Arrow Up

Go to the next/previous month

Alt + Page Down / Alt + Page Up

Go to the start/end of the week

Alt + Home / Alt + End

Switch to Full Week view

Alt + - or Ctrl + Alt + 3

Switch to Work Week view

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Go to previous/next appointment

Ctrl + , or Ctrl + Shift + , / Ctrl + . or Ctrl + Shift + .

Set up recurrence for an open appointment or meeting

Ctrl + G

Dial a new call

Ctrl + Shift + D

Find a contact or other item (Search)

F3 or Ctrl + E

Enter a name in the Search Address Books box


In Table or List view of contacts, go to first contact that starts with a specific letter

Shift + letter

Select all contacts

Ctrl + A

Create a message with selected contact as subject

Ctrl + F

Create a contact (when in Contacts)

Ctrl + N

Create a contact (from any Outlook view)

Ctrl + Shift + C

Open a contact form for the selected contact

Ctrl + O

Create a contact group

Ctrl + Shift + L


Ctrl + P

Update a list of contact group members


Go to a different folder

Ctrl + Y

Open the Address Book

Ctrl + Shift + B

Use Advanced Find

Ctrl + Shift + F

In an open contact, open the next contact listed

Ctrl + Shift + .

Find a contact


Close a contact


Send a fax to the selected contact

Ctrl + Shift + X

Open the Check Address dialog box

Alt + D

In a contact form, under Internet, display the Email 1 information

Alt + Shift + 1

In a contact form, under Internet, display the Email 2 information

Alt + Shift + 2

In a contact form, under Internet, display the Email 3 information

Alt + Shift + 3

People: Electronic Business Cards
Open the Add list

Alt + A

People: Electronic Business Cards
Select text in Label box when the field with a label assigned is selected

Alt + B

People: Electronic Business Cards
Open the Add Card Picture dialog box

Alt + C

People: Electronic Business Cards
Place cursor at beginning of Edit box

Alt + E

People: Electronic Business Cards
Select the Fields box

Alt + F

People: Electronic Business Cards
Select the Image Align drop-down list

Alt + G

People: Electronic Business Cards
Select color palette for background

Alt + K , then Enter

People: Electronic Business Cards
Select Layout drop-down list

Alt + L

People: Electronic Business Cards
Remove a selected field from the Fields box

Alt + R

Accept a task request

Alt + C

Decline a task request

Ctrl + D

Find a task or other item

Ctrl + E

Open the Go to Folder dialog box

Ctrl + Y

Create a task (when in Tasks)

Ctrl + N

Create a task (from any Outlook view)

Ctrl + Shift + K

Open selected item

Ctrl + O

Print selected item

Ctrl + P

Select all items

Ctrl + A

Delete selected item

Ctrl + D

Forward a task as an attachment

Ctrl + F

Create a task request

Ctrl + Shift + Ctrl + U

Switch between the Folder Pane, Tasks list, and To-Do Bar

Tab or Shift + Tab

Undo last action

Ctrl + Z

Flag an item or mark complete


Expand/collapse a single selected group

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Select the previous/next group

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Select the first/last group

Home / End

Select the first item on screen in an expanded group or the first item off screen to the right

Arrow Right

Open Print tab in Backstage view

Alt + F , then P

To print an item from an open window

Alt + F , then F , then 1

Open Page Setup from Print Preview

Alt + S , or Alt + U

To select a printer from Print Preview

Alt + F , then P , then I

To Define Print Styles

Alt + F , then P , then L

To open Print Options

Alt + F , then P , then R

Start a send/receive for all defined Send/Receive groups with Include this group in Send/Receive (F9) selected. This can include headers, full items, specified folders, items less than a specific size, or any combination that you define


Start a send/receive for the current folder, retrieving full items (header, item, and any attachments)

Shift + F9

Start a send/receive

Ctrl + M

Define Send/Receive groups

Ctrl + Alt + S

Play Macro

Alt + F8

Views: Table View
Open an item


Views: Table View
Select all items

Ctrl + A

Views: Table View
Go to the item at the bottom/top of the screen

Page Down / Page Up

Views: Table View
Extend or reduce the selected items by one item

Shift + Arrow Up or Shift + Arrow Down

Views: Table View
Go to the next or previous item without extending the selection

Ctrl + Arrow Up or Ctrl + Arrow Down

Views: Table View
Select or cancel selection of the active item

Ctrl + Space

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Select a specific card in the list (type one or more letters of the name that the card)


View: Business Cards/Address cards
Select the previous/next card

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Select the first/last card in the list

Home / End

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Select the first card on the current/next page

Page Up / Page Down

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Select the closest card in the next/previous column

Arrow Right / Arrow Left

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Select or cancel selection of the active card

Ctrl + Space

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Extend the selection to the previous card and cancel selection of cards after the starting point

Shift + Arrow Up

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Extend the selection to the next card and cancel selection of cards before the starting point

Shift + Arrow Down

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Extend the selection to the previous card, regardless of the starting point

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Extend the selection to the next card, regardless of the starting point.

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Extend the selection to the first/last card in the list

Shift + Home / Shift + End

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Extend the selection to the first/last card on the previous page

Shift + Page Up / Shift + Page Down

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Move to the next/previous field and control (in an open card)

Tab / Shift + Tab

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Close the active card (in an open card)


View: Business Cards/Address cards
Add a line in a multiline field (when a field in a card is selected)


View: Business Cards/Address cards
Move to the beginning/end of a line (when a field in a card is selected)

Home / End

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Move to the beginning/end of a multiline field (when a field in a card is selected)

Page Up / Page Down

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Move to the previous/next line in a multiline field (when a field in a card is selected)

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

View: Business Cards/Address cards
Move to the previous/next character in a field (when a field in a card is selected)

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When an item is selected
Select the previous/next item

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When an item is selected
Select several adjacent items

Shift + Arrow Left or Shift + Arrow Right

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When an item is selected
Select several nonadjacent items

Ctrl + Arrow Left + Space or Ctrl + Arrow Right + Space

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When an item is selected
Open the selected items


View: Timeline (Tasks) - When an item is selected
Select the first/last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group

Home / End

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When an item is selected
Display (without selecting) the first/last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group

Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a group is selected
Expand the group

Enter or Arrow Right

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a group is selected
Collapse the group

Enter or Arrow Left

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a group is selected
Select the previous/next group

Arrow Up Arrow Down

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a group is selected
Select the first/last group on the timeline

Home / End

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a group is selected
Select the first item on screen in an expanded group or the first item off screen to the right

Arrow Right

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a unit of time for days is selected
Move backward/forward in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

View: Timeline (Tasks) - When a unit of time for days is selected
Switch between active view, To-Do Bar, Search and back to active view

Tab and Shift +Tab

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
View from 1 through 9 days

Alt + key for number of days

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
View 10 days

Alt + 0

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
Switch to weeks

Alt + -

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
Switch to months

Alt + =

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
Move between Calendar, TaskPad, and the Folder List

Ctrl + Tab or F6

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
Select the previous appointment

Shift + Tab

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
Go to the previous/next day

Arrow Left / Arrow Right

View: Calendar - Day/Week/Month
Go to the same day in the next/previous week

Alt + Arrow Down / Alt + Arrow Up

View: Calendar - Day View
Select the time that begins your work day


View: Calendar - Day View
Select the time that ends your work day


View: Calendar - Day View
Select the previous/next block of time

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

View: Calendar - Day View
Select the block of time at the top/bottom of the screen

Page Up / Page Down

View: Calendar - Day View
Extend or reduce the selected time

Shift + Arrow Up or Shift + Arrow Down

View: Calendar - Day View
Move an appointment up or down

Alt + Arrow Up or Alt + Arrow Down

View: Calendar - Day View
Change an appointment's start or end time

Alt + Shift + Arrow Up or Alt + Shift + Arrow Down

View: Calendar - Day View
Move selected item to the same day in the next week

Alt + Arrow Down

View: Calendar - Day View
Move selected item to the same day in the previous week

Alt + Arrow Up or Alt + Arrow Down

View: Calendar - Week View
Go to the start/end of work hours for the selected day

Home / End

View: Calendar - Week View
Go up/down one page view in the selected day

Page Up / Page Down

View: Calendar - Week View
Change the duration of the selected block of time

Shift + Arrow Left , Shift + Arrow Right , Shift + Arrow Up , Shift + Arrow Down or Shift + Home or Shift + End

View: Calendar - Month View
Go to the first day of the week


View: Calendar - Month View
Go to the same day of the week in the previous/next page

Page Up / Page Down

Date Navigator
Go to the first/last day of the current week

Alt + Home / Alt + End

Date Navigator
Go to the same day in the previous/next week

Alt + Arrow Up / Alt + Arrow Down

Similar combinations for other applications

Civilization V (Windows)
General Hotkeys

Ctrl + l

VLC Media Player (Windows)
Open PlayList; press again to return to movie.
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands

Ctrl + L

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Jump to Line Number. To hide/show line numbers, press ctrl+F10 and select 'Show Line Numbers'
Navigate in Editor

Ctrl + L

Novell Evolution 2 (Linux)
Reply to list

ctrl + l

Adobe Reader 9 (Linux)
Turn Full Screen Mode on or off
Change View

Ctrl + l

Adobe Reader X (Windows)
Turn Full Screen Mode on or off
Change View

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Insert a table (display Create Table dialog box).
Work with Data Selections - Edit Active or Selected Cells

Ctrl + L

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Right-align / left-align the selected paragraph.
Specific OneNote Shortcuts for Selecting, Editing, and Formatting

ctrl + r / ctrl + l

Firefox (Linux)
Jump to address bar
Address Bar

Alt + D / Ctrl + L

Firefox (Windows)
Jump to address bar
Address Bar

Alt + D / Ctrl + L / F6

Thunderbird (Windows)
Forward Message
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + L

Google Chrome (Windows)
Clear Console
Manage Chrome DevTools - Console Panel

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Align left
Messages in Main View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + L

Thunderbird (Linux)
Forward Message
Compose and Edit Message

Ctrl + L

Google Chrome (Windows)
Set focus to the address bar (highlights the current webpage URL if available)
Address Bar

Ctrl + L / Alt + D

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Delete current line or selection of lines to and add to clipboard
Code Editor - Edit Code

Ctrl + L

Firefox (Linux)
Open Location
Firefox Features

Ctrl + L

Firefox (Windows)
Open Location
Firefox Features

Ctrl + L

Google Chrome (Linux)
Clear Console
Manage Chrome DevTools - Console Panel

Ctrl + L

Tally 9.0 (Windows)
Mark a voucher as Optional or Regular
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Dolphin File Manager 1.7 (Linux)
Show Full location
15 Shortcuts for Dolphin File Manager 1.7 (Linux)

Ctrl + l

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Align left
Messages in Compose View - Format Message Body

Ctrl + L

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Delete current line or selection of lines to and add to clipboard
Coding - Edit Code

Ctrl + L

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Windows)
Slide Show: Hide pointer and button always
40 Shortcuts for Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Insert a table (display Create Table dialog box).
Insert and Edit Data - Edit Active or Selected Cells

Ctrl + L

Microstation v8i (Windows)
Lock element

Ctrl + L

Access 2010 (Windows)
Display Field List pane
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Define a name
Entering data on a sheet

Ctrl + l

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
Open text filter in the filter panel
Accessing Features

Ctrl + L

Sublime Text (Windows)
Select Line,
Navigation - Advanced Selections

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Left align a paragraph.
Character and paragraph formatting Align paragraphs

Ctrl + L

Vuescan (Windows)
Rotate Left
14 Shortcuts for Vuescan (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Calculate occupied space (of the selected files)
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + l

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Define a name
Working in cells or the Formula bar

Ctrl + l

Tekla Structures 14.0 (Windows)
Drawing list
Modeling shortcuts

Ctrl + l

Opera (Linux)
Focus on address bar

Alt + D / Ctrl + E / Ctrl + L / F8

Sublime Text (Windows)
Select Line,
Selections - Advanced Selections

Ctrl + L

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Delete current line or selection of lines to and add to clipboard
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - Edit Code

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Align left
Calendar Shortcuts - Format Message Body

Ctrl + L

Evernote (Windows)
Align current paragraph or selection left
Note Editor

Ctrl + l

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Insert a table (display Create Table dialog box).
Format Data - Edit Active or Selected Cells

Ctrl + L

UltraEdit (Windows)
Replay a macro the specified number of times
Macro Menu

Ctrl + L

Avid Media Composer 7 (Windows)
Decrease / Increase Clip Frame Image (when in Frame View or Script View)
Bin Shortcuts

Ctrl + K / Ctrl + L

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Toggle filters on/off
Rating and Filtering Photos

Ctrl + L

VLC Media Player (MacOS)
Open playlist
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands

Ctrl + L

Access 2010 (Windows)
Display Field List pane
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table

Ctrl + L

Vuescan (Linux)
Rotate Left
12 Shortcuts for Vuescan (Linux)

Ctrl + L

Avid Media Composer 7 (Windows)
Reduce / Enlarge Image (With Source or Record Monitor) or Reduce/Enlarge Track (with Timeline active)

Ctrl + K / Ctrl + L

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Left align a paragraph.
Change Fonts and Formatting

Ctrl + L

Avid Media Composer 7 (Windows)
Increases / Decreases the height of selected track(s).

Ctrl + L / Ctrl + K

iTunes (Windows)
Show the currently playing song in the list
File Menu

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Insert a table (display Create Table dialog box).
Formulas and Names - Edit Active or Selected Cells

Ctrl + L

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Remove special> Silence audio
Edit Menu

Ctrl + L

Notepad2 (Windows)
Launch - Execute document
File Menu

Ctrl + L

Directory Opus (Windows)
Calculate folder sizes
Edit Menu

Ctrl + L

IBM Rational DOORS (Windows)
New Object Below

Ctrl + L

Adobe Reader X (Linux)
Turn Full Screen Mode on or off
Change View

Ctrl + L

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Copy to left...
Actions Menu

Ctrl + L

Gwenview (Linux)
Rotate the current image to the left.
30 Shortcuts for Gwenview (Linux)

Ctrl + L

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Copy to left
Edit Menu

Ctrl + L

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Move to cursor
Edit Menu

Ctrl + L

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
New - Icon library
File Menu

Ctrl + L

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Take left
Edit Menu - Text Merge

Ctrl + L

WinRAR (Windows)
View log...
Options Menu

Ctrl + L

FL Studio (Windows)
Link selected channels to selected mixer track

Ctrl + L

Qt Creator (Windows)
Go to line

Ctrl + L

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Go to line

Ctrl + L

Pro Tools (Windows)
Edit lock/unlock
Clip Menu

Ctrl + L

Adobe Flash Professional (Windows)
Show/Hide Library

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Left-align paragraph
Format Paragraphs and Apply Styles

Ctrl + L

Access 2010 (Windows)
Display Field List pane
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table

Ctrl + L

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Calculation
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + L

Linux Mint (Linux)
Focus the location bar
File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories

Ctrl + L

Qt Creator (Windows)
Lay out vertically

Ctrl + L

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Select line
Editing Lines

Ctrl + l

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Insert a table (display Create Table dialog box).
The Rest - Edit Active or Selected Cells

Ctrl + L

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Select line
Editing Lines

Ctrl + L

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Lay out vertically

Ctrl + L

Amazon Music Player (Windows)
Now Playing
13 Shortcuts for Amazon Music Player (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Delete Current Line
Edit menu

Ctrl + L

FL Studio (Windows)
Quick legato
Piano Roll Action

Ctrl + L

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Align Right/ Left

Ctrl + R / Ctrl + L

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Format italic
Instant Messaging

Ctrl + L

FreeMeta (Windows)
Load freemeta last project.
FreeMeta software all shortcut keys

Ctrl + L

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Adjust Levels
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Image Basics

Ctrl + L

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Calculation
Text Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + L

Sonos Controller (Windows)
Scroll to current song in queue
22 Shortcuts for Sonos Controller (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Clink (Windows)
BASH (GNU Readline) Line Editing

Ctrl + L

Access 2010 (Windows)
Display Field List pane
The Rest - Pivot Table

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows)
Clear errors, warnings, information (on Performance tab)
Developer Tools (the following shortcuts are only applicable within the Developer Tools section)

Ctrl + L

Corel VideoStudio X9.5 (Windows)
Runtime Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Left Align selected text
Edit and General Text Operations

Ctrl + L

Plex (Windows)
Switch to previous subtitle track
Graphics(Audio/Video) Control

Ctrl + L

Plex (MacOS)
Switch to previous subtitle track
Graphics(Audio/Video) Control

Ctrl + L

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Toggle filters on/off
Rating and Filtering Photos

Ctrl + L

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Clipping Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Lock / Unlock all Layers

Ctrl + L / Ctrl + Shift + L

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)
Load nozzle

Ctrl + L

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Assign Calculation
Database Management Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Ctrl + L

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Adjust Levels
Manage Panels - Image Basics

Ctrl + L

Finale (Windows)
Lock System
Utility Menu

Ctrl + L

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Layout mode
Switch Modes

Ctrl + L

Nuke 10 (Windows)
Copy Links
Curve Editor

Ctrl + L

Nuke 10 (Linux)
Copy Links
Curve Editor

Ctrl + L

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Go to line
Edit Commands(Text)

Ctrl + L

Anime Studio (Windows)
Enable onion skins
View Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Layer Settings

Ctrl + L

Zoho Writer (Windows)
To Justify Left
Format Tab

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Left Align selected text
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations

Ctrl + L

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
Show links

Ctrl + L

Age of Empires (Windows)
Go to Stable
Game Commands

Ctrl + L

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Lock/unlock an object
Object Menu

Ctrl + L

Zoho Show (Windows)
Left align
Formatting Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

AutoCAD 2016 (Windows)
Toggles Ortho mode

Ctrl + L

Ace Projects (Windows)
Go to line
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

GIMP (Linux)
Dockable Dialogs

Ctrl + L

GIMP (Windows)
Dockable Dialogs

Ctrl + L

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Lock/unlock an audio file
Audio List Controls

Ctrl + L

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Center the cursor or selection in the visible area.
Document Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

AutoCad Architecture 2017 (Windows)
Ortho mode
Alphabest combination

Ctrl + L

Act! CRM (Windows)
Schedule Call
Activity Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Sublime Text (Linux)
Select Line(Repeat to select next lines)
General Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Lock/unlock an object

Ctrl + L

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Center current line vertically in page
Scrolling Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Google Blogger (Web Application)
Format Selected text as blockquote
15 Shortcuts for Google Blogger (Web Application)

Ctrl + L

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Toggle Layer Guides
Canvas View

Ctrl + L

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)
Go to Line number…
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Show/Hide Libraries
Windows Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Autodesk SketchBook Pro (Windows)
Add New Layer

Ctrl + L

Red Hat Enterprise (Linux)
Moves the cursor to the browser's address field
Web Browser

Ctrl + L

BrainSuite (Windows)
Toggle ROI Labels
Main Window

Ctrl + L

Bash (Linux)
Clear Screen

Ctrl + L

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Show or hide the Library panel for this document
Miscellaneous Action

Ctrl + L

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Max Brush Level
Terrain Editing

Ctrl + L

Bash (Linux)
Clear Screen
Process Controls

Ctrl + L

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Show Objects as Mesh

Ctrl + L

Adobe RoboHelp (Windows)
Change Index keyword to Lowercase
Index Designer

Ctrl + L

Blender 3D (Windows)
Link Selected
Object Mode

Ctrl + L

Blender 3D (Windows)
A PopUp with User Choices
Object Mode

Ctrl + L

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Left Align
Text Formatting

Ctrl + L

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
Repeat Last Command
Edit Menu

Ctrl + L

Steinberg Cubase 9 (Windows)
Move to cursor

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Define a name
Enter data on a sheet

Ctrl + L

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
Justift Left
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Define a name
Work in cells or the Formula bar

Ctrl + L

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Left Align Text
Text Formatting

Ctrl + L

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Left justification
Text Formatting

Ctrl + L

Opera (Windows)
Left adjust text in form

Ctrl + L

Kingsoft Presentation 2016 (Windows)
Align Left
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Flock (Windows)
Select location bar

Ctrl + L

Kingsoft Writer 2016 (Windows)
Align Left

Ctrl + L

Brackets (Windows)
To Lower Case
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + L

MusicBee (Windows)
Auto Tag by Track Update Tags

Ctrl + L

Kingsoft Presentation 2016 (Windows)
Go back to Previous Slide

Ctrl + L

Chief Architect (Windows)
Library Tools - Library Browser
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Poser Pro (Windows)
Fly around

Ctrl + L

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Sync the selected object to the playhead
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Krita Painting 3 (Windows)

Ctrl + L

WinSCP 5 (Windows)
Deselect all files
File Selection

Ctrl + L

Forte (Windows)
Launch in Browser
Main Browser Window

Ctrl + L

MetaTrader MT4 (Windows)
Show/Hide Volumes
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

vSphere Client (Windows)
New Cluster
New Item

Ctrl + L

Zerodha Trader (Windows)
Message Bar
For Market Watch and Other Settings on User Interface

Ctrl + L

MediaMonkey (Windows)
Auto-Tag from Amazon
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Forte (Windows)
Send Later
Composition Window

Ctrl + L

Maxthon (Web Application)
Open a URL

Ctrl + L

qBittorrent (Windows)
Lock qBittorrent
View Menu

Ctrl + L

Vuze (Windows)
Popup 'Open URL' window
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Soundforge (Windows)
Enable locking markers, regions, and envelope points to selection
Data Window

Ctrl + L

Libreoffice Writer (Windows)
Align Left

Ctrl + L

DITA CMS (Windows)
Import Localization Package
22 Shortcuts for DITA CMS (Windows)

Ctrl + L

XYplorer (Windows)
Lock Location
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Pegasus Mail (Web Application)
Mail folders...
File menu

Ctrl + L

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Layer Settings
Format Menu

Ctrl + L

Aptana Studio 3 (Windows)
Hump to Line
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

eSignal (Windows)
Insert List
49 Shortcuts for eSignal (Windows)

Ctrl + L

ProRealTime (Windows)
Display Menu

Ctrl + L

Synfig (Windows)
Toggle grid snap
73 Shortcuts for Synfig (Windows)

Ctrl + L

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Load UI Config File
Load UI and Config

Ctrl + L

CrazyTalk 8 (Windows)
Turn the standby motion of the selected model on/off
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Copy and Move Drawing
Tools Menu

Ctrl + L

Pencil2D (Windows)
57 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Tableau (Windows)
Flip orientation of column labels at bottom of view

Ctrl + L

Anim8or (Windows)
List Items
Top Toolbar Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

GeoModeller3D (Windows)
Float or dock the Points List Editor
Points List

Ctrl + L

RStudio (Windows)
Clean console

Ctrl + L

RStudio (MacOS)
Clean console

Ctrl + L

Rhino (Windows)
Default Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Zwift (PC and macOS)
Run parse-zwift-logs.ahk

Ctrl + L

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Find again
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Solid Edge (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Auto ripple mode
Timeline and Track List

Ctrl + L

Putty (Windows)
Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command
16 Shortcuts for Putty (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Spotify (Windows)
Give focus to search field

Ctrl + L

Titanium (Windows)
To Given Line

Ctrl + L

TurboCAD (Windows)
Select all entities on the active layer
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + L

OpenSCAD (MacOS)
Scroll to center view on current line
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Alphacam (Windows)
List NC
Regular Commands

Ctrl + L

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Line cut.

Ctrl + L

ChessBase 13
Show games list of the selected database
Database window

Ctrl + L

FlashFXP (Web Application)
Switch between local and remote file browser
54 Shortcuts for FlashFXP (Web Application)

Ctrl + L

Surfcam (Windows)
Display the Layers dialog box
60 Shortcuts for Surfcam (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Geany (Linux)
Go to line
Moving around in the document

Ctrl + L

Geany (Windows)
Go to line
Moving around in the document

Ctrl + L

CuteFTP (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Place surface on bed
Edit menu

Ctrl + L

PSPad (Windows)
Show / Hide LOG window

Ctrl + L

Lock Location
View Menu

Ctrl + L

VariCAD (Windows)
Hot Keys

Ctrl + L

Moldflow Insight (Windows)
Viewing Functions

Ctrl + L

Delete Line
Plugin: Editor

Ctrl + L

Focus address field

Ctrl + L

RStudio (Mac)
Clear console

Ctrl + L

Clear console

Ctrl + L

SAP Web IDE (Windows)
Go to Line
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Chromebook (Linux)
Select everything in the address bar
34 Shortcuts for Chromebook (Linux)

Ctrl + L

PhotoFiltre (Windows)
Show / Hide the tool pallet

Ctrl + L

Cobalt (Windows)
At Level
70 Shortcuts for Cobalt (Windows)

Ctrl + L / NumPad +

Roblox Studio
Toggle local / world coordinates
Selecting and Editing Parts

Ctrl + L

Gmsh 4.1.4
Show message console

Ctrl + L

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Loop Selection
Arrangement View Ctrls

Ctrl + L

GibbsCAM (Windows)
View Menu

Ctrl + L

ArtRage 4.5 5 (Windows)
New Layer

Ctrl + L

Assetto Corsa
Toggle opponents name

Ctrl + L

Cisco IOS
Reprint the line

Ctrl + L

KiCAD (Linux)
Load Board

Ctrl + L

KiCAD (Windows)
Load Board

Ctrl + L

SpaceClaim (Windows)
Locate Spin center
71 Shortcuts for SpaceClaim (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Vectorworks (Windows)
Rotate Left 90
Modify Menu

Ctrl + L

Inkscape (Windows)

Ctrl + L

View log
Options menu

Ctrl + L

Arduino (Linux)
Go to Line
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Linux)

Ctrl + L

Arduino (Windows)
Go to Line
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Modo (Windows)
Split face by selected vertices

Ctrl + L

Select current layer
Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + L

KiCad 5.0.2
Run LibEdit
KiCad Manager

Ctrl + L

Loop clip

Ctrl + L

Parts list

Ctrl + L

Affinity Photo
Levels (Adjustment)
Adjustment and Filter shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Pidgin (Linux)
View User Log
Buddies Menu

Ctrl + L

Target 3001! (Windows)
Edit PCB Layers
Library and Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Find an invoice
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Ctrl + L

Pidgin (Linux)
Clear Scrollback

Ctrl + L

TopSolid (Windows)
Show Layers Dialog Box
Operation Manager

Ctrl + L

Brave Browser (Windows)
Focus URL Bar
Page Navigation and Display

Ctrl + L

MuseScore (Windows)
Enter Lyrics on a Note
Lyrics Entry shortcuts

Ctrl + L

BricsCAD (Windows)
Toggles the Ortho setting
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

BricsCAD (Linux)
Toggles the Ortho setting
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

DraftSight (Windows)
Toggles Ortho mode during command execution
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
Hide/Show the UI Library

Ctrl + L

Aspire (Windows)
Opens the Layers Tab
Tab Navigation

Ctrl + L

VCarve Pro (Windows)
Opens the Layers Tab
Tab Navigation

Ctrl + L

Toggle the Logo on and off
Show control

Ctrl + L

Tinkercad (Windows)
26 Shortcuts for Tinkercad (Windows)

Ctrl + L

PRTG Network Monitor
View > Large single graph
Enterprise console

Ctrl + L

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)
Cut/Plot or Engrave
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

SuperMemo (Windows)
Learn in Element Window
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Ctrl + L

Cisco Jabber
Do not answer calls
Incoming calls

Ctrl + L

Altium Designer (Windows)
Align Selective
CAM Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + L

JS Bin
Clear the console
Application level

Ctrl + L

Ableton Live 10
Toggle Loop Selection
Arrangement view commands

Ctrl + L

Open Lacerte E-mail
Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens

Ctrl + L

Flip orientation of column labels at bottom of view
Authoring views (Tableau Desktop)

Ctrl + L

Google Chrome
Jump to the address bar
Address bar

Ctrl + L

Altium Designer (Windows)
Find next instance of searched text
Common Shortcuts

F3 / Ctrl + L

Reply to list
Mail Component - Preview Pane

Ctrl + L

Claws Mail
Wrap current paragraph
Compose window

Ctrl + L

Open or play location
Main window

Ctrl + L

QuickBooks Desktop
If the cursor is in a field that has a drop-down list, such as selecting the item in an invoice details line, this will open the list associated with that drop-down.
Opening Windows/List

Ctrl + L
Lock / unlock

Ctrl + L

Siemens NX
Layer settings
Format menu

Ctrl + L

Log out from the game
Control Buttons

Ctrl + L

Shotcut (Mac)
Toggle Lock track

Ctrl + L

Toggle Lock track

Ctrl + L

Ace Editor
Go to line
Go to

Ctrl + L

Lock Telegram (if local password is set)

Ctrl + L

Quicken 2018
Go to the Tag List
Features and lists

Ctrl + L

Adobe Illustrator
Add a layer
Layers panel

Ctrl + L

Adobe Bridge CC
View menu

Ctrl + L

UiPath Studio
Opens the folder where the Log files are stored
File Management

Ctrl + L

ArtRage Studio Pro
Add New Layer
Layer Commands

Ctrl + L

Evernote for Windows
Note Editor

Ctrl + L

Total War: Attila
Quick load
Campaign map

Ctrl + L

Bash (Unix shell)
Clear the screen
Controlling the screen

Ctrl + L

ActivePresenter 7
Align text left

Ctrl + L

Atom (Windows)
All shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Toggle filters on/off
Rating and filtering photos

Ctrl + L

Go to line.
Moving the caret

Ctrl + L

View the selected password in Large Type.
1Password application

Ctrl + L

PaintShop Pro 2018
Paste as new layer
Shortcuts with Ctrl

Ctrl + L

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018

Ctrl + L

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Show or hide the Library panel for this document
Miscellaneous actions

Ctrl + L

Bluebeam Revu
Document security

Ctrl + L

Adobe Dimension CC (Windows)
Object menu

Ctrl + L

Logo Accounting
Lock the program. A password will be need to unlock

Ctrl + L

Nuance Power PDF
Toggle between full screen and previous zoom value

Ctrl + L

ZenWriter 2
Left alignment

Ctrl + L

Load subtitles

Ctrl + L

Don't Starve (PC)
Show log

Ctrl + L

Cross link

Ctrl + L

PDF-XChange Editor
Show/Hide the Layers pane

Ctrl + L

Microsoft FrontPage
Left align a paragraph.
Format text and paragraphs

Ctrl + L

Autodesk SketchBook (Windows)
Add layer (layers mode)

Ctrl + L

Copy Links
Curve editor / dope sheet

Ctrl + L

Align left

Ctrl + L


Ctrl + L

Convert the selected text to lower case
Editing files

Ctrl + L

Oracle EBS Forms
List of values

Ctrl + L

Hatim 4
Open the record list. Select your record you want to listen with up and down arrows and press Enter

Ctrl + L

Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Clear the terminal. It does the same thing as typing clear in the command line

Ctrl + L

Arch Linux
Clear the screen
Terminal: Readline

Ctrl + L

KDE Plasma Desktop
Replace Location
Working with files

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Word 2016
Left align a paragraph
Change paragraph alignment

Ctrl + L

Lookup Reference

Ctrl + L

Corel Painter
Load nozzle
Brush controls

Ctrl + L

Riffstation Desktop
Load session

Ctrl + L

Adobe XD (Windows)
Object menu

Ctrl + L

Chromebook and Chrome OS
Select the content in the address bar
Text editing

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Most used shortcuts)
[Text Editor] Edit.LineCut

Ctrl + L

To Lower Case

Ctrl + L


Ctrl + L

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)
Trim Monitor panel

Ctrl + L

Comodo IceDragon
Select Location Bar

Ctrl + L

freedb (local) ...

Ctrl + L

Fill block
Edit menu

Ctrl + L

GNU Emacs
Scroll current line to center, top, bottom

Ctrl + L

Insert a link to the selected page
Side pane tree

Ctrl + L

Select all in loop range

Ctrl + L

WordPerfect X8
Justift Left

Ctrl + L

LibreOffice Writer
Align Left

Ctrl + L

Microsoft PowerPoint (Creating presentations)
Left align a paragraph
Format text: Align paragraphs

Ctrl + L

Select line Repeat to select next line

Ctrl + L

Qt Creator
Lay out vertically

Ctrl + L

Tekla Structures 20
Open drawing list

Ctrl + L

Options: Show all takes in lanes (when room)
Section: Main

Ctrl + L

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
Timeline.Lock (Blend only)
XAML UI Designer

Ctrl + L

Field type

Ctrl + L

Redraw the Current Prompt and Any Text Entered
Command line interface

Ctrl + L

NewsBin Pro
Show posts from a selected newsgroup
Groups tab

Ctrl + L

Multi Commander
View - Log Panel
Core shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Sublime Text
Select line - Repeat to select next lines

Ctrl + L

Insert/Edit Link
Composition shortcuts

Ctrl + L

Open a URL

Ctrl + L

Increase node font size
Node formatting commands

Ctrl + L

Popup 'Open URL' window

Ctrl + L

Sumatra PDF
Enter presentation mode
Viewing state

Ctrl + L

Jump to line number
Navigation in editor window

Ctrl + L

Lock selection

Ctrl + L

League of Legends
Cycle through minion health bar views

Ctrl + L